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Chat bans are extremly harsh!

Chat bans are extremly harsh!

Feb 11, 2022, 16:4802/11/22

Chat bans are extremly harsh!

Was just in the middle of communicating with my fellow gamers in channel 27 about the fusion without using any offsenive messages or anything!

when all of a sudden i was banned from chat for "Spam" ban was for a week! way to excessive and very annoying.

I'm a PC player who can type 130 WPM and was banned for sending 2 full msgs which simply was saying i wish i was playing back when brogni was a fusion champ!

really disappointing ban system in the chats..

Hope plarium reads this and can do something about it, as this disconnects the players from each other not being able to chat with your fellow gamers and you're capped to only using 130 letters per message...

You'll ofcourse need to send the rest of your thoughts in a new message! 

Punishment for having a high WPM ...
