I think we can find a team here. Akoth/Miscreated are gonna be your go to combo here, with I think Armiger/Coldheart. Drexthar is interesting because you could get a 100% provoke due to Akoth laying down AOE HP burn. If we go that route we could cycle through crowd control on the Spiders, also getting fears off from Akoth's passive. I think that could work even if the Spider does take a turn, because of how big MM's shields should be. Scyl is another option, I think.
If you include Drexthar he's going to be your off affinity tank and would need to be built with a lot of DEF/HP.
Can you post the rest of your roster just in case? Thanks.
Drexthar doesn't need to provoke in Spider 20. It's spirit affinity, the Spiderlings will attack him anyway.
I see he is only 5*, I guess you want to use him as unkillable target and Paragon to keep him alive. I have no experience on that, I don't know if Paragon will put his buff on the right team member on auto. I think it's not necessary, because a lvl 60 Drexthar in more defensive gear (less crit, more res and def) can just work as punching ball for the Spiderlings without Paragon.
Apo, Akoth, Drexthar, Armiger, Coldheart should work.
Akoth's and Armiger's accuracy is much to low, you should upgrade them to 60 and use an accuracy banner or change some gear. If they don't land their stuff, they don't help. Minimum is dungeon level x 10 for accuracy.
If Paragon puts his unkillable on Drex, you could also use Drex as lead (accuracy aura) and Paragon instead of Apo, this would be even safer.
The rest of my lineup... but looks like I need to lol up Akoth, Drexthar and Armiger? That could be a while, lol,
There's the Renegade I was looking for. I think Akoth/MM/Armiger/CH/Renegade should do it, if we can get our stats to where they need to be. Are you potentially hiding another Coldheart anywhere? :)