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Need help getting to Arena Gold

Need help getting to Arena Gold

Mar 12, 2022, 18:0403/12/22

Need help getting to Arena Gold

Right now I'm running 6 star Zavia, Kael, Farahkin, and Deacon.  I just got Vergis and Apo(both 5star) (also have Armina/Alek/Gor/WM/Khatun but I don't think they'll help me get to Gold).  What is my ideal Arena setup?

Mar 12, 2022, 18:0803/12/22

You should post a screenshot with your full roster. It's hard to give you a solid answer with just a few champs to think about.

Mar 12, 2022, 18:1303/12/22


Mar 12, 2022, 18:2003/12/22

That's your entire roster? Do you have other champs in your vault? That feels awfully thin to be everyone you own.

You have a bunch of great champs, but they don't really work amazingly together unfortunately. Fatman is amazing, but he requires champs with AOE A1 attacks, who you don't really have.

I think I would probably go with:

Gorg lead, Deacon, Khatun, Zavia

Stats to aim for:

Khatun: Fastest of your champs. 270+ SPD. Other stats don't matter

Gorg: Second fastest. Tune for no cut-in using arena tuners.

Deacon: Third fastest. Again, tune for no cut-in, but this time, you also want to focus on ACC

Zavia: Slowest of the set, once again tuned for no cut-in. All of her stats will be going into CR% to reach 100%, and then ATK% and CDMG%. If possible, use CDMG gloves, ATK% chest, ATK% boots. If you can't reach the required speed with ATK% boots, use SPD boots. If you can't reach the required CR with CDMG gloves, use CR gloves.

If you can dig around and see if you have any champs with AOE provoke, freeze, or stun, I can make a much better team for you. 

Mar 12, 2022, 18:2603/12/22

I'm about 65 days in?  Haven't been feeding any solid rares (I watch Hell Hades to see if a champion is solid to keep or is just food).  My deacon is at 210 speed (my fastest so far).  I can gear up Khatun to probably near 200.

I didn't 6star Khatun and Gorg because I read that 5star is adequate?  working on 6Star Apo then Vergis

Mar 12, 2022, 18:3003/12/22

I'm about 65 days in?  Haven't been feeding any solid rares (I watch Hell Hades to see if a champion is solid to keep or is just food).  My deacon is at 210 speed (my fastest so far).  I can gear up Khatun to probably near 200.

I didn't 6star Khatun and Gorg because I read that 5star is adequate?  working on 6Star Apo then Vergis

The difference between 5 and 6 star is mainly down to opening up the banner slot. That's incredibly important for speed boosters, because banner is another place for a speed substat. But if you aren't advanced enough to be able to farm for banners, that benefit doesn't really help you.

The numbers I gave you, though, are ... probably the baseline to go with. 210 speed is nowhere close to fast enough for gold. You could *maybe* get away with as low as 250 if everyone else is tuned properly, since there's a good chance your opponents won't be properly tuned. But anything lower and you're just toast.

Mar 12, 2022, 18:3203/12/22

Got it.  I'll work on getting that speed up.  Thanks for your advice.