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Keeping and selling gear

Keeping and selling gear

Feb 22, 2022, 22:0602/22/22

Keeping and selling gear

Since speed is king, I've decided to sell everything without a speed substat. I think its about the only way to get better in arena, its just a speed race most of the time.

Is my thinking flawed on this? The faster my champs get, the better they do, just by speeding them up. 

Feb 22, 2022, 22:1602/22/22

That's an *extremely* harsh selling criteria. Yes, speed is important, but it absolutely is not a requirement for every champ. In fact, for some situations more speed is actually *worse*.

The only champ that really wants literally everything to be speed is your speed lead - usually Arbiter. For everyone else, they likely want some combination of speed, accuracy, and other stats. And for some, speed is almost a non-factor - go-second teams usually don't care that much about speed, and arena nukers are often set up to basically be boosted into their turn, so they usually don't care that much about speed either.

Feb 22, 2022, 22:2802/22/22

I am at this point now on my gear selection. I dump EVERYTHING that doesn't have at least one speed roll.

Krama, while I agree with you that many champs don't need as much speed, even go second bois need to hit some minimums, or else they become go third or go fourth champs. I mean, you don't want my 350 arbiter lapping your fastest champ TWICE, do you? :D ...And some minimums are important to finish content, even just Nightmare campaign, and especially Doom Tower and now Hydra.

But, on an early or midgame account, this criteria is likely less beneficial. 

Feb 22, 2022, 22:3302/22/22

I am at this point now on my gear selection. I dump EVERYTHING that doesn't have at least one speed roll.

Krama, while I agree with you that many champs don't need as much speed, even go second bois need to hit some minimums, or else they become go third or go fourth champs. I mean, you don't want my 350 arbiter lapping your fastest champ TWICE, do you? :D ...And some minimums are important to finish content, even just Nightmare campaign, and especially Doom Tower and now Hydra.

But, on an early or midgame account, this criteria is likely less beneficial. 

Your 350 speed arbiter is going to enjoy smacking my Maulie with her A1, while my 150 speed Rotos slowly bides his time ;)

I mean I think ultimately the reason why even if I were truly end-of-end game, I wouldn't necessarily want speed substat on EVERYTHING, is because most of my nuker champs want ATK, CR, CD, and ACC as well, while my defensive champs want DEF, HP, RES, CR, CD, and ACC - so if I have speed on everything, then I have a shortage of the other stats. I'll definitely want some speed you're right, but *everything* having it feels like too much to me.

Feb 23, 2022, 00:1802/23/22

it depends a bit on where you are in the game, but on the whole i'd say it's too extreme a stance for a few reasons. first off, if you sell everything that doesn't have a speed stat on it, you run the risk of finding yourself short on gear when you need it. 

second, while speed is certainly important, it is far from the only thing you need to be cncerned with. if all you do is build your arena team up faster without concern for anything else, you will wind up with a completely ineffective team who can't land their debuffs and has terrible damage output. they'll do absolutely nothing, but they'll do it very quickly. even in a typical speed nuke team, the pinnacle of the speed is king meta, you'll have one champion who is at least as concerned with accuracy as they are with speed and another who wants to hit the minimum speed needed to avoid being cut in on and then focus entirely on crit stats.

third, i think we can agree that speed is king in the arena, so obviously speed is important when building a champion–if you're planning to use them in arena. i have 14 champions that see regular use between classic and tag arena and a couple others that get subbed in under specific circumstances. the rest of my champions are used solely for pve content and while speed is certainly useful there, it's not the end all be all that it is for pve. there are certainly champions i use there that i built for speed, but just as many where i'm far more concerned with accuracy or crit rate or hp.

Feb 23, 2022, 01:1102/23/22

if there's no speed substat i sell it 99.9% of the time.  i look for speed, then another substat or two i would like.  very few exceptions to that rule, like 6star lego crit gloves with other decent stats.

and if it has flat def substat, immediate sell cause i know it'll roll it every single time lol.

Feb 23, 2022, 01:2502/23/22

it depends a bit on where you are in the game, but on the whole i'd say it's too extreme a stance for a few reasons. first off, if you sell everything that doesn't have a speed stat on it, you run the risk of finding yourself short on gear when you need it. 

second, while speed is certainly important, it is far from the only thing you need to be cncerned with. if all you do is build your arena team up faster without concern for anything else, you will wind up with a completely ineffective team who can't land their debuffs and has terrible damage output. they'll do absolutely nothing, but they'll do it very quickly. even in a typical speed nuke team, the pinnacle of the speed is king meta, you'll have one champion who is at least as concerned with accuracy as they are with speed and another who wants to hit the minimum speed needed to avoid being cut in on and then focus entirely on crit stats.

third, i think we can agree that speed is king in the arena, so obviously speed is important when building a champion–if you're planning to use them in arena. i have 14 champions that see regular use between classic and tag arena and a couple others that get subbed in under specific circumstances. the rest of my champions are used solely for pve content and while speed is certainly useful there, it's not the end all be all that it is for pve. there are certainly champions i use there that i built for speed, but just as many where i'm far more concerned with accuracy or crit rate or hp.

Well said imo.

Feb 23, 2022, 01:2702/23/22
Feb 23, 2022, 01:28(edited)

Your 350 speed arbiter is going to enjoy smacking my Maulie with her A1, while my 150 speed Rotos slowly bides his time ;)

I mean I think ultimately the reason why even if I were truly end-of-end game, I wouldn't necessarily want speed substat on EVERYTHING, is because most of my nuker champs want ATK, CR, CD, and ACC as well, while my defensive champs want DEF, HP, RES, CR, CD, and ACC - so if I have speed on everything, then I have a shortage of the other stats. I'll definitely want some speed you're right, but *everything* having it feels like too much to me.

I'm pretty sure MY Maulie is gonna have yours locked out, since she goes right after my Arbi, speed tuned for no cuts, with over 500 accuracy. But the only reason I could make her so fast AND accurate was that I sold everything that didn't have speed a while back. I know 350 is a touch slow for where I am in Arena, but I cheat with Hegemon's A1. :D

I pair them with a slower Serris if neccessary with siginificantly more accuracy for those resist teams. Looks like she has a piece WITHOUT speed, which is cool. And my nuker has a single piece without speed as well, his Crit Damage gloves with a great Crit Rate and Atk% roll. 

So open a further review, a point to Krama. There seems to be merit to saving your very best 6 star gear with good subs, even without speed. Although, when new stuff comes in these days I bin everything that doesn't have speed. :D

Feb 23, 2022, 01:3202/23/22

I think it depends on where you are.  And where I'm at is constantly changing.  ATM I'll keep any piece with double roll on speed.  But I'll also keep any piece with a double on an appropriate sub.  So what's an appropriate sub?  If it's an offense type set, e.g. Cruel or Divine Offense, I'll generally keep any piece with a double roll on SPD, ATT%, CRate, or CDmg.  If it's a DEF set I'll keep anything with a double roll on SPD or DEF %.  If it's a Resiliance set, I'll keep anything with a double roll on SPD, HP%, or DEF%.  If it's a Pereption set, anything with a double on SPD or ACC.

Some sets are harder to really think about.  What do you want on Retaliation or Stun depends more on who you will gear.

But no matter how many rules you have, none of them are absolute.

Feb 23, 2022, 05:4002/23/22

I just feel like im still too slow. I can farm dungeons at will and whatnot but it does seem as though speedis important in general. There are always exceptions to the rule but, i think about 90% of the time speed is "it."

I just noticed after farming i dont have many pieces with a speed substat. It doesnt have to a triple roll on it. I figure if i can use all/most gear with speed i might not have to rely on and hope for rolls on fewer pieces with speed. If that makes any sense at all, it might not.

Feb 23, 2022, 20:4102/23/22

I'll keep pieces from good sets with good synergy (e.g. Immortal helmet with HP% and HP).  Crit Rate is a hecka important substat, too, once you're using Crit Damage gloves.

Feb 23, 2022, 21:2602/23/22

As others said it depend on how far you are into the game. I would say top row items without speed=sell fine.

But if you sell all buttom row items just because they lack speed substat you are going to have a hard time keeping any items in the good sets. Fore example if you drop a pair of savage gloves with crit dmg as main stat and crit rate substat i would certainly level them up to 8 and see if i land crit rate. Even if the 3 other stats are flat stats i would probaly keep them at my stage. 

Feb 23, 2022, 21:4302/23/22

As others said it depend on how far you are into the game. I would say top row items without speed=sell fine.

But if you sell all buttom row items just because they lack speed substat you are going to have a hard time keeping any items in the good sets. Fore example if you drop a pair of savage gloves with crit dmg as main stat and crit rate substat i would certainly level them up to 8 and see if i land crit rate. Even if the 3 other stats are flat stats i would probaly keep them at my stage. 

I like this a lot. Top row pieces are kind of a dime a dozen for the reasons you stated. I think for most sets even selling the low roll speed on 5* top row epic gear can be reasonable. 

When you start diving into specific sets it gets more interesting.