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Something isnt right with Arena

Something isnt right with Arena

Feb 24, 2022, 17:3502/24/22

Something isnt right with Arena

I'm now on 97 days. And as A LOT of other people are talking about on YouTube, Reddit, on this forum. I also have a bit issue with the way arena is atm. Specially when you HAVE TO run the arena to do the Missions to get to Arbiter etc. rewards. And Im just trying to get to Gold 1 for the 3 Part of the missions. And something has to be broken in the way we're being matched up. And if that isnt the case, why not simply remove the NEED for this high Arena missions? As I saw ColdBrew, Ash and HellHades talked about the past month. It isnt balanced AT ALL. The videos got thousands of views, so not hard to find.

I know Raid want this to be PayToWin(I know people try FTP, but then it'll take a year to get to this) Its not FTP teams I'm meating in arena for sure ;)

Well, to my team for trying to get to Arena Gold 1


This is the best Team I have, and can assembly. They have the best gear etc. I havn't spend a lot of money on the game to buy gear etc. So I cant just pay my way. This is the best team I have, and I cant win agains ANY speed team(which is 99% of all the teams I get matched with) All the teams have 110k Team power, so I cant see where the fair pairing is here? I know that You will justsay that doesnt matter etc. etc. However, it does when its a matter of "winning" the race. I cant beat a team with clearly twice the gear comp.

I can post the gear page of my champs here aswell, so it's clear to see what I have. The fatest champ I have is gogorab and he has the fatest gear I own. And that doesnt matter when I ALWAYS get teamed up against teams with more than 120-160k power all day long. They WILL always win the race. And thats fair enough, they have the better gear, however, WHY am I being paired with them??

As a lot of other people have complained about on this forum, Youtube etc. it'll take months and months to get the missions done, when theese Arena requirements are part of it!

Well, I have wasted more than 500gems to try and refresh for teams I can win again, and well, stupid on my part I know, cuz ofc I only found about 15 teams of of 1000 I won against.

Well, enough of me rembeling. Here are my Champions. Speed tuned from the Jedi tool site ;)









Feb 24, 2022, 17:5802/24/22

A few comments.

First and foremost - your team is badly organized. Rae's aura only works in dungeons, not in arena. You need to have Gorgorab as lead, not Rae.

Beyond that, the team comp itself is fine - although I personally don't like doing speed boosts into debuffs into nukes, it should still work okay if you win the race. Your problem though is that your stats are all wrong. Gorgorab is simply too slow for this comp to work reliably.

233 SPD on your speed lead is probably not going to even get you through silver, let alone very far into gold. Spend some time farming dragon - days, weeks, months, however long it takes. Also make sure you do the faction wars dungeons. Forge perception gear and swift parry gear. Get your Gorgorab speed up to *at least* 270. Then you'll have a chance in gold.

But once you get Gorg there, you'll also need to start boosting your other champ stats - and that's where the double speed boost comp becomes tricky. You often just can't get your nuker strong enough if you also need them to be at 220+ SPD to be able to avoid cut-ins.

Do you have any other hard CC champs? Someone like Astralon would work great.

Feb 24, 2022, 18:2402/24/22

To the OP I feel your pain, I am not a fan of the Arena.

Be prepared to spend most of you time and energy farming dragon for speed gear, I have been doing dragon 20 for close to 3 months ( yes my luck blows chunks) and have only reached 270 speed.

So my advice is start building your CB and Dragon 20 team and ignore the missions and challenges til you have 290+ speed and are speed tuned.

Feb 24, 2022, 18:5002/24/22
Feb 24, 2022, 19:00(edited)

Your arena team has two big problems: speed and damage.

1. Speed

The only reason I could imagine, to put Apo in life leech gear is, that he belongs to your CB team. That's probably not the best decision on it's own, but it harms your Arena team. While Gorgorab should be the team leader for his speed aura, Apo should be the champ with the fastest speed gear.

Apo's base speed is better. 106 to 97, if both are rank 6, 106 to 92 compared to your actual lvl 50 Gorgorab. That is an enormous difference. The set bonus from speed gear is 12% of the base speed, the aura also gives bonus to the base speed. If Apo and Gorgorab would exchange their gear, your fastest champ would immediately become much faster, and maybe even faster than the opponents are, what is the goal.

Ok, they don't literally should "exchange" their gear, because Gorgorab can't do anything with a life leech set either. Just use your fastest speed Gear from Gorgorab on Apo and put Gorgorab in some new stuff. You still want speed on him, but Apo get's the fastest stuff, Gorgorab the next following artifacts in matter of speed.

In addition to that, Apo gives a speed buff, another reason to let him do the first move of your team.

2. Damage

Your Rae's crit damage is much to low. There is a chance that you, even if you win the speed race, don't nuke the enemy team away and still lose the fight.

Your Rae is wearing a savage set. That is the best set for an arena nuker, indeed, nothing wrong with that decision. But the single parts of the set are not good enough. Gloves and boots are only 4* artifacts, and 4 of the items you use are only rare.

Maybe it's better to leave the set bonus away and just take the best artifacts from any sets you have. Try to get 100% c.rate just from substats, so you can use gloves with c.damage as mainstat. That will result in a much better overall performance of your Rae.

Maybe, when you are longer in the game and got better artifacts from dungeons, you can find gear with the fitting substats from the savage set to push Rae's damage even further, but for now, a complete set consiting of bad single pieces doesn't help.

Feb 24, 2022, 20:0202/24/22

Thanks for all the feedback.

For clarification:

1. Gorgorab is my lead for the team, I just think I mentioned them in random order ;)

2. I will try and farm more gear. And try to equip something else om both Apo(is on my CB team, I dont have that many to choose from) and Rae(isnt in CB). 

3. I just feel like that the game isnt evenly matched when it comes to Arena in raid. Cuz why should we be ranked against oponents with gear that is SO far ahead of us "small new fish" :) We never stand a chance to complete the missions and get further progress for our accounts in a timely manner.

Feb 24, 2022, 20:0902/24/22
Frank Poulsen

Thanks for all the feedback.

For clarification:

1. Gorgorab is my lead for the team, I just think I mentioned them in random order ;)

2. I will try and farm more gear. And try to equip something else om both Apo(is on my CB team, I dont have that many to choose from) and Rae(isnt in CB). 

3. I just feel like that the game isnt evenly matched when it comes to Arena in raid. Cuz why should we be ranked against oponents with gear that is SO far ahead of us "small new fish" :) We never stand a chance to complete the missions and get further progress for our accounts in a timely manner.

In regards to point #3 - why do you feel like gold is for "small new fish"? If you were in bronze I could understand, but gold is the highest tier of arena - should it really be surprising that you can't win with a team that includes level 50 champs?

Feb 24, 2022, 21:1602/24/22

In regards to point #3 - why do you feel like gold is for "small new fish"? If you were in bronze I could understand, but gold is the highest tier of arena - should it really be surprising that you can't win with a team that includes level 50 champs?

I'm not in gold ;)

I'm trying to get there. I just dont understand why a mission requirement is to get to Gold 1, when it's clearly not something You can get to without months and months.. or cash and cash spent ;)

Feb 24, 2022, 21:2002/24/22

In that you won't find any opposition. The ordering of the missions seems almost arbitrary, and there are going to be many moments where you'll say "if I could just get past this mission then I'd have all these others complete too".

The cynic in me says that Plarium intentionally put these gates to encourage spending. In this case though I think it just comes down to bad planning on their part - my guess is the system may have made sense when the game came out, but no longer holds true and needs updating.

With all that said - I encourage you to not give too much attention to those missions. Yes, the rewards are nice, but until you can actually reliably reach Gold 4, the candy isn't really that worthwhile in comparison to the costs. I've someone in my clan who is literally 1-keying UNM, and is still working through progress missions (at last check, they were on auto IG20 10 times).

Feb 24, 2022, 21:4902/24/22

If you are f2p, then patience is required. Nowhere does it say that you should be able to get Arbiter in a few months. 

You are right where you belong in arena, it is not broken:)

Feb 25, 2022, 00:5002/25/22

I  have  a  few  comments.

1st  Tip  -  Your  Apothecary

4  piece  Lifesteal  +  2  piece  SPD  is  amazing  if  your  Apoth  is  designed  to  be  played  in  Clan  Boss  &  Dungeons

6  piece  Speed  is  amazing  if  your  Apoth  is  designed  to  be  played  in  Arena.

You  can't   have  your  Apothecary in  all  locations  because he  will  not  function correctly.

The  gear  you  put  on  Apothecary is  different depending  on  the  location

You  have  to  decide  Clan  Boss  +  Dungeon  or  Arena.

Than  build  him  according.

If  your  wondering  what  I  would  do,  My  recommendation  is  to  leave  Apothecary the  way  he  is  and  just  use  him  in  Clan  Boss +  Dungeons.

Of  course,  if  you  do  the  above recommendation,  you  will  have  to  remove  Apothecary from  your  Arena  team  which  transitions to  my  next  tip.

2nd  Tip  -  Build  High  Khatun

High  Khatun  is  the  30  Day  Login  reward.

You  should  already  have  her  because your  at  97  days.

High  Khatun  can  replace Apothecary on  your  Arena  team.

High  Khatun  does  a  similar  move  as  Apothecary  so  she  will  work  perfectly.

I,  personally,  think  you  should  use  High  Khatun  because your  Apothecary is:

-  Geared  up  for  Clan  Boss

-  Changing  over  the  gear  will  cost  silver

-  And  if  your  Clan  Boss  team  is  working good  with  Apothecary why  change  it

I  believe in  the  motto  "Don't  fix  something which  isn't Broken"  

3rd  Tip  -  Similar to  Skadi  previous  Comment

You  don't want  Gorgorab to  be  the  fastest.

Instead,  you  will  have  High  Khatun  to  be  the  fastest.

Everything  Skadi  said  will  still  apply  to  High  Khatun  only  difference is  Apoth  base  SPD  is  106  vs.  High  Khatun  base  SPD  104

HK  is  2  SPD  slower  vs.  Apoth  which  is  a  little sad,  but  at  least  you  can  focus  her  exclusively  on  Arena.

4th  Tip  -  Leader  +  Move  Order  +  Move  Priority 

Leader:  Gorgorab -  23%  Arena  Speed  Aura

1st  move:  High  Khatun  ---->  TM  Fill  +  Inc.  SPD

2nd  move:  Gorgorab ------->  TM  Fill  +  Inc.  ATK

3rd  move:  Madam  Serris  -->  Remove  Enemy Debuff  +  AOE  DEF  Down

4th  move:  Rae  ------------->  AOE  Inflict  50%  more  damage  Nuke

Make  sure  you  &  the  AI  don't screw  up!

I  put  bold  text  +  underline  on  AI  on  purpose to  emphasize  that  I  know  for  a  fact  if  you  don't make  a  preset  Team  Set  up -  The  AI  will  jack  up your  team on  Auto.

The  AI  isn't set  up  to  do  some  of  the  above  moves  I  am  telling  you  to  do.

5th  Tip  -  Similar to  Skadi  previous comment with  added  curiosity 

I  am  looking at  the  stats  on  your  Rae  and  it  seems  a  little weird  to  me.

I  am  wondering  if  you  could  show  individual pictures  of  each  of  your  Rae's  gears

Now  let  me  say  1  thing,  It  has  been over  3  years  since  I  had  1  of  my  heroes in  4  star  gear  so  I  could  be  a  little rusty.

Maybe,  the  gear  on  your  Rae  is  100%  correct  and  I'm  just  getting throw  off  due  to  my  champions  using  6  star  gear  vs.  your  champs  using  4  star  gear.

However,  there  is  also  the  other  possibility that  you  made  a  slight  mistake  in  designing  Rae  and  if  a  player such  as  myself was  to  see  the  mistake  in  a  picture -  I  could tell  you  how  to  fix  the  mistake  to  get  your  Rae  stats  back  on  par.

I  feel  like  your  Rae  should  have  the  following stats:

-  3,000  ATK

-  100%  C.Rate

-  150%  C.Damage

I  know  your  using  some  4  star  gear,  but  I  feel  like  people can  reach  those  stats  even  with  4  star  gear.

If  you  look  at  your  Rae,  you  have the  following stats:

-  3,200  ATK

-  94%  C.Rate

-  107%  C.Damage

You  can  see  how  your  really  close.

This  is  why  I  am  saying  your  Rae  stats  seem  a  little weird.


-  Your  Atk  is  to  high

-  Your  C.Rate  is  razor  close

-  Your  C.Damage  is  to  low

You  can  see  why  I'm  curious to  know what  your  gear  pieces  are.

I  feel  like  your  using  an  ATK  Amulet instead  of  a  C.Damage  Amulet.

This could  explain why  your  stats  are  off  balance.

Feb 25, 2022, 01:1202/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 01:20(edited)

I know everyone is giving suggestions on how to gear up your team, but I have a similar issue. You have to know the magic sause to be able to assemble a team that can compete in arena because it is so unbalanced. I keep getting beaten by teams that are 1/3 the power rating of my team. 

My team can be fully leveled/ascended/purple starred legendaries with 5/6 star legendary gear with as much speed and atk power I can get. The teams power is 154K and yet a team of a couple rares and epics with a team power of 45K can beat my team. Then why would I waste time and money on a game this unbalanced.

There is no reason to get legendary champions if you can do the game with a couple rares and epics. This game has been the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a game. The arena ranking is in no way balanced and now with what is going on in the world - NOBODY IS GOING TO FIX IT!!! 

Arena is a waste and should not be the cause of you not able to advance. I have to play the game 6 to 8 hours every day (132 days playing so far) now just to complete the daily quests so that I can get 5 arena teams I can beat. There is no way I can ever make Gold 1 and will always be stuck in Silver 3 or 4.

Actually in the last 5 days there has not been one team match up where I could win and have almost been moved back to bronze level. This is complete wrong.

Basically the power rating is completely wrong if you rate a team at 50K power and it can beat a team of 200K power then both teams are rated incorrectly. This is a load of bull. 

Feb 25, 2022, 12:0302/25/22

I really have to say a big thanks to all of You comments and help.

I have now made the adjustments to Rae and Apo. I have an unkillable team I can run with in CB, so I'll be fine there. (I will try and build out High Katun when I get my hands on a bit more silver, gear and food ;))

My order is now:

Leader: Gorg

Fastests: Apo

Next is still: Madame

Nuke: Rae

I have changed most of the gear on both Apo and Rae.

Now the stats for Rae is:

Atk: 3014

96% crit (working on it :P)

155% crit dmg

 This setup is getting the job done a bit more often than before.

I know that it'll take time.

I just find it hard to progress with the missions when this type of requirements are needed this "early" in the game if You understand. I would think that missions were somethine people should be able to get through, to further progress their game. Not get stuck due to the needed gear and comp this early :)

Thanks a lot for all Your help

Mar 9, 2022, 14:4703/09/22

so... that didnt hold for long :D

Now I can maybe win 2-3 fight pr day agains opponents that have a def setup. (luckily I do get 2 or so a day without def so I can get my daily done) Otherwise its slim pickins. AND I'm only in Silver 4!

Should I just let myself fall and fall(hving no def setup) ?? If this is the only way I can try and get to farm som medals every day.

I did try out a go sec. team. However, when I keep getting matched up against opponents that have TWICE the power as I do, it doesnt do anything. I cant kill anyone, and they will get a turn again and nuke me to hell again..

I'm really thinking about quitting, is this really how the game is suppose to be? I dont quite understand it

I dont feel like being in Silver should be this hard when trying to get an account up and running and having some fun from the start, WITHOUT throwing a ton of money after the game ofc. Which will make the game easier ofc..

Thanks :)

Mar 9, 2022, 15:0603/09/22
Mar 9, 2022, 15:07(edited)

Go-second teams are usually a bad idea for defense. The problem is that they are usually very easy to evaluate success against.

If you are still struggling, it is almost certainly because you are nowhere close to fast enough on your speed lead. I hate to suggest this but you really do need to just spend however long necessary grinding Dragon 20, and farming for Perception / Swift Parry materials, until you can get your Gorg speed to *at least* 270, though realistically if you're shooting for G4, you'll need it to be well over 300.

Mar 9, 2022, 20:4203/09/22

I dont have the go sec team as def :) It was what I tried to do as offence ;)

Yeah, I am running for better gear all the time. I just dont get that it should be a NEED this early in the game to farm that hard for progress. When I still get paired against someone with clearly a whoooole lot of more exp and gear than myself ;)

Mar 9, 2022, 22:1703/09/22
Frank Poulsen

I dont have the go sec team as def :) It was what I tried to do as offence ;)

Yeah, I am running for better gear all the time. I just dont get that it should be a NEED this early in the game to farm that hard for progress. When I still get paired against someone with clearly a whoooole lot of more exp and gear than myself ;)

I still don't really understand that point. Arena is a ladder system. If the other players at the same level as you have better gear and/or champions, why do you expect you should be able to advance? Why should the game try to give you opponents that you can beat?

As I said earlier, if your objection is that you can't reach Arbiter without having her first, there's some merit in that - although I do hope you realise that even if you *did* have Arbiter, you wouldn't really have any better chance at winning.

Also, if your objection is that not being able to advance in arena is limiting your ability to continue on progress missions - again, there's some merit in that, however, you should realise that while they do provide some nice candy along the way, there is really only one step that provides a big impact - namely, getting Arbiter. And while she has value everywhere, you can doubtless find replacements for her in all areas of the game.

If at the moment you don't feel like you can progress in arena, just put it aside. Focus on other areas of the game that you can improve upon. Clan Boss provides a *far* bigger impact to your progression than arena does. Ditto for Doom Tower. I'd even argue that Faction Wars is more important, since Lydia truly is incredible.

Mar 10, 2022, 07:3303/10/22
Mar 10, 2022, 07:33(edited)

Reaching Arbiter at this point is an exercise in trolling for Plarium. You will not only have to P2W to do it youll have to enter whale territory. At which point you dont really need her.

Most ppl with her in their roster probably whaled out or they got her way back when it only took work and not a massive wallet.

Mar 10, 2022, 18:1303/10/22

I'm the most noob here, and i can say arena is the least exciting part of the game. You see guys in bronze 1 with 150k power teams LOL... They probably quit, and now appear constantly in your matchups after being pushed down bit by bit. Note to old players tired of this game: REMOVE your defenses before you quit at least! LOL

I'm in bronze 1 tag arena team, and just now i saw this guy has a 520k total defense team... If he's that strong, what the hell is he doing in bronze1? Know what i'm saying. So i have to go refresh every 15min like an idiot and hope that other noobs like me put nothing on defense, so i can win a few gold bars. If the idea is to trap others in attacking you, why put such a show of force? i dont get it

Anywho, the important thing is, this game can be a lot of fun even if you toss arena aside and only do it for minimum requirements. There's enough content to try and beat, that a few arena scuffles is the least of my worries. As a new player, i understand there's scores worth of older players who are waaaaaaay ahead of me. Cant expect to beat them... yet :P

Mar 10, 2022, 18:5203/10/22
Mar 10, 2022, 18:54(edited)

I'm the most noob here, and i can say arena is the least exciting part of the game. You see guys in bronze 1 with 150k power teams LOL... They probably quit, and now appear constantly in your matchups after being pushed down bit by bit. Note to old players tired of this game: REMOVE your defenses before you quit at least! LOL

I'm in bronze 1 tag arena team, and just now i saw this guy has a 520k total defense team... If he's that strong, what the hell is he doing in bronze1? Know what i'm saying. So i have to go refresh every 15min like an idiot and hope that other noobs like me put nothing on defense, so i can win a few gold bars. If the idea is to trap others in attacking you, why put such a show of force? i dont get it

Anywho, the important thing is, this game can be a lot of fun even if you toss arena aside and only do it for minimum requirements. There's enough content to try and beat, that a few arena scuffles is the least of my worries. As a new player, i understand there's scores worth of older players who are waaaaaaay ahead of me. Cant expect to beat them... yet :P

I am probably one of those.  Sorry.  

When I stopped playing, I never thought about removing my def team to make life easier in bronze.  

But, you will learn that power means almost nothing in arena.  I actually would go after higher power teams with my speed team (depending on the teams members).  You can almost bet the teams with lower power are speed teams.

I may have to install again just so my def team isn't such an issue on new players.  Sure would be nice if Plarium would realize that my or any teams that are capable of winning in G4/5 do not ever belong amongst the new players.  Protecting their new player base would go a long ways towards a larger and stronger population and thus more revenue.  They really should think about this...