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Arena Frustration

Arena Frustration

Mar 7, 2022, 14:5403/07/22

Arena Frustration

I have been playing the game for six months and I am very active.  I am making decent progress in Arena and this week I actually slipped into Gold II for about 30 minutes! LOL 

My frustration is that 60-70% of the teams I face have Arbiter in the lead.  Why do I have to fight through all these teams that have already made it to Gold IV and now just farm Gold I - III.

I would love it if you could find a way to allow players to compete against other newer players until they have completed the arena missions, then throw them into the deep end of the pool against all the arena farming teams.

Just a suggestion.  I don't really mind the pace of progress, simply the fact that so many players I face already have arbiter... did they have to fight through arbiter teams to get there?  Maybe, but was it fun?  Not as much as it could be :) 

Mar 7, 2022, 15:4503/07/22

Hi Michael, I have the exact same frustration.  Mostly seeing Arbiter teams in my fight path.  To your point, they may have had a different path to get Arbiter then we have.  I have mostly given up for now progressing Arena.  I stay in Gold 1 getting medals for my Great Hall.  

Mar 7, 2022, 15:5103/07/22

It's down to their stupid matchmaking algorithm, not every team has Arbiter but for some reason known only to them or their puppets that's what you get matched against

I'm G1 and fed up with the teams it brings back for me to fight (lose to)

Mar 7, 2022, 15:5503/07/22

Many of the older players (myself included) benefited from "bots" that were easy to win against. The new Gold 5 rank was Plarium's attempt to alleivate the Arbiter climb. I'm not convinced it's really working, though - technically, it should be "easy" for endgame players to get into G5, but pretty much nobody in my clan is there.

Still - you can all feel free to create a new thread and post your rosters, and we can see if there are teams that will get you there.

Mar 7, 2022, 16:2603/07/22

Many of the older players (myself included) benefited from "bots" that were easy to win against. The new Gold 5 rank was Plarium's attempt to alleivate the Arbiter climb. I'm not convinced it's really working, though - technically, it should be "easy" for endgame players to get into G5, but pretty much nobody in my clan is there.

Still - you can all feel free to create a new thread and post your rosters, and we can see if there are teams that will get you there.

Yep that's what's in my clans chat as well - G4 players are still G4 and G5 seems like an extension of Platinum with worse rewards - apparently you have to get from 2900 - 3500 in a week which is double most tier promotions - crazy!

Mar 7, 2022, 16:2903/07/22

The challenge isn't so much reaching 3500. I can easily get to 3500. The problem is staying there. As with every other bracket, the points immediately around an arena rank are always *much* more challenging, because those who are almost over the rank will constantly be fighting those who are just over it.

In order to remain above 3500, I'd realistically have to climb to around 3650+, and I just don't have the patience for that. But it'll happen eventually, likely just naturally from playing. As more players move into there, it'll be easier for other players to climb in. Once you actually get to G5, staying there is likely quite easy.

Mar 7, 2022, 16:4303/07/22
Mar 7, 2022, 16:45(edited)

The challenge isn't so much reaching 3500. I can easily get to 3500. The problem is staying there. As with every other bracket, the points immediately around an arena rank are always *much* more challenging, because those who are almost over the rank will constantly be fighting those who are just over it.

In order to remain above 3500, I'd realistically have to climb to around 3650+, and I just don't have the patience for that. But it'll happen eventually, likely just naturally from playing. As more players move into there, it'll be easier for other players to climb in. Once you actually get to G5, staying there is likely quite easy.

It is not QUITE easy. G5 is actually the Warlord/Tormin show it seems. And Vogoth, blech.

But......... I have managed to stay there with just my daily tokens so far. And it is exactly as you say, I try to climb to 3650+ in the first couple of days, maybe 3. Then I spend a couple fights a day just hanging out in that 3650+ range.

Focusing on targeting teams ranked well above me, when I get a page that has a couple of them, and getting those +16 victories....that has definitely helped. 

Mar 7, 2022, 17:0803/07/22

As other already pointed out G4 didn't get any easier with the introduction of g5. It seems to maybe of gotten harder or the algorithms changed with that g5 patch.

The only fix to arena is to make it a real ladder or elo system.

The only bandaid fix is to just bring the bots back.

Mar 7, 2022, 17:2703/07/22

@Krama, you helped me alot a few months back with my arena team and helped get me to gold 1.  I can't compete any further up so I'm thinking to build a go second team around Cardinal and Seeker - thougths or alternative suggestions:



Mar 7, 2022, 17:3203/07/22
Mar 7, 2022, 17:33(edited)

You  should try  to  improve yourself.

Arena  is  working as  intended.

The  problem is  not  with  the  game.

The  problem is  with  the  user.

The  game  acknowledged a  brief  hiccup  in  the  match  making  system  when  they  introduced Gold  5,  but  that  has  rebalanced  itself.

I  can  give  first  hand  accounts of  when  the  system  was  in  chaos  vs.  It  now  running smoothly.

Here  is  the  picture:


If  you  want to  get  better,  you  should  post  your  rooster.

Mar 7, 2022, 17:4003/07/22

@Krama, you helped me alot a few months back with my arena team and helped get me to gold 1.  I can't compete any further up so I'm thinking to build a go second team around Cardinal and Seeker - thougths or alternative suggestions:



@Trekkie, you have a whole pile of champs who would be fantastic on go-first teams, but unfortunately you're missing that key lead.

I think Cardinal is a very viable option - but it absolutely requires Stoneshield to be effective. Have you got enough pieces yet for that? If you do, what I would build is:

Cardinal - *very* high resist, we're talking 400+. Decently fast too, hopefully 200+ SPD. Stoneshield set.

Seer - faster than the next two, 300+ ACC, rest of the stats don't really matter as much, but if you have spare points, put them into CDMG and CRATE.

Ma'Shalled - third fastest, highish ACC - 200+, rest of the stats into damage

Candraphon - slowest of the four. Stats go entirely into offense - CRATE, CDMG, ATK%. Other stats are completely irrelevant.

Mar 7, 2022, 17:4803/07/22
Mar 7, 2022, 17:50(edited)

Firstly, Player J, I would appreciate you never replying to one of my posts again.  I don't need your BS and your uselessness.  @Mods - I would like to see an ignore user option on this site.

@Krama, thank you for being wonderful and helpful.  I have about 5 tier 4 blue stoneshield, I would hate to move them to L16.  I'm thinking of using an Immunity/resist combo on Cardinal.  I really just need him to survive for 1-2 rounds and do his thing.  I was thinking Candy as one of my guys.  Ma'shalled I use on my CB team and have him geared as Stalwart set.  

I was thinking this-  Candy go first (increase attack), I need a second nuker - working on it.  Seeker go third (fastest on team) to further protect Cardinal with passive.

Cardinal does his revive.  Seeker goes first, places buffs, Candy and second nuker go.

Mar 7, 2022, 17:5903/07/22

Firstly, Player J, I would appreciate you never replying to one of my posts again.  I don't need your BS and your uselessness.  @Mods - I would like to see an ignore user option on this site.

@Krama, thank you for being wonderful and helpful.  I have about 5 tier 4 blue stoneshield, I would hate to move them to L16.  I'm thinking of using an Immunity/resist combo on Cardinal.  I really just need him to survive for 1-2 rounds and do his thing.  I was thinking Candy as one of my guys.  Ma'shalled I use on my CB team and have him geared as Stalwart set.  

I was thinking this-  Candy go first (increase attack), I need a second nuker - working on it.  Seeker go third (fastest on team) to further protect Cardinal with passive.

Cardinal does his revive.  Seeker goes first, places buffs, Candy and second nuker go.

Sorry, but Stoneshield is essential. Without it, your likelihood of having Cardinal survive in time to revive is significantly diminished.

You probably don't need to take all of them to level 16. Top-row items especially, can likely be left at 12.

If Salad is used elsewhere, I'd suggest using Alek if he is booked on his A2 to have 100% DEF Down, and Armina if not. Goal is to have Seer remove any block debuffs and shields, then Armina will DEF down and Candraphon will provide the finisher. It will take some playing around, though, to ensure that you actually get Candy to nuke before they get a turn.

Mar 7, 2022, 18:1003/07/22

So - Candy, Seer, Armina, Cardinal (in stoneskin).

This could work real nice - I can tune once revive occurs to have Seer go first, following by Armina then Candy.

Thanks. I could have this setup very soon as Armina and Candy are ready to go and fully booked/mastered.

Do you think I need to book Cardinal given she only needs to hit her revive once?

Mar 7, 2022, 18:2703/07/22

So - Candy, Seer, Armina, Cardinal (in stoneskin).

This could work real nice - I can tune once revive occurs to have Seer go first, following by Armina then Candy.

Thanks. I could have this setup very soon as Armina and Candy are ready to go and fully booked/mastered.

Do you think I need to book Cardinal given she only needs to hit her revive once?

Nope, no need to book her, or Seer for that matter. Armina only needs A2 fully booked. Candy highly recommend full booking.

Mar 7, 2022, 18:3003/07/22

Nope, no need to book her, or Seer for that matter. Armina only needs A2 fully booked. Candy highly recommend full booking.

I agree with this suggestion. Candy is the only one who would really benefit from full books. 

Mar 7, 2022, 18:3803/07/22

Thanks for all the great feedback and help @krama, @Harbby :)