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Armiger still useful and next steps

Armiger still useful and next steps

Jan 27, 2022, 11:3801/27/22

Armiger still useful and next steps

Not  sure  which  is  more  important  but  my  to  do  list:

Spider  den:  really  need  some  few  days  farming  here.  Have  people  who  can  use  but  have  no  banners  or  amulets.  Others  with  early  things  that  arent  great.

Minotaur:  ive  got  2  i  used  gems  on.  Didnt  do  my  main  champ  because  theyd  already  been  part  way  through.  Can  just  now  do  lvl  15  with  3  champs  but  needs  a  little  intervention  from  me  and  probably  need  to  run  it  70  times  to  get  the  last  500  red  scrolls  for  athel.

Farm  fire  knight  and  ice  golem.  Got  2,3  then  4  lvl  60  bruisers  got  a  little  carried  away  upgrading.  Farmed  dragon  a  few  days  worth  for  a  tourney.  Know  i  should  do  the  rounds  to  all  the  dungeons  at  my  new  level  with  all  the  bruisers  in  new  lifesteal  but  think  i  want  to  do  spider  and  mino  1st.

Also  want  to  advance  nightmare  campaign  to  get  6*  speed  boots  'easily.'  Still  need  to  spend  energy  through 2-3  castles then  wait  for  speed  on  lifesteal  boots  and  may  need  3  if  not  4  max  level  people  to  do  it  so  not  gaining  exp  through  it,  same  as  dungeons  i  guess.  Maybe  not  a  shortcut  yet.

Im  lvl  13-15  most  dungeons.  4,  60's,  3  with  mostly  5 star  life  sets.  Main  still  has  maxed  4  star  that  serves  them  well  enough  until  i  get  back  around  to  dragon.

Tempted  to  get  armiger  into  service.  Hes  been  sitting  in  the  training  arena  for  weeks  and  booked  on  dupes.  Can  easily  put  him  to  5  star.  Would  like  to  6*  a  spirit  affinity  too.  Idk  if  him  or  lysandra  would  be  better.  Right  now  kind  of  have  to  put  him  in  a  5  and  6  star  relentless  set  if  i  did.  5*  epic  boots  would  make  him  my  fastest,  acc  chest  and  crit  gloves  would  be  from  an  acc  set.  I  expect  about  150  crit  rate,  acc  and  speed.  Might  last  him  until  spider  lvl  18-19  and  i  should  probably  farm  13-15  where  i  am  now  for  a  bit  anyway,  may  last  him  a  while  but  skeptical  of  relentless  gear.

Know  ive  got  plenty  to  do  but  not  sure  which  to  focus  on  or  who  to  level  next.  Sorry  so  long,  thanks  if  you  made  it.


Jan 27, 2022, 13:2901/27/22

The one thing you didn't mention is probably also the most important of them. Where are you in CB? Judging by your 60, my guess is you are still at around hard?

CB should be your next target, at least to get a working team together. Here's my suggestion:

Skullcrusher (CA + AP)

Frogman (AP)

Fayne (Debuffs)

[Someone] (Stun Clease / Block)

[Someone] (DEF UP)

So with that in mind, I would prioritize getting those three to 60, and hope you get someone on the way to fill those last two spots.

Jan 27, 2022, 14:0301/27/22

The one thing you didn't mention is probably also the most important of them. Where are you in CB? Judging by your 60, my guess is you are still at around hard?

CB should be your next target, at least to get a working team together. Here's my suggestion:

Skullcrusher (CA + AP)

Frogman (AP)

Fayne (Debuffs)

[Someone] (Stun Clease / Block)

[Someone] (DEF UP)

So with that in mind, I would prioritize getting those three to 60, and hope you get someone on the way to fill those last two spots.

CB  is  complicated. Recently  left  my  starter  clan  whhen  i  was  one  of  the  stronger  ones.  Itd  end  up  being  me  finishing  off  easy  just  for  another  chest  and  i  was  getting  my  points  on  1  maybe  2  keys  on  normal.

New  clan  was  encouraging  people  to  do  brutal.  I  do  my  part  for  the  clan  and also use  a  key  or  2  on  hard  sometimes.  its  only  been  a  few  days.  We  only  beat  brutal  for  the  first  time  today  and  id  maxed  points  there  at  4  keys  luckily.  Someone  usually  clears  easy.  And  a  few  hit  normal.  Then  no  one  does  hard.  If  i  can  get  brutal  down  to  3  keys  and  we  keep  clearing  it  id  be  happy.

Not  sure  what  i  have  against  Fayne.  Used  her  early  and  couldnt  keep  glass  canons  alive.  Have  2  def  and  1  hp  oriented  fighters  ive  been  using.  Havent  really  used  buffs  besides  speed  as  i  really  dont  have  anyone  for  that.  Dhukk  does  my  debuffs  and  toragi  helps  with  atk  down.  

ive  got  books  and  wouldnt  mind  getting  a  rare  to  50  if  theyve  got  useful  buffs  or  clear  debuffs  and  would  be  worthwhile.

CB  i  just  started  using  my  4  top fighters  but  have  been  experimenting  if  its  better  to  have  apoth  or  lysandra  with  them.  About  5.5  million  per  key  on  brutal  either  way.

Jan 27, 2022, 14:0701/27/22

The double ally-protect + DEF up will keep Fayne alive. Look through your roster and see if you can find anyone with block debuffs or cleanse debuffs, and anyone with DEF up. Apoth/Lyssandra are dead weight on a CB team, don't waste your time with them.

Jan 27, 2022, 14:2601/27/22

12.3 brutal

Dragon 20 is your goal.  Not NM campaign. 

12.3 brutal

Apothecary/Lyssandra (1/2) then armiger (for spider/FK) are all 60 worthy.

12.3 brutal

You seem too focused on sets instead of stats.

More 50s will not help, you need 6star champs

Jan 27, 2022, 14:5601/27/22

Ive  done  so  much  12-3  brutal.  I  got  my  2nd  60,  used  gems  for  masteries  on  a  50  realized  he  needs  60  for  warmaster.  Grinded  a  3rd  60,  used  a  few  rares  i  mildly  regret.  Did  dragon  farm  for  a  tourney  worth.  Then  did  another  round  of  12-3  for  3  days  of  champ  training  got  skull  crusher  up  even  though  i  intended  to  grind  dungeons  for  a  bit.  

Full  team  of  6*  ill  get  there.  Just  Dumped  300  energy  into  Minotaur,  should  only  take  another  day  or  so.  Really  want  to  run  some  spider  more.  

Leaning  toward  aiming  for  armiger  and  see  if  i  get  anything  in  ancient  2x  next  week.  

i  try  to  look  at  stats  but  cant  bring  myself  to  not  have  sets  and  just now getting  everyone  in  lifesteal  to  not  need healers  sometimes.  Also  seems  like  everyone  needs  crit  rate,  acc  and  spd.  ive  only  had  3  days  of  proper  mid  game  dungeon  grinding.  

Jan 27, 2022, 14:5901/27/22

I don't think you understand what the term "too much campaign farming" means. Expect to be doing millions more of those before you're truly "done" with campaign farming.

Jan 27, 2022, 19:0301/27/22

12.3 brutal

Dragon 20 is your goal.  Not NM campaign. 

12.3 brutal

Apothecary/Lyssandra (1/2) then armiger (for spider/FK) are all 60 worthy.

12.3 brutal

You seem too focused on sets instead of stats.

More 50s will not help, you need 6star champs

This is great advice, OP. Dragon 20 and more 60s are the real goal. This will be A LOT of farming. SO. MUCH.

 You're right on with Armiger though. And I would really recommend giving Apothecary a go in ever piece of content, he is basically a legendary in rare clothing, and built well, can carry your team. 

Apothecary, Lyssandra, Armiger to 60 would be the very next things I would work on. Toragi, Athel, Dhukk, Apothecary is a good core 4 to start doing work with. Lyss and Armiger come in as needed, sometimes both.

After that I would consider an AoE HP burner to 60 for spider advancement. I see you have Ultimate Galek, and I would up him if you don't have Mordecai or Sicia or some such by then.