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an old player with issues .

an old player with issues .

Feb 22, 2022, 08:5602/22/22

an old player with issues .

It would seem that on eng channel 461 we have an out of control AI Bot whos job it is to tab locals as spam producers. As iwe are trying to help another person's on chan 461 the spm Bot appeared and thus i was removed from the  chat channels I then explained to 2 to 3 admins of the happening . i was informed that a bot had committed this crime. As i am a lawyer i would like to try this case in your court and as i have proofs of my deeds to show my innocense.  This is your chance to show me and others that you are not part of the woke crowd that inhabits this world waiting to remove peoples freedoms. My account is The Dove and I run channel 461. I would appreciate if you would look into this matter for it not only affected me but others there. You look for heros? you can become one by fixing this .

Feb 22, 2022, 08:5902/22/22

Please use the discord server for any in game chat related matters, and word of advice please leave out anything that isn't specificaly pertinent to the case at hand ( i.e wokeness , you being a lawyer etc ... ) 

Feb 22, 2022, 13:3502/22/22
Feb 22, 2022, 13:35(edited)

Quisno, @Harbby and I both went to chat with you about this in 461, and both offered to submit your unban request.

Additionally, no one runs a chat channel. It is a chat channel in a game run by plarium.

And you can keep any political discussions or accusations that a spam detection bot is "woke" off these boards.

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