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Arena support needed

Arena support needed

Mar 2, 2022, 21:2003/02/22

Arena support needed


i`m a little bit tired with arena fighting and have no ideea how to go on, f.e. to get arbiter in missions.

Pls help, most of my staff 


Now i`m using

Genbo - 182 speed, Armina - 267, seeker 300, and Leorius 250 or Ninja 210 (Great Hall 9/10 atk for magic)

second set- if oponent is fast but week - seeker 300, scyl, Helior and rector

Few months ago i was in G3 quite easy with weaker team than today, now i can sometimes reach G2 and my mission are on the same place for 2 months. Most of opponents in G2 are with Arbiter or PrinceK and is difficult to make any progress.

I use all my multi for Farming Dragon 20 but.....

I close to drop to silver to make some fun in arena sector :(

Any Ideas?

Mar 2, 2022, 21:2503/02/22

You have Leorius. That alone is enough to win.

I'd probably go with something like Gorgorab lead, Visix, Armina, Leorius.

For a go-second team the one you described is pretty solid. Do you have Vogoth or Sandlashed in your vault? If so, replacing Drath with one of those would be good.

Mar 2, 2022, 21:4703/02/22

Gorgorab could be fine, I had to wait 270 days to get him, a now another few to build him. He should be build strong defense? Speed will be not my advantage, so Leorius and Gorgorab should survive first turn.

I`ve Vogoth 60 fully booked, wear him Shield set? 

Mar 2, 2022, 22:1403/02/22

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. Why will speed not be your advantage? If you don't think you can win the speed race, then you probably should avoid building a speed nuke team. That being said, Leo's passive is just incredible, so ... maybe Gorg in Swift Parry would be worthwhile.

Vogoth is great for that go-second team. Definitely having him in a shield set will improve that team considerably.

Mar 2, 2022, 22:2003/02/22

Even if that's Player J's part normally, I suggest a go 2nd team with your roster. Rhazin, Seeker, Leo, Vogoth (shield set). I think they should survive most attacks from normal speednuking teams and as attacker you can avoid Madame Serris or any other buff strippers, that would remove Vogoth's shield.

Mar 2, 2022, 23:2203/02/22

Thirded on a team with Vogoth, Leorious and Seeker. Pair with Rhazin for tons of Resist. I like the idea of running a shield set on Vogoth and then letting Leorious do his thing. People in my clan call him "That Cheating $%3% Cat" cause he is so darn frustrating to fight against. :D 

Mar 3, 2022, 16:3803/03/22

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. Why will speed not be your advantage? If you don't think you can win the speed race, then you probably should avoid building a speed nuke team. That being said, Leo's passive is just incredible, so ... maybe Gorg in Swift Parry would be worthwhile.

Vogoth is great for that go-second team. Definitely having him in a shield set will improve that team considerably.

Pls look what I have to fight in my tier


My speed nuke team with gorgorab (+23 speed) need also a speed nuker, now is seeker 300 speed, but is max what can I do. Even if I equip Armina it will about 300, but it is still not enought to fight with Arbiter teams and 88 lvl players. 75-80% of battles begin oponents with Arbiter.

Thats why I am saying to get Arbiter (in Mission) you need to have Arbiter:)

Maybe I really should to focus on the second team. 

Thanks all for advices.

Mar 3, 2022, 16:4103/03/22

for the record to win Arbiter in Mission I have to reach G4, crazy isn`t it?

Mar 3, 2022, 17:1703/03/22

Pls look what I have to fight in my tier


My speed nuke team with gorgorab (+23 speed) need also a speed nuker, now is seeker 300 speed, but is max what can I do. Even if I equip Armina it will about 300, but it is still not enought to fight with Arbiter teams and 88 lvl players. 75-80% of battles begin oponents with Arbiter.

Thats why I am saying to get Arbiter (in Mission) you need to have Arbiter:)

Maybe I really should to focus on the second team. 

Thanks all for advices.

Arbiter has a base speed of 110, vs 97 for Gorg. Those are quite close. Arbiter also has a 30% aura, versus Gorg's 23%. Those combine to result in a pretty big disparity - if both champs had 300 speed, Arb's "effective" speed would be 333 (110 * 0.3 + 300), vs Gorg at 322 (97 * 0.23 + 300). Fortunately, you can boost Gorg by +6 with the guardian ring filled for his faction, which reduces the gap down to only 5 speed.

What that means is - the 300 speed alone shouldn't be a reason to avoid those teams. Teams 1, 2, and 3 from your image specifically, are teams which I expect my suggested go-first lineup would do quite well against. Even if you lose the speed race, their teams are unlikely to be tuned in a way to prevent cut-in, and once you get your turn, Arb into Visix will shut them down hard. Team 2 happens to have two boosters, but because the third champ will likely be Serris, you get multiple extra ticks for your Arbiter to cut in.

Team 4 is the only one that I'd be worried about, since it looks like it plans on doing Arb into Angar for this AOE provoke. That being said, the two other champs are ... odd for that team, so I wouldn't be surprised if their Arbiter was slower than yours.

All that said - 300 speed won't get you into G4. If you want to reach that level, you'll need closer to 330. And if you're running Gorg lead, you'll probably need closer to 340.

Mar 3, 2022, 18:0903/03/22

i  know  this  doesnt  help  much  but  i  recently  changed  my  arena  team  from  there  help  and  to  be honest  its  the  weaker  95k  teams  that  smack  me  around  compared  to  me  beating  the  200k  teams  with  easy  i  have  also  found  two  champs  to  avoid  in  the  arena  that  normally  keeps  me  from  winning  which  is  that  &"$@  cat  and  serris  but  im  just  trying  to  say  dont  let  the  numbers  get  you  down  look  at  The  champs  before  you  think  to  battle  

Mar 3, 2022, 21:4703/03/22

i  know  this  doesnt  help  much  but  i  recently  changed  my  arena  team  from  there  help  and  to  be honest  its  the  weaker  95k  teams  that  smack  me  around  compared  to  me  beating  the  200k  teams  with  easy  i  have  also  found  two  champs  to  avoid  in  the  arena  that  normally  keeps  me  from  winning  which  is  that  &"$@  cat  and  serris  but  im  just  trying  to  say  dont  let  the  numbers  get  you  down  look  at  The  champs  before  you  think  to  battle  

If their team is not overall well designed and just relies on the cat, Uugo is an easy counter. She blocks the unkillable buff and Leo goes into the cat heaven.

Mar 3, 2022, 22:1403/03/22

If their team is not overall well designed and just relies on the cat, Uugo is an easy counter. She blocks the unkillable buff and Leo goes into the cat heaven.

Thank  you  for  the  suggestion  i  have  a  wonderful  uugo  on  that  note

Mar 13, 2022, 22:4603/13/22

I took into consideration your remars and :


finally got it.

I use only one team into defence and attack

seeker 300speed, vogoth with shield, Leorius and Scryl with stun.

Thanks all for help again.

Mar 15, 2022, 23:0603/15/22

Arena is completely broken. It is the one facet of the game that continually makes me want to quit. I have a Seeker with 287 speed and Fu-Shan as my lead (+24% speed) and I literally never go first against any team in Gold. Everyone else has Arbiter, but I cannot get there because the arena is so unbalanced. 

I get the pay-to-win model is Plarium's goal, but when it completely prevents FTP or low-dollar players from ever meaningfully competing it is incredibly frustrating. 

Mar 16, 2022, 22:2203/16/22

Arena is completely broken. It is the one facet of the game that continually makes me want to quit. I have a Seeker with 287 speed and Fu-Shan as my lead (+24% speed) and I literally never go first against any team in Gold. Everyone else has Arbiter, but I cannot get there because the arena is so unbalanced. 

I get the pay-to-win model is Plarium's goal, but when it completely prevents FTP or low-dollar players from ever meaningfully competing it is incredibly frustrating. 

Why don't you start your own post, share your roster, and your arena builds, and we'll see if we can help you with some alternative teams to try? 287 is pretty slow to be competing in mid Gold even, so we either farm a decent amount more.... or think of alternative teams.

You can do this! Would love to try and help. <3