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Arena matchups very important question

Arena matchups very important question

Mar 2, 2022, 18:5903/02/22

Arena matchups very important question

Ok so I know arena is notorious for being very painful for new players right now. I've been playing a bit over 120 days as F2P so far and it certainly is a challenge but I managed to crawl my way to Gold I with a mostly PVE setup because that's all I've got. 

I've watched numerous videos about the evolution of the matchup system of the arena and what the problems are but here's the thing. I'm a tad bit under 700k player power right now and from what I've read I should be matched against players close to my power level.

The only problem is, that's not the case. Just for example, my 10 player sample right now ranges from 1,6M power to 4M power with most being in the 2,5M range and all my refreshed samples are along those values.

So I want to know what's going on. Please let me understand. I mean with my limited ressources I cannot build a team for arena and for PVE content... I might eventually but not for now. I've got Wythir, Uugo, Miscreated Monster and Oathbound in relentless and speed gear. I need to pick my battles wisely to win as I cannot go first but why am I fighting people with a 2.5M average player power when I'm not even at 700k.

I really hope someone can shed some light on this, it is quite insane to maintain or progress my great hall having to refresh 10 times to win a fight.

Thank you in advance.

Mar 2, 2022, 19:1803/02/22

The "relationship" is foggy at best. Arena matchmaking primarily uses your current arena rating to determine your opponents. Everything else is secondary.

With that said - you should realise that Gold, and especially Gold 4, is essentially "endgame". 120 days in, you shouldn't be surprised that you are struggling to advance any further than Silver 4.

Feel free to post your roster, though. Perhaps we can find you a better team composition. The current one you described is, unfortunately, not great. Wythir works pretty well as a go-second lead, and Miscreated Monster works well on that team as well. I could even see an argument for Uugo, though personally I think she doesn't fit at all. But Oathbound is absolutely terrible on that team.

Mar 2, 2022, 19:5603/02/22

Well I guess there's foggy and foggy. I didn't expect to be bullied by people so much stronger than me as in 4-6 times my power level at that. 

As for the ranking, I totally agree that Gold 4 is clearly end game and I have no pretense to belong there. However, I also know that in order to progress the Arbiter missions I need to get to gold so I' ve been working on this and I've been hanging on to Gold I for 3 weeks dipping back to Silver 4 occasionnally. 

I also know that boosting the great hall is important so I'm working on this but I'm barely squeezing in 10 wins a day for 20 gold coins.

I'm quite aware that my composition for Arena is pretty bad, I'm basically using my pve team to work on arena that's pretty much all I've got. I'm clearing all stage in most dungeons (except spider and fire knight) and DT Normal with Wythir, Apothecary, Oathbound, Uugo and MM.

Since you seem inclined to help which I appreciate a lot btw I'll write down my roster but let me tell you in advance it's nothing to brag about:

- Wythir lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Relentless and Speed)

- Oathbound lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Relentless and Accuracy) 

- Uugo lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Relentless and Speed) 

- MM lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Relentless and Accuracy)  

- Apothecary lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Relentless and Speed)  He's at 216 speed

- Athel starter champ lvl 60 fully booked and ascended (Lifesteal and Accuracy)  Mostly use her in clan boss now

All my gear is 6 star missing maybe one or 2 pieces epic and above. All my guys except Wythir and Uugo have 100% crit and above 120 crit damage.

- After that it starts to slip lol Got Aleksandr lvl 50 fully ascended no books (relentless and Attack), High Khatun lvl 50 fully booked and ascended in seed gear sitting at 281 (was hoping to use her as speed lead eventually but at 281 I'm always second against speed teams), I have Warmaiden and Galek lvl 50 fully booked and ascended with decent gear. I'm working on a Scraper and 2 Armigers for scarab king and fire knight they're both lvl 40 ascended with destroy gear.

- After that it's champs that I haven't invested in that are just lvled and on the bench: Gurgoh, Gurptok, Grohak, Tainix, Luthiea, Thenasil, Dark Elhain, Crimson Helm, Teshada, Ultimate Galek, Jizoh, Sachi, Snorting Thug, Dark Athel, Hordin, Shaman, Hexia, Hellgazer, Pestilus, Lich, Bonekeeper, Jarang. Also got lots of not so bad rares like Spirithost which was in my team at the beginning.

Mar 2, 2022, 20:1203/02/22
Mar 2, 2022, 20:12(edited)

I highly recommend, in the future, that you just take a screenshot of your roster. It'll save you a lot of typing :)

I see two paths you can take, both of which will, of course, be entirely dependent on gear.

Go-First team:

  • High Khatun lead, 230+ SPD (tuned to go right after Apoth)
  • Apothecary, 270+ SPD
  • Gurgoh, 200+ SPD (tuned to go right after Khatun), 250+ ACC. Booked to max his A2 ideally, though should work okay unbooked too.
  • Athel - to be replaced with Aleksander when he gets to 60

Go-Second team (ALL running 250+ RES, 180+ SPD):

  • Wythir lead (in Frost set ideally)
  • Miscreated Monster (in Shield set, required)
  • Gurgoh (in Frost set ideally) 
  • Oathbound (in Frost set ideally)
Mar 2, 2022, 20:5303/02/22

Interesting. Obviously, going all out frost team for a go second team is a thought that occured to me but since I can't swap gear for my characters every 2 minutes I decided against it. I need characters I don't really use in PVE.

So since I do plan though on replacing Apo by Scyl in my team once I get her, I could start working on the go first team. Won't screw up my PVE team. Lots of ressources needed though, enough to make my head spin. I do have a few quick questions that occur to me though if you've got a minute:

1) My Khatun at 281 speed can't manage to go first so I suppose I'd have to get my Apo to at least 300 which would make my Khatun go at around 260 or something. Am I correct?

2) I get the idea with Gurgoh to be tuned right after Khatun to apply his freeze and allow my nuker to be slow to deliver solid punishment. BUT none of these characters have decrease defense except Aleksandr and he applies it after the attack and with the freeze wearing out he will only have 1 attack. Anyway his only AOE attack will be on CD. I don't have any increase attack either. AND freeze decreases the damage applied. Will one attack from a nuker with no atk buff and no def debuff with the dmg reduction from freeze be enough to one shot those teams? Even if he's decked out in savage gear? (which is certainly not my best set)

Mar 2, 2022, 21:0203/02/22

Interesting. Obviously, going all out frost team for a go second team is a thought that occured to me but since I can't swap gear for my characters every 2 minutes I decided against it. I need characters I don't really use in PVE.

So since I do plan though on replacing Apo by Scyl in my team once I get her, I could start working on the go first team. Won't screw up my PVE team. Lots of ressources needed though, enough to make my head spin. I do have a few quick questions that occur to me though if you've got a minute:

1) My Khatun at 281 speed can't manage to go first so I suppose I'd have to get my Apo to at least 300 which would make my Khatun go at around 260 or something. Am I correct?

2) I get the idea with Gurgoh to be tuned right after Khatun to apply his freeze and allow my nuker to be slow to deliver solid punishment. BUT none of these characters have decrease defense except Aleksandr and he applies it after the attack and with the freeze wearing out he will only have 1 attack. Anyway his only AOE attack will be on CD. I don't have any increase attack either. AND freeze decreases the damage applied. Will one attack from a nuker with no atk buff and no def debuff with the dmg reduction from freeze be enough to one shot those teams? Even if he's decked out in savage gear? (which is certainly not my best set)

1) The reason you want Apo to be the one with the highest speed is because Apo has a base speed of 106 vs 104 for Khatun. It just makes him get a bit more "kick". Also, Apo is a rare champ, and so you can probably get the guardian hall for Rare High Elves filled to give him another bump in speed. Basically just swap the gear between the two. Use the various speed tuning calculators online to determine the proper speeds.

2) You're 100% correct in your analysis. I'm just making do with what I can. If you can get Gurgoh to have enough accuracy AND speed to go right after Khatun, then you can drop Apo from the team, and have it be Khatun + Gurgoh + Warmaiden + Alek. That'll be much more reliable, but you need some pretty good gear to pull it off.

Mar 2, 2022, 21:3603/02/22

1) I do have the full guardian hall for high elves to get the "whoopin'" 3 speed :p. But I get your point.

2) I will indeed try to skip Apo to have a def decrease champ like Warmaiden. Otherwise I feel like I'll be setting myself up for failure.

Either way thanks for your time. I'll keep trying to do the best I can with the worst I've got lol.

Mar 2, 2022, 21:4703/02/22
Mar 2, 2022, 21:48(edited)

Indeed Athel is a much better nuker for your speed teams than Aleks or anybody else, because you don't have an increase attack buff in the suggested team. And as Athel allready is lvl 60 and Aleks is not, it's really a clear choice.

Attack and def Buffs, unlike auras (the latter work only on base stats) increase your total stats, including bonus from items. So even with lower base attack and damage multiplier, Athel should end up hitting far better than Aleks.