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Clan boss etiquette

Clan boss etiquette

Feb 26, 2022, 16:1202/26/22

Clan boss etiquette

What is the etiquette for Clan boss?  I have the most powerful clan boss team for our fairly young, casual player guild.  I can do around 18-20 million on Clan boss per key.  That is easlity more than double what anyone else can do.  If I spend all my keys I could almost complete class boss but it would limit the number of others who could participate on normal.  But if I don't do multiple keys, they won't beat the boss and we won't get double rewards.   What I've been doing is spending 1 key on normal and two to 3 on Hard.  However, my gild is still not beating the boss on normal.  Should I just ensure we beat the boss on normal and do 1 key on Hard or just focus on Hard?

Feb 26, 2022, 16:1702/26/22

It  really  depends  on  you  I  would  go  for  the  kill  everyone  is  getting  two  chest  that  way  its  A  win  win  my  friend  team  work  makes  the  dream  work  

Feb 26, 2022, 16:2402/26/22

In some clans it's ettiquite to do only one key on void until every one else has an opportunity to do a key on void.  That allows players to not have to deal with affinity on at least one key.   But if you can kill the CB that is usually best as you get 2 chests.

I wouldn't worry about doing hard unless you just want too.  If you kill normal everyone who participates will get 2 chests and still be able to use all their keys to do additional damage and get better chests.

Feb 26, 2022, 21:0302/26/22

I'm with Angwil. 

As long as you're fine with the fact that your clan is only downing Normal as its highest difficulty for now, I'd make sure you're helping down Normal before doing anything else everyday. It will help your clanmates grow their accounts faster, which should help them get better clan boss teams going as well. 

Also I'm not sure what you mean by completing clan boss on Normal limiting the number of others who could participate on Normal, but finishing a Clan Boss difficulty doesn't prevent anyone from putting keys in after, it just means that they get double rewards from whatever point threshold they hit for that day. 

Feb 27, 2022, 19:0402/27/22

The  proper  Clan  Boss  Etiquette is  for  you  to  quit  that  dead  weight  clan  your  in  and  find  a  new  Clan.

They  can't  even  beat  normal  with  out  you?

How  embarrassing!

You  could  be  using  your  4  keys  to  attack  Brutal  or  even  Nightmare  Clan  Boss.

The  Clan  your  in  is  nothing  more  then  an  Anchor  dragging  you  down.

Does  your  Clan  even  talk?

Does  your  Clan  have  inactive  people?

The  Proud  Shadrir  trying  to  sacrifice his  own  keys  for  the  glory  of  the  team.

Are  your  teammates worth  of  such  a  sacrifice?

Feb 27, 2022, 19:5702/27/22
Player J

The  proper  Clan  Boss  Etiquette is  for  you  to  quit  that  dead  weight  clan  your  in  and  find  a  new  Clan.

They  can't  even  beat  normal  with  out  you?

How  embarrassing!

You  could  be  using  your  4  keys  to  attack  Brutal  or  even  Nightmare  Clan  Boss.

The  Clan  your  in  is  nothing  more  then  an  Anchor  dragging  you  down.

Does  your  Clan  even  talk?

Does  your  Clan  have  inactive  people?

The  Proud  Shadrir  trying  to  sacrifice his  own  keys  for  the  glory  of  the  team.

Are  your  teammates worth  of  such  a  sacrifice?

Sometimes I really wonder why you think everyone has to be like you.

If your a new player finding a Clan is a PITA, the tools in game are horrible, and not everyone plays a SINGLE PERSON! game to be a social butterfly.

This is a pet peave of mine why do new games expect you use outside game tools IE Discord, Facebook,tweets and whatever else to do things the game should provide like being able to talk smoothly in game.

I have maybe said 3 things to my clanmates in Discord in the 4 or 5 months I have been in this clas, I check Discord once when logging in and turn it off.

Feb 27, 2022, 20:1302/27/22
Player J

The  proper  Clan  Boss  Etiquette is  for  you  to  quit  that  dead  weight  clan  your  in  and  find  a  new  Clan.

They  can't  even  beat  normal  with  out  you?

How  embarrassing!

You  could  be  using  your  4  keys  to  attack  Brutal  or  even  Nightmare  Clan  Boss.

The  Clan  your  in  is  nothing  more  then  an  Anchor  dragging  you  down.

Does  your  Clan  even  talk?

Does  your  Clan  have  inactive  people?

The  Proud  Shadrir  trying  to  sacrifice his  own  keys  for  the  glory  of  the  team.

Are  your  teammates worth  of  such  a  sacrifice?

Maybe he likes his clan. Maybe he's fine with taking his time in the game. Maybe he looks at it differently than you. Maybe he wants to help build up a clan (I am someone who min maxes in the game and chose to leave an UNM downing clan to help build up a friends clan in November, giving up double chests for I want to say an entire month.)

In the end, yes, if OP is trying to maximize his growth in the game then he should be in a clan where they're downing around a level of clan boss that he is. Nowhere in OPs post did he mention that though, hence why nobody else said anything about it. 

Feb 28, 2022, 04:5702/28/22

I  need  to  clarify something because people keep  saying  random assumptions/lies.

The  goal  of  the  thread  is  to  give  the  OP  advice  &  share  with  them  different points  of  view.

The  more  points  of  view  =  more  information given  to  the  OP  =  Allows  the  OP  to  make  a  well  informed decision based  on  his  own  desires  and  needs.

Franky,  Angwil,  &  Dthorne04 came  to  the  thread  and  told  the  OP  to  stay  &  help  his  clan.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  listen  to  them  if  he  wants  too.

This  gives  the  OP  1  option.

Player  J  came  to  the  thread  and  told  the  OP  to  drop  all  the  dead  weight  and  join  a  new  clan.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  listen  to  me  if  he  wants  too.

This  gives  the  OP  2  options.


After  my  comment,  2  people came  to  the  thread  Minin  &  Dthorne04,  They  both  made  assumptions,  lies,  &  passive  aggressive attacks  on  my  advice.

First  Minin  said  the  following:

"Sometimes  I  really  wonder  why  you  think  everyone has  to  be  like  you?"

Here  is  the  problem with  Minin  statement:

The  option  2  I  gave  the  OP  has  nothing to  do  with  my  own  personal game  play.

You  see  when  I  was  a  beginner I  never  did  option  1  or  option 2.

I  did  option  3  which  no  one  has  even mentioned  on  this  thread  as  of  yet.

Minin  made  the  assumption that  the  advice  I  gave  is  what  I  personally did  as  a  beginner  which  is  wrong.

Than  Minin  lied  and  said  I  want  others  to  be  like  me  when  in  fact  the  advice  I  gave  is  the  direct  opposite of  me.

Than  Minin  rambled  on  about  the  struggles  of  joining  a  new  clan  as  beginner  which  was  his  passive  aggressive attack  towards  my  option  2  advice  designed  to  influence the  mind  of  the  OP.

My  option  2  is  telling  the  OP  (Who  is  a  beginner)  to  leave  his  old  clan  because  he  out  grew  it  and  to join  a  new  clan.

Minin  rolls  up  to  the  thread  and  begins  a  random conversation to  himself  talking about  how  it  is  almost  impossible for  new  players  to  join  clan.


Than  we  have  Dthorne04 who  does  the  same  exact  thing  which  is  even worse  because he  is  a  moderator  who  is  supposed  to  be  Objective.

First,  Dthorne04 says  the  following things:

Maybe,  He  likes  his  clan.

Maybe,  He's  fine  with  taking  his  time  in  the  game.

Maybe,  He  looks  at  it  differently  than  you.

Maybe,  He  wants  to  help  build  up  a  clan.

All  those  Maybe's  are  assumptions which  are  unwarranted because Dthorne04 isn't the  OP.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  speak  for  himself.

You  see?  Assumptions &  Lies  designed  to  passive aggressively  attack  my  advice.

-  OP  likes  his  clan?  I  never  said  he  did  or  didn't like  his  clan.

-  OP's  fine  with  taking  his  time  in  the  game?  I  never  said  he  couldn't.

-  OP  looks  at  it  differently  than  you?  OP  is  free  to  look  at  things  any  way  he  wants.

-  OP  wants  to  help  build  up  a  clan?  More  Power  to  him

The  Advice  Angel  gave  the  OP  is  option  1.

The  Advice  I  gave  the  OP  is  option  2.

The  Advice  I  did  myself was  option  3.

The  OP  is  swimming in  possibilities.

Feb 28, 2022, 09:0802/28/22
Player J

I  need  to  clarify something because people keep  saying  random assumptions/lies.

The  goal  of  the  thread  is  to  give  the  OP  advice  &  share  with  them  different points  of  view.

The  more  points  of  view  =  more  information given  to  the  OP  =  Allows  the  OP  to  make  a  well  informed decision based  on  his  own  desires  and  needs.

Franky,  Angwil,  &  Dthorne04 came  to  the  thread  and  told  the  OP  to  stay  &  help  his  clan.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  listen  to  them  if  he  wants  too.

This  gives  the  OP  1  option.

Player  J  came  to  the  thread  and  told  the  OP  to  drop  all  the  dead  weight  and  join  a  new  clan.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  listen  to  me  if  he  wants  too.

This  gives  the  OP  2  options.


After  my  comment,  2  people came  to  the  thread  Minin  &  Dthorne04,  They  both  made  assumptions,  lies,  &  passive  aggressive attacks  on  my  advice.

First  Minin  said  the  following:

"Sometimes  I  really  wonder  why  you  think  everyone has  to  be  like  you?"

Here  is  the  problem with  Minin  statement:

The  option  2  I  gave  the  OP  has  nothing to  do  with  my  own  personal game  play.

You  see  when  I  was  a  beginner I  never  did  option  1  or  option 2.

I  did  option  3  which  no  one  has  even mentioned  on  this  thread  as  of  yet.

Minin  made  the  assumption that  the  advice  I  gave  is  what  I  personally did  as  a  beginner  which  is  wrong.

Than  Minin  lied  and  said  I  want  others  to  be  like  me  when  in  fact  the  advice  I  gave  is  the  direct  opposite of  me.

Than  Minin  rambled  on  about  the  struggles  of  joining  a  new  clan  as  beginner  which  was  his  passive  aggressive attack  towards  my  option  2  advice  designed  to  influence the  mind  of  the  OP.

My  option  2  is  telling  the  OP  (Who  is  a  beginner)  to  leave  his  old  clan  because  he  out  grew  it  and  to join  a  new  clan.

Minin  rolls  up  to  the  thread  and  begins  a  random conversation to  himself  talking about  how  it  is  almost  impossible for  new  players  to  join  clan.


Than  we  have  Dthorne04 who  does  the  same  exact  thing  which  is  even worse  because he  is  a  moderator  who  is  supposed  to  be  Objective.

First,  Dthorne04 says  the  following things:

Maybe,  He  likes  his  clan.

Maybe,  He's  fine  with  taking  his  time  in  the  game.

Maybe,  He  looks  at  it  differently  than  you.

Maybe,  He  wants  to  help  build  up  a  clan.

All  those  Maybe's  are  assumptions which  are  unwarranted because Dthorne04 isn't the  OP.

The  OP  has  the  right  to  speak  for  himself.

You  see?  Assumptions &  Lies  designed  to  passive aggressively  attack  my  advice.

-  OP  likes  his  clan?  I  never  said  he  did  or  didn't like  his  clan.

-  OP's  fine  with  taking  his  time  in  the  game?  I  never  said  he  couldn't.

-  OP  looks  at  it  differently  than  you?  OP  is  free  to  look  at  things  any  way  he  wants.

-  OP  wants  to  help  build  up  a  clan?  More  Power  to  him

The  Advice  Angel  gave  the  OP  is  option  1.

The  Advice  I  gave  the  OP  is  option  2.

The  Advice  I  did  myself was  option  3.

The  OP  is  swimming in  possibilities.

Well I should have learned my leason long ago 😛

Trolls should not be feed 🙈🙉🙊

I am ok with a board break for calling you a troll, and welcome your break again for calling people liars once again.

Feb 28, 2022, 12:2402/28/22

Well I should have learned my leason long ago 😛

Trolls should not be feed 🙈🙉🙊

I am ok with a board break for calling you a troll, and welcome your break again for calling people liars once again.

I  didn't troll.

I  gave  sound  advice  which  the  OP  may  or  may  not  follow.

I  didn't call  everyone a  liar.

I  only  called  those  who  lied  -  A  liar.

I  never wanted  the  OP  to  be  like  me.

'Otherwise,  I  would  of  told  them  about  option  3

Feb 28, 2022, 13:0902/28/22

I agree with J. Find a new clan.  There really is no other good option.

Feb 28, 2022, 13:4402/28/22

I agree with J. Find a new clan.  There really is no other good option.

I would agree if that was what the OP asked.

they asked about using a number of keys, which to my knowlegde the clan boss does not really die so all clan members can use there keys, but like others have said the affinity changes.

So to the OP use as many keys as you want just know that the affinity changes on the CB.

Feb 28, 2022, 15:0002/28/22
Player J

I  didn't troll.

I  gave  sound  advice  which  the  OP  may  or  may  not  follow.

I  didn't call  everyone a  liar.

I  only  called  those  who  lied  -  A  liar.

I  never wanted  the  OP  to  be  like  me.

'Otherwise,  I  would  of  told  them  about  option  3

Hi @Player J, I will once again refer you to:

Specifically 1.2b/c. 

Disagreeing with you does not make someone a liar, and you once again seem to have issues with that concept despite a very clear warning that said behaviors - such as calling those who disagree with you liars - will not be tolerated, which you can refer to here. 

I hope during your break you are able to realize why calling people who don't agree with you liars isn't a healthy behavior or a way to treat other people.

Thread locked. 

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