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Thank you Plarium

Thank you Plarium

Feb 11, 2022, 16:4102/11/22

Thank you Plarium

Just want to express my gratitude for making the rare in summon rush be at 2450 points on the second day of the event.

Made My next 14 days so much less stressful.

Minotaur here i come. Valkyria, Rotos, 2nd Scyl. You will soon have new masteries.

Feb 11, 2022, 20:5002/11/22

 Yeah it’s actually pretty bad. Not sure if they are just generally raising the cost of fusions because too many
people are getting them? I have noticed that other events are slowly growing in cost as well.  

But I am very happy this summon rush is at the start, I will be skipping it to. I was ready for the fusion, saved
energy, saved food to level etc. I even have the shards to do this, but it just doesn't seem worth it, 4ish scared shards for someone that I probably won't use. It would be just to collect, in which my last 3 legendary I pulled were all previous fusions that I had. Kind of kills my modivation.

Feb 11, 2022, 20:5602/11/22

Yea i have enough sacreds aswell, but imo he is not worth 5 sacreds that could be much better champions.

I know I would put him in the vault until I get Yumeka and even then. If I do get Yumeka in a year or 3 I doubt I would use him with her.