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Need help from a  rasta mon on Spider14 mission

Need help from a rasta mon on Spider14 mission

Jan 25, 2022, 23:3701/25/22

Need help from a rasta mon on Spider14 mission

Hi, looking for help with my "rasta" for a Spider 14 Mission, need to beat it 10 times on auto.  Open to suggestions for a team

Thanks in advance



Jan 26, 2022, 00:3001/26/22
Jan 26, 2022, 00:49(edited)

Not  the  best  plan  and  others  have  better  advice.  But...  Ruffstone  has  attack  all  on  a1.  Give  him  freeze  (or  stun?)  gear  and  freeze  the  spiderlings.  Can  limit  him  to  just  his  a1  on  auto  though  his  other  attacks  seem  like  theyd  be  ok.  Dont  want  to  let  up  the  freeze  though.

Jan 26, 2022, 01:4901/26/22
Jan 26, 2022, 01:57(edited)

Edit: my bad, I misread and thought it was stage 10 spider

The earlier stages of spider are usually best dealt with by simply bringing in sufficient damage to keep the spiderlings down.  The later stages rely more on crowd control and HP burn.  Stage 14 is probably getting close to the breakpoint where you need to start managing this balance.  That said, you have a decent number of AOE nukers that you should be able to just push your way through it I expect

What team are you running at the moment and what are you noticing as the issue?  You have a decent number of 60 champions that are good.  How are their gear? 

Jan 26, 2022, 03:1201/26/22
Jan 26, 2022, 03:23(edited)

Before we get into Spider, I think you should stop making so many 50s - especially rares that are only average at best - and focus on more 60s, especially with all the good to great ones you have. Having champions like Reliquary Tender, Coldheart, Kymar, Stag Knight, Umbral and Ursala (and possibly a few others, including Ghrush and Zargala) at 60 over the amount of 50s you have will be a big help long term, versus making multiple 50s (especially duplicates of rares.)

As for Spider 14, we could be able to make 14 work with a Drexthar comp that we can make work through the later stages, as well. We could also go the nuke route, as well.

This HellHades video (which I've timestamped at the beginning of the Spider portion of it) outlines the kind of strat that works at 20+. I could see a Drexthar focused comp working at 14 and higher, too. We do lack the turn meter manipulation an Armiger brings and the shields a Miscreated Monster can bring, but with proper gearing/stats we can make a defensive comp work. The important speeds to remember are the big spider at 95, and little ones at 150. All of our champs need to be faster than 150. 

In the defensive/HP burn comp I think I'd run Apothecary lead, Drexthar, Maus Mage to protect/heal, Scyl to crowd control/heal/revive if things go poorly and Coldheart to deplete the big spiders turn meter/do big damage with her A3. After the speed requirement, Drexthar will need to be built very tanky with accuracy to land the provoke so we can get HP burn on the spiders. DEF/HP. 

If we go the route RoseRoyal suggested, we absolutely need to be able to consistently nuke down the Spiderlings. That means having a good defense down champion and you can choose between Warmaiden or Zargala. I think I prefer Zargala because her A2 can also trigger her A3 again, by killing a spiderling. She also has weaken on her A1, which we're going to want up on the big spider. I think I'd like at least 2 of your 60 magic AOE nukers (preferably Kael and Athel), along with Ursala for attack up/protection/revives. For the fifth you can try Apothecary (speed boost/defense aura/heals), Umbral/Drexthar (provoke, though Umbral might fit better here) or Elhain for a third nuker. 

I think for now with your available 60s I'd probably lean a nuke heavy route, but we're going to have to try to find some champs (even Armigers will be a big help) for the later stages to go with Coldheart and our crowd control/HP burn champions.

Like Rose, I'd like to know how your gearing situation is, what problems you've run into, etc. so we can try to help. 

Jan 26, 2022, 11:2401/26/22

I have to disagree on some points here.

1. Admiral_Akbar gives the advice to use the freeze set on a champ with AoE attack on the A1, but that set freezes the enemy if the champ gets attacked.

A stun set would work as he suggests, but if you can't keep the turnmeter of the big Spider down, you want the small Spiderlings dead, nut stunned.

2. I don't think the hp burn strategy will work well on stage 14 with your champs, and the team dthorne04 suggested will definetly not work. The Spiderlings shall stay alive in a hp burn strategy, so the tm of the big Spider has to stay down all the time. A single Coldheart is not able to do so, unless she has 600 speed and can run through the cooldowns of her A3 before the big Spider got a turn.

Another problem for stage 14: Drexthar has strong affinity here, so the Spiderlings will not attack him unless he provokes them. The chance to provoke them is only 40% (booked 60%), the chance to put out the burn is 55% (booked 75%). Let's assume a booked Drexthar, the estimated number of Spiderlings with hp burn is 4.5 (10 x 0.6 x 0.75), for an unbooked Drexthar it's only 2.2.

But beside that, I agree to 100% with dthorne04 in what he said about your roster. Stop levelling copies of your rares to lvl 50. What are you doing with 3 lvl 50 Warmaiden? Stop levelling any champs exept food that will be used to bring some of your actual lvl 50 champs to 60. Coldheart, Zargala, Stag Knight, Umbral, Ursala, Doompriest, you have so many champs that deserve to be 60, and on the other hand so many bad champs at 50. Another champ that should be lvl 60 is the uncommen Armiger. Instead of Shieldguard and Dervish you should have taken this uncommen. Armiger doesn't help at Spider 14 due to bad affinity, but in other stages, he is the MVP for a Spider team.

Team: I suggest something like Apo (lead), Scyl, Athel, Zargala (lvl 60), Coldheart (lvl 60) for stage 14. Your team has to kill the small Spiderlings all the time, so the Big Spider doesn't heal when she gets a turn. Athel can bring weaken to the big one, Zargala decrease def.

On all spirit affinity stages above 14, Drexthar will work great. On all stages that are not magic affinity, Armiger + Coldheart can keep the tm of the Spider down, if they are fast enough.

Jan 26, 2022, 17:1501/26/22

The amount of wasted resources in those pictures just makes me cry :/

Jan 26, 2022, 18:5401/26/22

Thanks for the answers, but what makes the spider snap back to full strength so quickly?  I will be going along fine with seeing spider strength going down but then I guess the spiderlings die and spider goes back full strength.  So how to stop that?

the reasons for what I make in the game are many,  But as my name shows I like to be different, maybe not conventional and just do things to have fun.  I just beat a team that was made up of 4 Elhains's.  One L60 the rest L40.  Not real strong but I thought they looked cool.  Another team I saw was all Monsters. I also wanted a different faction team for all the factions, so that took lots of variety. 

Jan 26, 2022, 19:2001/26/22

Thanks for the answers, but what makes the spider snap back to full strength so quickly?  I will be going along fine with seeing spider strength going down but then I guess the spiderlings die and spider goes back full strength.  So how to stop that?

the reasons for what I make in the game are many,  But as my name shows I like to be different, maybe not conventional and just do things to have fun.  I just beat a team that was made up of 4 Elhains's.  One L60 the rest L40.  Not real strong but I thought they looked cool.  Another team I saw was all Monsters. I also wanted a different faction team for all the factions, so that took lots of variety. 

1. When the Spider gets a turn, the small Spiderlings will be eaten, the health regeneration of the big one depends on the number of Spiderlings alive.

There are two ways to prevent that. First: kill all Spiderlings with a strong attack right before the big Spider gets a turn. 0 Spiderlings alive = 0 health regenerated. This will only work on lower levels, above Spider 14, 15 the Spiderlings will have to much hp to kill them instantly.

Second way to prevent the healing: never let the big Spider get a turn. Use several champs that decrease turnmeter (Coldheart, Armiger, Scyl, Visix or similar champs) to achieve that.

2. Everybody may play the game as he pleases. Some ways of playing may have the effect that you get stucked at a certain dungeon level. This thread indicates that you don't want to get stucked at Spider 14. If you change your way of playing (upgrading dozens of bad champs to lvl 50, not upgrading good champs to lvl 60) or not is totally up to you.

Jan 26, 2022, 22:4501/26/22

Ok, finally got it to work.  With some tips from you folks and ayumilove, and from trying a bunch of things,

by hook or by crook, I made it. Now just have to let it run 10 times on auto should be good to go.

Thanks again


Jan 26, 2022, 23:1301/26/22

Ok, finally got it to work.  With some tips from you folks and ayumilove, and from trying a bunch of things,

by hook or by crook, I made it. Now just have to let it run 10 times on auto should be good to go.

Thanks again


Very nice.

Also that is a lot of energy. :P

Jan 27, 2022, 05:5601/27/22

Great job!!

As you continue to increase to Spider 20, Drex will play a larger and larger role. 

The advice here in the thread is great, especially about the champs to focus on moving forward. I really think Ghrush and Zargala to 60 will be a huge help to your account. :)

Jan 27, 2022, 13:0501/27/22

Many thanks to the two mods above for their kind words. I have been out of the game for awhile, so still rusty. Much has changed since I last played much here. 

I realize I left things in a bit of a mess with all the incomplete champs. At this point I will have to make a list of what/who I have so I can go on ayumilove and try to decide which 4 and 5 stars to convert up to 6 star. Right now I cannot even recognize many of them. 

Yes, have lots of energy, enough so I do not even have to look at it for a long time, lol. Silver is another story.

Jan 27, 2022, 19:1401/27/22

Many thanks to the two mods above for their kind words. I have been out of the game for awhile, so still rusty. Much has changed since I last played much here. 

I realize I left things in a bit of a mess with all the incomplete champs. At this point I will have to make a list of what/who I have so I can go on ayumilove and try to decide which 4 and 5 stars to convert up to 6 star. Right now I cannot even recognize many of them. 

Yes, have lots of energy, enough so I do not even have to look at it for a long time, lol. Silver is another story.

Start a new post with these questions, who to 6 star, etc...! Let us know where you are looking to improve and we can help with some of that. :)

You look like you've got some decent/good champs for Clan Boss just ready to 6 star (like Ghrush)