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Feb 2, 2022, 17:2002/02/22


Who  has  her  and  knows the  Right  way  to  build  her  ?  Please  and  thank  you  i  just  pulled  her  from  a  ancient  shard

Feb 2, 2022, 17:4002/02/22

I have her, and for a while I used her on one of my arena teams, but eventually drew better ones. She does very, very well as a big AOE finisher - her A3 hits hard, and has some great built-in effects.

The downside is that she doesn't really bring anything else to the team. She has an AOE def down, but it's on a 3-turn CD, which makes it hard to fit into good dungeon teams.

How you build her is going to depend a lot on where you plan on using her. If your goal is to have an arena nuker, you'll want to build her accordingly - probably using things like Savage gear, and speed tuned to match your team comp. If you want her for dungeons, you probably want her more as a debuffer than as a nuker, so you'd want her to be much faster, and with a higher amount of accuracy.

I would caution you about booking her though - as mentioned earlier, she does tend to fall off, so you may not want to invest much in terms of books.

Feb 2, 2022, 19:4702/02/22

Thank  you  arean  was  where  i  was  leaning  to  

Feb 2, 2022, 20:2802/02/22

I use her in arena, usually when my opponents are magic affinity.

She smacks hard, bang her full of as much crit damage and attack as you can.

With 280 crit damage, helmsmasher, and decent attack she will one shot just about anyone not spirit.

Feb 5, 2022, 16:4202/05/22

Abbess can really shine in dungeons as well, put her in savage gear or two sets of cruel gear and you will see her doing amazing damage with her A3.

Concentrate on attack, near to 100% crit. rate and as high crit. damage as possible, accuracy is not needed at all, if you just want to go big in damage, but if you want to apply decrease defense with her A2 150+ accuracy won't hurt of course.

Helmsmasher is also the way to go unless you can't get the crit. damage high enough in which case you can go with flawless execution until you get her crit. damage high enough.

Cheers, Strangiii

Feb 6, 2022, 17:5302/06/22
Feb 6, 2022, 17:56(edited)

Abbess was one of my side projects before I quit. Her 3rd skill looks interesting for doom tower. It is proportion on enemy's stat and in case you don't know, enemies in doom tower have like tons of attack or def stat. So, in theory, even without leveling her, even without giving her atk stat, and just give her crit rate and crit damage, and good amount of hp and def for survivavility, she will do fine in doom tower. 

I believe I tested her at level 1, no ascension, minimal atk and only 180 crit damage, and her a3 still deals around 30k+ damage in floor 30+ of hard mode. If my theory is correct, she can do better at higher floors. 

Feb 6, 2022, 18:0402/06/22

I found my old screenshots of her. Here is her stats


And this is her damage in floor 30+, no attack buff and no def break on enemies


It is really interesting to see her do decent damage at level 1. If with higher crit damage and on higher floors of doom tower hard, and with proper set up, I believe she can easily do more than 100k damage. 

Feb 6, 2022, 18:2802/06/22

I found my old screenshots of her. Here is her stats


And this is her damage in floor 30+, no attack buff and no def break on enemies


It is really interesting to see her do decent damage at level 1. If with higher crit damage and on higher floors of doom tower hard, and with proper set up, I believe she can easily do more than 100k damage. 

Very interesting. I might re-gear my Abbess for this - focusing purely on CR and CD.

Feb 6, 2022, 20:2202/06/22

Intersting  my  build  of  her  is  similer  to  yours  im  glad  i went  the  right  way  thank  you  all  shes  going  to  be  a  great  porject  after  my  second  sopihi  is  done