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Champ quality trumps gear quality

Champ quality trumps gear quality

Feb 12, 2022, 11:4302/12/22

Champ quality trumps gear quality

Gear is impoortant, no question, but champs are more important.

The right champs will carry you.

Valkyrie carries me in Dragon 20, IG 20, FK20. She hard carries me together with Aox at UNM clanboss. My team is far from speed tuned, lacking stats due to bad gear and I still 4key UNM on Void, Magic and Spirit. Working on Anax to get over the hump for Force.

I reached 4key UNM here:


Here my champs:






Feb 12, 2022, 12:0402/12/22

Your  Valkyrie is  to  fast.

Your  Banshee,  Selpucher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  are  to  slow.

Your  Sepulcher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  ACC  are  to  low.

Ultra  Nightmare  Clan  Boss  moves  at  190  Speed.

You  want  Valkyrie   191  Speed.

Than  you  want  Banshee,  Sepulcher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  to  be  between

209  to  191  SPD  --->  This  would  be  Proper  way  to  play


189  to 171  SPD  ---->  This  would  require  your  team  except  Valkyrie to  skip  a  turn

Lastly,  you  want  your  ACC  to  be  250

This  helps  from  getting resisted  by  CB.

Feb 12, 2022, 12:1802/12/22

Yup - OP Valkyrie ftw. 

Anything new you wanna share? :-)

Feb 12, 2022, 12:3302/12/22

Player J

Do you just throw things agains't the wall and hope they stick?

All the Cc site i visit have UNM CB acc at 220, Maybe all the CC who data mine the stats are wrong and Player J who likes to just throw numbers out is correct, shrug. 😁


Feb 12, 2022, 12:5302/12/22
Player J

Your  Valkyrie is  to  fast.

Your  Banshee,  Selpucher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  are  to  slow.

Your  Sepulcher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  ACC  are  to  low.

Ultra  Nightmare  Clan  Boss  moves  at  190  Speed.

You  want  Valkyrie   191  Speed.

Than  you  want  Banshee,  Sepulcher,  Aox,  &  Ninja  to  be  between

209  to  191  SPD  --->  This  would  be  Proper  way  to  play


189  to 171  SPD  ---->  This  would  require  your  team  except  Valkyrie to  skip  a  turn

Lastly,  you  want  your  ACC  to  be  250

This  helps  from  getting resisted  by  CB.

Not even Sepulcher gets resisted sigificantly, Aox does not get resisted praactically ever.

Yes I know, that my Valk is too fast, I need her speed for arena.

Once  have the gear and champs for a proper arena team I can tone down vALK.

Feb 12, 2022, 12:5502/12/22

Yup - OP Valkyrie ftw. 

Anything new you wanna share? :-)

Yes the new thing I want to share is, that champs trump gear quality...

Feb 12, 2022, 13:2302/12/22

Yes the new thing I want to share is, that champs trump gear quality...

That's not new and it feels to much of black and white for me. 

The right gear with the right stats at the right champ for the right situation is the way to go. Even op champs like Valkyrie won't be at their possible limit, if the overall correct condition is not met. Speed for the arena will make your champ weak in different scenerios just because if it's kit. You have to look at the big picture as such and make the right decisions accordingly. So what you are trying to sell as new is not only not new, it is wrong and short-sighted.

Feb 12, 2022, 13:5302/12/22

So, you are suggesting I don't put god-like gear on D-list champs.  Thanks, that never occured to me.

Seriously though, I believe it depends on where you are. If you have no decent champs, or only a few, then obviouisly the important thing is to get better champs.  But once you have a solid roster gear really is the only way to get better.

E.g. Valk would certainly improve my account (she's my no. 1 most wanted)  But if I get her, I'm pretty sure gear/build is the only way to make her better.  It's not so black-and-white as you suggest.

Feb 12, 2022, 14:5702/12/22

That's not new and it feels to much of black and white for me. 

The right gear with the right stats at the right champ for the right situation is the way to go. Even op champs like Valkyrie won't be at their possible limit, if the overall correct condition is not met. Speed for the arena will make your champ weak in different scenerios just because if it's kit. You have to look at the big picture as such and make the right decisions accordingly. So what you are trying to sell as new is not only not new, it is wrong and short-sighted.

Actually that's new. because everywhere I read, that gear trumps champs.

A S tier champ with mediocre gear will carry you, a B tier champ with god gear not. Thereis a reason, why you don't see kael as nuker in Gold.

Valkyries speed is no hindrance in dungeons. It helps in arena. The speed is bad for clanboss, but I can still do 4keys on UNM with counterattack up for practically every turn except stun turn. Of course I have to manual the fight for this to happen, but then I have to manual anyways because on Auto Aox is behaving incorrectly and Sepulcher, too. 

That I am nowhere close to 3key UNM is not the fault of Valks's speed. I am simply lacking the stats to last longer and deal more damage/turn.

Feb 12, 2022, 15:2402/12/22

Strong disagree with your statement - with the exception of a handful of champs. Yes, Skullcrusher/Martyr/Valkyrie will drive you much further than gear will. Ditto for Demytha and Santa. But 99% of the champs in this game cannot carry you alone.

So if your argument is that there are certain champs that, when paired with the correct other champs, will carry you further than gear will - sure, that I'll agree with. I would argue that the order of priority, in terms of what makes an NM/UNM comp work properly, are:

  1. Correct combination of champs. This is far and away the most important. Getting the correct buffs/debuffs trumps just about everything else.
  2. Correct speed tuning. Even if you have the right champs, if they're not tuned properly, they're useless.
  3. Masteries. Warmaster/Giantslayer will likely do more damage than anything your champs can put out, especially early on.
  4. Gear. But this is much less important than the others. Gear will take you from two-key to one-key, but it won't get you to that 2-key range.
Feb 13, 2022, 02:0602/13/22

The  things  I  say  come  from  years  of  experience combined  with  accumulated knowledge from  other  strong  players  that  I  have  talked  to  through  out  the  years.

You  say  all  the  CC  sites  you  visit  have  UNM  CB  at  220  ACC.

Than  you  post  a  chart  with  UNM  CB  at  220  ACC  +  3,500  DEF  +  42,500  HP

Ok,  Minin,  I  will  bite.

How  did  the  CC  sites  you  visit  come  to  those  conclusions  and  what  do  those  numbers represent?

In  all  my  years  of  playing  Raid,  I  have  never  seen  anyone tell  people to  build  3,500  Defense  on  a  UNM  CB  hero.

I'm  pretty  sure  players  came  to  the  conclusion 4,000  -  4,500  was  the  ideal  amount.

4k-4.5k  Defense  gives  the  best  Return  on  Investment for  Damage Mitigation  based  on  the  Damage  Mitigation Chart.

I  have  seen  people lower  their  defense amounts  below  4k  if  they  use  strategies  to  help  facilitate  the  difference,  but  the  chart  in  the  picture doesn't say  anything about  it.

Well  I  suppose  it  doesn't matter.

People  will  do  what  they  want  to  do  no  matter what  you  tell  them.

All  I  can  do  is  give  advice.

Some  people listen  -  Some  people don't

Its  the  way  of  the  world.

The  OP  of  the  thread  has  his  Valkyrie Fast.

I  have  my  Valkyrie Slow.


The  OP  has  235  SPD  +  4k  DEF

I  have  171  SPD  +  7k  DEF


I  think  my  Valkyrie can  do  bigger  shields  vs.  his  Valkyrie.

BUT  I  don't use  my  Valkyrie for  PVP.

So  yeah  -  Trade  offs  I  suppose

Feb 13, 2022, 03:2402/13/22

So, you are suggesting I don't put god-like gear on D-list champs.  Thanks, that never occured to me.

Seriously though, I believe it depends on where you are. If you have no decent champs, or only a few, then obviouisly the important thing is to get better champs.  But once you have a solid roster gear really is the only way to get better.

E.g. Valk would certainly improve my account (she's my no. 1 most wanted)  But if I get her, I'm pretty sure gear/build is the only way to make her better.  It's not so black-and-white as you suggest.

exactly, i don't see level 20 dungeons Gold I/silver IV in areanas as end game. i've logged in and played the game just over 120 days (over several years), this ideology is either truly one dimensional or its lacking so much information that obvious, it's almost making me fill pedantic for commenting out of curiosity. Gear>Champions... who would do more clan boss damage? the perfect combination of champions, 6 star and fully ascended, with masteries, naked... vs 6 common champs level 1, with perfectly rolled and itemized +16 gear? we know how it will play out, those champions would get aoe one shotted and at least the level 1s will get a chance to hit and more than likely do a significant amount a damage over the competition.

Feb 13, 2022, 07:4202/13/22

Strong disagree with your statement - with the exception of a handful of champs. Yes, Skullcrusher/Martyr/Valkyrie will drive you much further than gear will. Ditto for Demytha and Santa. But 99% of the champs in this game cannot carry you alone.

So if your argument is that there are certain champs that, when paired with the correct other champs, will carry you further than gear will - sure, that I'll agree with. I would argue that the order of priority, in terms of what makes an NM/UNM comp work properly, are:

  1. Correct combination of champs. This is far and away the most important. Getting the correct buffs/debuffs trumps just about everything else.
  2. Correct speed tuning. Even if you have the right champs, if they're not tuned properly, they're useless.
  3. Masteries. Warmaster/Giantslayer will likely do more damage than anything your champs can put out, especially early on.
  4. Gear. But this is much less important than the others. Gear will take you from two-key to one-key, but it won't get you to that 2-key range.

Well said. Nothing to add to this :)

Feb 13, 2022, 07:4302/13/22

Player J

Do you just throw things agains't the wall and hope they stick?

All the Cc site i visit have UNM CB acc at 220, Maybe all the CC who data mine the stats are wrong and Player J who likes to just throw numbers out is correct, shrug. 😁


Good chart :)