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Arena is back to being impossible

Arena is back to being impossible

Feb 2, 2022, 19:2902/02/22

Arena is back to being impossible

Dear plarium.

Although i admit i was never much into PVP, I still try to find and make teams for the Arena, main reason is that I find normally fun to do the quests.

But now I am fully stuck in an impossible scenario, understanding now that will be impossible to get to the arbiter.

I have team made with deacon in speed lead, and with 260 speed (this is the best I could make with the gear I got and rolls on speed, plus enchaments)

And I did manage to get to gold one but I quickly fall back to Silver, even worse now, every team I see is ridiculous over my level, and impossible to win any speed battles, even when the opponent doesn't have a speed lead, and this is in Silver 4.

I have to spend a lot of gems to refresh the pages and yet nothing I can defeat in those pages.

Match-making is currently impossible. 

I consider this situation. At least from my part, I will refuse to pay a single cent in your system, until this issue is fixed, since many things are tied to the arena, and you just make it not only impossible but not fun.

Best regards,


Feb 2, 2022, 19:3202/02/22

Straight up - 260 speed is too slow. For any tier of arena, but especially for gold. Post your roster, maybe we can find things to help, but at the end of the day, that 260 speed is going to be your bottleneck.

Feb 2, 2022, 19:4002/02/22

Like i said 260 speed is the best gear I got for speed since rng in speed rolls, and this is the best gear in speed I can get. Because all other potential good pieces the rolls went fully the other way completely out of my control.

Composition, Decon lead, Syl the drake, Elhain and Dark Elhain.

Sometimes I replace Syl with gorgorab that I put in speed lead for the extra speed, but still not enought.

Feb 2, 2022, 19:4502/02/22

Run Dragon

Forge Perception 

Feb 2, 2022, 19:4702/02/22

Like i said 260 speed is the best gear I got for speed since rng in speed rolls, and this is the best gear in speed I can get. Because all other potential good pieces the rolls went fully the other way completely out of my control.

Composition, Decon lead, Syl the drake, Elhain and Dark Elhain.

Sometimes I replace Syl with gorgorab that I put in speed lead for the extra speed, but still not enought.

For starters - even if you had 330 speed on Deacon, you'd still lose. That team doesn't have any synergy at all. You have no reliable CC, and you have no second speed booster.

Just off the bat, dropping Scyl for Khatun and dropping Elhain for, at worst, Visix, should help enormously.

Nonetheless - you'll still lose most fights simply because 260 speed is too little.

Feb 2, 2022, 20:4202/02/22

Visix would be amazing but i have 3 legendaries scyl, Ninja and the other given one.

In terms of forge yes I have been forging Perception trying to get speed with the enhancements with the rare materials to 5-6 item drop, dragon 20, and like I said 260 was best I could because rolls on speed just decide not to go there.

So the best control I have is Scyl or Ninja. Scyl just works a bit better because defense base easier to keep alive with revive. 

Feb 2, 2022, 21:0602/02/22
Feb 2, 2022, 21:07(edited)

Visix would be amazing but i have 3 legendaries scyl, Ninja and the other given one.

In terms of forge yes I have been forging Perception trying to get speed with the enhancements with the rare materials to 5-6 item drop, dragon 20, and like I said 260 was best I could because rolls on speed just decide not to go there.

So the best control I have is Scyl or Ninja. Scyl just works a bit better because defense base easier to keep alive with revive. 

Visix is free. Why don't you have her?

*edit - also, Ninja is a million times better than Scyl for control. Ninja is 100% chance for freeze. Scyl, even if you fully book her, is still two conditional 50%'s, which will not guarantee stuns, on top of providing two chances for resists.

Feb 2, 2022, 21:2202/02/22

Because i haven't played that long, only recently got scyl XD

Feb 2, 2022, 21:3702/02/22

Because i haven't played that long, only recently got scyl XD

Ah. Fair enough. Well, Ninja should do the trick almost as well - arguably better since he does damage as well.

Nonetheless, I hate repeating myself, but your main problem is going to be that 260 speed. You really need that to be at least 280, and that's just for the lower gold levels. To hit G4 consistently, you'll need to be up at 325+.

Feb 3, 2022, 14:1002/03/22
Feb 3, 2022, 20:55(edited)

Dear plarium. I agree with many players that Arena is impossible now to even reach mid-gold. Having very odd teams still beating balanced player ones.


This is an example of most defence battles in Gold1. Really, having Arbiter in arena team level 79 player places Lyssandra as a leader? OK then, while taking this picture i opened his profile to watch team now. What? He is in Gold1 with this:


I have not played RSL for about a year. Back there, i was in Gold4 with weaker team than i have now, but had problems in dungeons so did not reach Arbiter. Now i beat 24 dragon, 21 fire knight, 16 spider on full auto. But no chance progressing in missions for months.

Yep, my Golden Reaper has 293 speed (found new gear) and it's boosted with Gorgorab's speed aura. I don't even try to fight nearly all speed packs surrounding me in Gold1.

Feb 6, 2022, 21:3702/06/22
Feb 6, 2022, 21:38(edited)

Here  is  a  Sad  Violin  song  that  you  can  play  in  the  background  to  go  along  with  all  your  whining  about  Arena.


The  error  is  clearly  on  your  end,  not  the  game  end.

You  should  improve  yourself.

Its  clear  to  me  that  your  horrible  team  composition  is  the  real  corrupt  of  the  situation.

Answer  me  this  why  are  you  using  Sycl  of  the  Drakes  in  that  team?

It  is  clear  to  me  that  your  team  has  no  strategy at  all.

Arena  is  perfectly  possible.

Your  lack  of  trying  &  bad  team  design  has  caused  Arena  to  be  impossible.

Your  issue  is  clearly  self-inflicted.

Do  you  wish  to  acknowledge the  factual  statements  I  have  brought  forth?

Or  will  you  refuse  and  continue to  bury  your  head  in  the  sand  while  pointing fingers  at  others  for  your  own  down  falls?

Feb 6, 2022, 23:2502/06/22

i would say no its not impossible - all down to your team synergy and gear 

i do not see a brick wall stopping progress on arena either on my main or baby account, maybe a rethink of your team and strat needed 

Feb 6, 2022, 23:5202/06/22

i would say no its not impossible - all down to your team synergy and gear 

i do not see a brick wall stopping progress on arena either on my main or baby account, maybe a rethink of your team and strat needed 

I  agree  with  Ben.

I  upvoted  Ben  comment.

The  OP  is  using  Elhain  +  Dark  Elhain  +  Sycl

1  starter  +  2  login  heroes?

They  don't synergize  together.

They  don't  have  a  strategy.

They  don't  have  proper  gear  builds.

The  OP  hasn't showed  his  roster.

The  OP  hasn't  showed  his  heroes  gears.

So  what  can  be  said  about  this?

The  OP  is  only  one  with  the  power  to  Improve  his  situation.