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6 Starring Advice

6 Starring Advice

Mar 3, 2022, 05:2203/03/22

6 Starring Advice

Hey all,

Considering 6 starring one of the following champs to progress further in their respective faction wars.





Karato Fox

Right now my gut says to go with Demthya because she's such a great champion on paper. She could help in my dwarves faction team which is currently on level 19. Team consists of Grizzled Jarl, Rockbreaker, Gala, Melga and Fodbar (only Melga is 60 and Demthya would replace rockbreaker). She seems great no matter where you use her and can be part of an unkillable team. My only reserves are:

1. I already have an unkillabe team and redesigning it would take time and additional speed gear.

2. I have a fully booked Roshcard the Tower, so I don't know if this makes her repetitive.

My 2nd choice would be Burangi because he's good on certain DT bosses.

The other 3 would be just to add another 60 to my faction war teams.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mar 3, 2022, 07:4703/03/22


A few questions: 

1) would it be possible to see your entire roster?

2) what is your current clan boss team and how much damage is it doing on which difficulties?

I am also leaning Demytha. She can even be useful in Doom Tower waves (and some boss fights, for that matter), if you need a slower/more defensive comp. 

Mar 3, 2022, 21:3403/03/22

Attached is my current roster. I'm slowly leveling up my dup Prince K and Duchesses, but I don't have gear to really make use of them at the moment (i.e. about 250 speed). The others that were previously listed I do.



Mar 3, 2022, 22:0303/03/22

And to answer your other question, my Unkillable team consists of:

Maneater, Frozen Banshee, Gravechill, Kreela and Painkeeper.

On NM, I can get 39mil to 41mil per key on blue or void affinity. On red (negative affinity), I get between 25mil and 28mil per key. Spirit affinity I get about 36 to 38mil, but I have to swap out Gravechill for a different champ, otherwise the stun targetting gets thrown off. 

My clan doesn't get UNM pass 50%, so I've only tested my team on void affinity. I can usually get 35mil to 37mil per key.

Mar 3, 2022, 23:3803/03/22

I  use  elder  skage  in  many  places even  deadwood  did   an amazing  clan  boss  team  with  him  at  one  point  

Mar 4, 2022, 01:2103/04/22

And to answer your other question, my Unkillable team consists of:

Maneater, Frozen Banshee, Gravechill, Kreela and Painkeeper.

On NM, I can get 39mil to 41mil per key on blue or void affinity. On red (negative affinity), I get between 25mil and 28mil per key. Spirit affinity I get about 36 to 38mil, but I have to swap out Gravechill for a different champ, otherwise the stun targetting gets thrown off. 

My clan doesn't get UNM pass 50%, so I've only tested my team on void affinity. I can usually get 35mil to 37mil per key.

Sweet account. Quite a few good long term choices, too. Shamael, Visix, Yoshi, Umbral, among others (on top of the ones you mentioned). Ultimately depends on what you're trying to improve on at any given time. I think for overall content and FW it's Demy or Karato. 

I think eventually you're going to end up with a Demy centered comp (if you're down to do the regearing and all the comes with it), whether with Maneater, or with Roshcard. I'm not sure if you've gotten a chance to take a look at some of the speed tunes out there, but you can head here:

Who do you use as your affinity swap? Rhazin? Also as it pertains to DPS now or later, I think getting Gravechill out for Ninja or Turvold is likely quite worth it, though it will depend on booking too. 

Mar 4, 2022, 06:5903/04/22

Went through the deadwood links and found an unkillable team comp that I could pull off and would potentially be better. It would be a myth-tower comp with Demytha, The Tower, Doompriest, Ninja and Septimus. Ninja would have his decrease defense debuff and Septimus would be able to extend it with his passive. I'd be losing the poison stacks from Frozen Banshee, but I'm hoping the raw damage of the other two  champs would make up for it.

What's nice aobut this setup is it would be fully auto and nearly affinity proof. I have some concern with Roth getting the stun, but if Ninja is in there with lower HP and defense, I would assume he would be the target.

So yes, going to give this a try. Demytha it is.