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As a total nubee I ask why?

As a total nubee I ask why?

Feb 15, 2022, 09:3802/15/22

As a total nubee I ask why?

Hi, As I said in the subject line. I need to ask. Wtf am I getting put up against level 2-300k teams in tag team match for, when I've only been playing for less than a month. I'm asking why, not because I'm getting my butt handed to me on a slice of toast. But why am I getting put up against teams I literly have no chance of beating with in the next several decades without spending 73 times what i've ever made so far in my life as a retired vet. As a ftp person I again ask, WHY? Why should I even consider continue playing a game I find fun to play most of the time when I see a 9 foot hurdle I need to jump in order to get a stupid little achievement?

Feb 15, 2022, 11:1602/15/22

Answered  your  own  question  😆

Feb 15, 2022, 14:1502/15/22

Because people  who  have  been  playing  for  a  long  as  time  will  just  build  a  compeltely  impossible  team  for newer  players  to  beat  and  leave  them  there  i  Use  my  free  refresh  when  it  comes  up  and  i  normally  find  about  8  teams  randomly  Though  the  day  i  can  beat  

Feb 15, 2022, 14:2202/15/22

The arena is broken.  Whales no longer playing have dropped down with there pay to win accounts.  Thus early to mid or ftp can not progress.  Unless they remove the old account teams from classic and tag then those two are fubar for non-whales.  the coding is simple.  if account > x months silent, then remove team from arena.  two maybe three lines.  Heaven knows why they don't do it.  

Feb 15, 2022, 14:2602/15/22

The arena is broken.  Whales no longer playing have dropped down with there pay to win accounts.  Thus early to mid or ftp can not progress.  Unless they remove the old account teams from classic and tag then those two are fubar for non-whales.  the coding is simple.  if account > x months silent, then remove team from arena.  two maybe three lines.  Heaven knows why they don't do it.  

They do. But there's a constant flow of those old accounts dropping down and new ones coming in. It's not like every one of those old accounts stopped playing on exactly the same day.

Feb 15, 2022, 14:3502/15/22

They do. But there's a constant flow of those old accounts dropping down and new ones coming in. It's not like every one of those old accounts stopped playing on exactly the same day.

Um which bit of the code " if account > x months silent, then remove team from arena. " didn't you get?  They don't....  they really don't.

Feb 15, 2022, 14:4002/15/22

Um which bit of the code " if account > x months silent, then remove team from arena. " didn't you get?  They don't....  they really don't.

That is quite literally exactly what they are doing. Re-read what I wrote. Every month there'll be a new batch of players who will get pruned from the system, and, at the same time, every month there will be a new batch of players that will get added to the system. It essentially reaches a steady-state that can't be overcome through just that mechanism.

Feb 15, 2022, 17:4902/15/22

Um which bit of the code " if account > x months silent, then remove team from arena. " didn't you get?  They don't....  they really don't.

Wich part of Krama's explanation "account not active since x - y days" didn't you get? The accounts don't stop playing at the same day. There are houndreds of thousands of accounts, thousands of them abbandoned.

Feb 15, 2022, 18:0302/15/22

Hell, I'm thinking of creating 4 alts (is there a limit you can have, I'll 12 if I can), working them all up to G4 then abandoning.  Coming back every 8 weeks and working them back up.  Sounds like a fun project. /jk

Am I a bad person?  Ah, I don't really care.

Feb 16, 2022, 19:4002/16/22

Wich part of Krama's explanation "account not active since x - y days" didn't you get? The accounts don't stop playing at the same day. There are houndreds of thousands of accounts, thousands of them abbandoned.

Yes, and these whales, prevent new players advancing through the arena  perhaps people who are above this issue should stop saying "everything is fine", as it's not.... but hey these boards are flooded with fanbois, fangirls, and bots. Nothing is going to change, but is't still worth flagging how fubar things are. 

Feb 16, 2022, 21:1002/16/22

Yes, and these whales, prevent new players advancing through the arena  perhaps people who are above this issue should stop saying "everything is fine", as it's not.... but hey these boards are flooded with fanbois, fangirls, and bots. Nothing is going to change, but is't still worth flagging how fubar things are. 

You just gonna copy and paste this across every thread you jump in?

Sorry you are having a tough time on arena, lets have some chill.