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Jan 27, 2022, 06:4801/27/22


Hey everyone,

some weeks ago I started playing again after about 2 years of break and went back on my old account, only to find that I have been playing like a complete moron back then considering gear and such. Now that i went through the basics of my inventory i am trying to finally assemble a viable clan boss team. At the moment the comp i plan to build up is: Tayrel lead, Skullcrusher, Frozen Banshee, Sepulcher Sentinal and Godseeker Aniri. Though i also would like to fit in a Seeker for a nice speed boost, I dont know however who to ditch for him or if he even is a luxury i can afford. Also would a comp like that be able to forgo lifesteal gear? For those patient enough and willing to go through it here is my roster. Thank you all for your advices in advance.



Jan 27, 2022, 08:2401/27/22

Would you mind editing your post and give us your roster after klicking here? Much easier to build a team if you can see all champs at the same time.


Jan 27, 2022, 10:1001/27/22

from the list you've given, sepulcher sentinel makes the most sense to drop in favour of seeker, but neither version of the comp will allow you to run without lifesteal. without lifesteal and no leech debuff, you'd be relying solely on aniri to keep your team alive and she's simply not efficient enough at healing for that. i would suggest running steelskull in place of sentinel. he still provides a def buff and adds a second source of healing, as well as a decent bit of damage from the additional poison.

Jan 27, 2022, 10:3401/27/22

Edit is done. So the best comp for me would be Tayrel, Skullcrusher, Aniri, Banshee and Seeker/Steelskull?

Jan 27, 2022, 14:5801/27/22

So many good champs unleveled wow!  All I know is you either need to be running 12.3 brutal non-stop until Spring and/or whale out on some chicken dinners.

Definitely not seeker for CB with skullcrusher.  Tayrel lead for sure. I am curious as to a double ally protect comp with Vergis (no experience myself on this).

You probably have some unkillable comp I am not seeing. 

Jan 27, 2022, 15:2101/27/22

yep, as i said, this account was run with no knowledge of basic how tos back then, definetely gonna level vergis once i have the main champs up to basic decency for now i think ill prolly stick with the comp i thought of in the beginning but leveling steelskull asap after to swap out sentinel and see how it changes, with vergis after that

Jan 27, 2022, 15:5301/27/22

I don't think you should necessarily invest in Vergis yet. My CB team suggestion:

Skullcrusher (AP, CA)

Frozen Banshee (Poison, Poison Sens)

Tayrel (DEF down, ATK down) 

Wurlim (DEF up, Strengthen)

Aniri (Buff Extend)

I *think* you can have Aniri be the stun target without worry. It feels weird to suggest, but I think you'll get more damage than running someone like Steelskull just to deal with the stun. The specific moment Aniri does her buff extend is going to shift each turn, but since she won't use her A2 unless there actually are buffs to extend, I think it'll work, and Wurlim's 30% CDMG buff will increase your damage significantly, along with the Strengthen. 

Jan 27, 2022, 16:4001/27/22

gonna run that first and see what happens if i exchange wurlim for sentinel, sounds like a really viable option tho, thanks mate

Jan 27, 2022, 16:4501/27/22

gonna run that first and see what happens if i exchange wurlim for sentinel, sounds like a really viable option tho, thanks mate

I think I prefer SepSen in there for block debuffs/affinity friendly, but I'm curious to see how both go for you. Good luck. 

Jan 27, 2022, 17:2801/27/22

Just note that if you are running Sepulcher, she needs to be 4:3, and using her A2 on turn 2 if she is last or turn 3 if she is not last. And of course, her A2 needs to be booked down to 4 turns.

Jan 27, 2022, 17:3601/27/22

One other thing to note - yeah you do need lifesteal on all your champs. Without leech it's pretty much obligatory. Quickly glancing over your roster, I don't see anyone with leech, so that's unfortunately just a sacrifice you'll have to build your team around.

Jan 27, 2022, 19:5501/27/22

Tayrel and Sepulcher overlap very much with their skillkit. Sepulcher's A1 should be sufficient to keep decrease attack up all the time in a CA team. So Tayrel doesn't do very much exept of his decrease def --> Rearguard Sergeant instead of Tayrel. Decrease def on the A1 and ally protection/contineous heal.

Sepulcher (lead, same aura as Tayrel), Aniri, Rearguard Sergeant, Skullcrusher, FB.

Jan 27, 2022, 20:5201/27/22

Tayrel and Sepulcher overlap very much with their skillkit. Sepulcher's A1 should be sufficient to keep decrease attack up all the time in a CA team. So Tayrel doesn't do very much exept of his decrease def --> Rearguard Sergeant instead of Tayrel. Decrease def on the A1 and ally protection/contineous heal.

Sepulcher (lead, same aura as Tayrel), Aniri, Rearguard Sergeant, Skullcrusher, FB.

Good setup/suggestion here. :)

Jan 27, 2022, 21:0701/27/22

will allow me to free up tayrel for dungeons then, thanks :)

Feb 4, 2022, 16:1202/04/22

just managed to pull ma'shalled, should i kick aniri for him or is he not really worth it?

Feb 4, 2022, 16:1702/04/22

just managed to pull ma'shalled, should i kick aniri for him or is he not really worth it?

Salad enables a pile of unkillable teams that you should definitely be looking into now. Take a look here, and see if you have the champs for any of these:

Ma'Shalled (  

Feb 4, 2022, 17:4502/04/22

Salad enables a pile of unkillable teams that you should definitely be looking into now. Take a look here, and see if you have the champs for any of these:

Ma'Shalled (  

sadly i dont have a viable unkillable comp rn, as i am lacking anyone providing that buff besides skullcrusher (only taking into account people actually viable for clanboss) would he bring an overall improvement to my current comp tho or is that one stable as it is with everyone in it required as it is?

Feb 4, 2022, 17:5602/04/22

sadly i dont have a viable unkillable comp rn, as i am lacking anyone providing that buff besides skullcrusher (only taking into account people actually viable for clanboss) would he bring an overall improvement to my current comp tho or is that one stable as it is with everyone in it required as it is?

Even without going unkillable, Salad also enables a pile of 2:1 comps, which could absolutely improve your results. Take a look at these three specifically:

White Whale - Ma'Shalled v2 ( 

White Whale - Ma'Shalled ( 

Ma'shalled White Whale Variant ( 

All are built around the same principle - using Salad to enable 2:1 comps. All require only Salad. With that in mind, you could likely make a team of:

Frozen Banshee Lead - so that she becomes the stun target  


Skullcrusher - second slowest

Wurlim - slowest
