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Next 60 and help with direction. Thanks in Advanced.

Next 60 and help with direction. Thanks in Advanced.

Feb 5, 2022, 04:4602/05/22

Next 60 and help with direction. Thanks in Advanced.

Asked reddit a few days ago, they recommended seer as my next 6, it didnt feel as impactful, and it seems like i can give more credence to this forum then over on reddit, reading through many of the post there is detailed information, that i can pull from so I felt like i could get a far better response and aid here than reddit, as i just recently cleared the campaign for 3 5* chickens so another 6 star can be around the corner with the current event.

I recently pulled 4 legendaries from a 10x pull the other week and one of those 4 was Ma'shalled who made me forget about cruetraxa and turvold, I was also able to fuse rhazin during the recent cvc, and before a hiatus a year ago when i left i had pulled kreela, two weeks ago pulled a blind seer,  so got about 6 legendaries recently in a short amount of playtime (on login day 114).  Ma'shalled allowed me to go from farming dungeon 20s to 23's, as well as got me to gold in arenas and able to 3 key NM cb, gearing is my biggest downfall for content. Max speed i can achieive is on my lyssandra which is about 250-70

Current teams:

CB - Ma'shalled, Duchess, Skullcrusher, Kreela, Occult Brawler (3 key NM 15-17m, i've tried to speed tune it, come close and had it but my web browser crashed lol and havent been able to get it back to how i felt it should be (Ma'shalled is an APE, doing work until about round 18-21 ish, before he is just forced into the ground, team dies shortly after leech goes)) I've tried other combinations but none are as strong, and I don't have the gear, the champions or the man eater to focus on a CB only team as outside of OB, the others are used pretty much everywhere (everyone is about 18# speed Duchess about 20#). 

Farming - Ma'shalled, Duchess, Seer as my core use Kreela, Mas Mage, Coldheart, Madame serris, then boss specifics would be Traxa, UG, Zargala (less frequently). 

Arena - Lyssandra (245), Ma'shalled, Madame Serris, Duchess. 

I tried the Lyssandra, Kreela, Skullcrown, Sinesha team but dear lord my gear comes no where near close to making an impact, maybe low silver farming lol. above team is power level 110k and can destroy teams up to 200k so long as duchess is alive if i dont go first.

My gear currently is capable of getting people to about 180ish speed, high crit (70-100 easily), rest into one other stat such as crit damage or accuracy, I can gear out 1 dps to be max crit and CD around 250+ currently that is Coldheart/Seer splitting it but keeping their accuracy over 230+

I'm sure i have many months of dragon ahead of me, to get my teams good before moving to FK who i can do around 23 as well. 

I really wish I could pull a Maneater lol I have everything ready for an unkillable team, and I know a sir nick is no where in the cards with the amount of legendaries I pulled from so little shards recently.  Any assitance would be appreciated.



Feb 5, 2022, 04:4802/05/22


During the extra legendary event.

Feb 5, 2022, 16:5702/05/22

You have a ton of great champs, but you haven't really explained what area you are looking for advice in. If I were you, I would focus on CB. There is absolutely no reason why you aren't able to get 2-key UNM with your champs.

I would suggest consulting Deadwoodjedi - your CB comp seems pretty much what I'd suggest, possibly with the exception of Occult Brawler - I don't use him personally, so I can't comment, but I would expect Ninja or Turvold would out damage him.

For your arena team, it is shocking to me the number of champs you have without having reached Arbiter yet. That being said, I would probably keep your current team comp, with the possible exception of swapping Serris for Ghostborn and maybe Duchess for Blind Seer. But that sort of tweaking is not going to impact you a huge amount.

tl;dr we need to know what your objective is to better give suggestions.

Feb 6, 2022, 16:3002/06/22

I am using Occult Brawler  on my unkillable NM team and  mine  puts  out 17 mil damage (he honestly is not geared that great) but gets the job done  in 1 key

I would lean towards Madame Serris (might  of  mispelled that) as  my choice for next lvl 60 but thats  just a opinion and everyone has  one

Feb 6, 2022, 17:4702/06/22

You  have  four  champions  that  I  would  recommend  bringing  to  60  next:

Alure-  God  Tier  all-around,  anywhere  you  need  Turn  Meter  control  (Fire  Knight,  Spider,  Scarab)

Vrask-  Healing,  Good  for  support  basically  anywhere  in  Doom  Tower

Madame  Serris-  Strip  and  Defense/Attack  Down,  Definitely  will  be  used  in  both  Arenas

Inquisitor  Shamael-  One  word:  Hydra

There  are  other  champions  as  well,  such  as  Skullcrown,  Sinesha,  MM,  Crimson  Helm,  and  Seeker,  but  in  my  opinion  the  ones  above  are  a  larger  priority.