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Do fusion summons reset the mercy system?

Do fusion summons reset the mercy system?

Jan 22, 2022, 01:3501/22/22

Do fusion summons reset the mercy system?

I've played Raid for about 3 years now and the only legendary voids I have are Wurlim, Arbiter, Visix and Vlad the Nightborn.  None of these are from shards.  

By fusing Vlad, did I reset my mercy system on void legendary?

Jan 22, 2022, 02:1501/22/22

no, the mercy system only takes champions summoned from shards into account. fusions, fragment summons, and in-game rewards don't affect it.

Jan 22, 2022, 02:3301/22/22

I must just have bad luck then.

Jan 23, 2022, 00:1901/23/22

I must just have bad luck then.

or the whole thing is fake news, not able to be monitored or enforced

Jan 23, 2022, 01:2101/23/22
End Is Near

or the whole thing is fake news, not able to be monitored or enforced

Easy to monitor.  All you have to do is pay attention to what you open and, of course, you have to be able to count.  I've opened 10 ancients since my last leggo, 139 voids, and 5 sacreds.

I get if you don't care to make notes b/c it's a pain in your arse.  I get that and respect it.  But your laziness is no excuss for claiming it's fake.  I've been keeping records for over a year and never hit the end of mercy.  And I don't no a single person that has.  Not a single one.

Jan 23, 2022, 01:3101/23/22

not sure what you mean by end of mercy

I do not get enough to count

and do you know everyone in the game who is counting

and who cares, I don't

Jan 23, 2022, 01:4601/23/22

Pisces is correct. Fusions do not reset your mercy.

Sorry you are still looking for your first Void leggo. 😔 Hopefully you snag one soon. 👍

Jan 23, 2022, 06:2501/23/22

I am sorry you are still looking for a Void Legendary. Last time you posted your roster two months ago, you were looking for help on two key UNM Clan Boss. It takes a LOT of time to get a Void leggo if you are not getting top chests x2 on UNM, NM and Brutal every day. You need TONS of void shards, since the chance to pull one is only 0.5% regularly, and only 1% during 2x. 

I hope you can get one soon, but you'll definitely have to stop pulling Voids during fusions/fragments when it isn't 2x, which you said in your last thread you did. You have to maximize your chances. To qoute your the first reponse on your previous thread from just a bit ago:


Even so lordikarium, your account looks like it is getting stronger, and if you've now been getting top chest UNM x2 every day, top chest NM x2 every day, and top chest Brutal x2 every day, it should be only a matter of time before you stack up Void shards. Only pull those on 2x events, and you should have your void leggo at some point, it is only a matter of time.

Jan 23, 2022, 07:1501/23/22

On one hand I honestly understand your frustration. I'm nearing 14 months in, downing UNM/NM since early fall 2021 and I still have not pulled a void legendary. No Seer either. And like the last few times, all I (or anyone trying to help you) can do is try to offer you solid advice. Open during 2x only. Save your voids. However, I don't know what updates your roster has seen since this post:

I think you're too focused on the things you could have in the game, or you wish you could have versus the things you have now, or could have earned with proper resource management. Just in the past year champions that could've helped you like Brago, Brogni, Tatura, Demytha were attainable in fusions. That requires one to save and put in the time, but then we have guaranteed champions that are good in a variety of content, and in this case Clan Boss, which would help you get even more shards.

Your account is objectively quite strong and could get even stronger if you follow the advice laid out. Are you utilizing what Trips listed for gaining more void shards/resources? Did you try out the team laid out for you by kramas, or some variation on it? Off the top of my head, some combination of these champions from that time could get you at least top chest from UNM every day, and perhaps one of the best (if not best) chests from NM.

Tyrant, Rhazin, Geomancer, Doompriest (as stun cleanser), Toragi, Tayrel, Fahrakin, Vogoth, Ninja, Scabrius, Jareg, Sandlashed, among others.

If what you want to do in the game is open shards just to get specific champions or specific types of champions, you are likely going to be disappointed. If your goal is to progress in content, build good teams and beat content in general, then you should consider changing your outlook on the game, and where and when to open your shards. 

I can't make you enjoy the game or have fun, but I want you to do well and have fun. I'm fairly certain people who've taken the time to offer you well thought out advice do, as well. You have a very strong roster that a lot of players would be envious of and it is capable of beating most of the content in the game, if not all with proper gearing and effort. 

Jan 23, 2022, 11:3001/23/22
End Is Near

not sure what you mean by end of mercy

I do not get enough to count

and do you know everyone in the game who is counting

and who cares, I don't

By end of mercy, I mean the number of shards that a player must open in order to ensure mercy not only kicks in, but you now have a 100% chance to draw a legendary.  If you hit the end of mercy, and have not pulled a legendary, that would be the only way state that the system is "fake."

I do not know what you mean by not getting enough to count? Are you saying you don't know how to count unless you have at least a certain minimum?  LOL.  Anyway, saying it's fake and there is no way to monitor or enforce the system on the one hand, and pretty much admitting that it would be pointless to do so b/c you don't have enough, is pretty much jibber jabber.

Please, anyone in the game who is counting, and has hit the end of mercy withot drawing a legendary, take the opportunity to inform us.  See how that works.  I don't have to know everyone in the game.  I just have to give everyone in the game the opportunity to inform us.

Jan 23, 2022, 11:4201/23/22

I certainly understand the frustration.  My last void leggo from shard was a dup visix.  And that was the only void leggo I pulled the entire year of 2021.  Keeping track of shards has been informative.  One thing I noticed is just the small number of voids I actually opened compared to ancients.  998 ancients in 2021, compared with 299 voids.  That helps me deal with the frustration b/c I can see I'm not being cheated.  I may be a little behind the odds at this point, but it's a numbers game.  Before I started keeping track, I'd frequenstly 'feel' like I must have hit mercy.  But it's painfully obvious to me now that this feeling is compounded by the fact that it takes nearly a years worh of void shards to do so, and that's if your doing double chests on NM and UNM.

Jan 23, 2022, 14:4601/23/22

Thats' you choice to quit.  Good luck in whatever you do. But the fact that you refuse to accept the published odds is just sour grapes.

Jan 23, 2022, 20:4301/23/22

On one hand I honestly understand your frustration. I'm nearing 14 months in, downing UNM/NM since early fall 2021 and I still have not pulled a void legendary. No Seer either. And like the last few times, all I (or anyone trying to help you) can do is try to offer you solid advice. Open during 2x only. Save your voids. However, I don't know what updates your roster has seen since this post:

I think you're too focused on the things you could have in the game, or you wish you could have versus the things you have now, or could have earned with proper resource management. Just in the past year champions that could've helped you like Brago, Brogni, Tatura, Demytha were attainable in fusions. That requires one to save and put in the time, but then we have guaranteed champions that are good in a variety of content, and in this case Clan Boss, which would help you get even more shards.

Your account is objectively quite strong and could get even stronger if you follow the advice laid out. Are you utilizing what Trips listed for gaining more void shards/resources? Did you try out the team laid out for you by kramas, or some variation on it? Off the top of my head, some combination of these champions from that time could get you at least top chest from UNM every day, and perhaps one of the best (if not best) chests from NM.

Tyrant, Rhazin, Geomancer, Doompriest (as stun cleanser), Toragi, Tayrel, Fahrakin, Vogoth, Ninja, Scabrius, Jareg, Sandlashed, among others.

If what you want to do in the game is open shards just to get specific champions or specific types of champions, you are likely going to be disappointed. If your goal is to progress in content, build good teams and beat content in general, then you should consider changing your outlook on the game, and where and when to open your shards. 

I can't make you enjoy the game or have fun, but I want you to do well and have fun. I'm fairly certain people who've taken the time to offer you well thought out advice do, as well. You have a very strong roster that a lot of players would be envious of and it is capable of beating most of the content in the game, if not all with proper gearing and effort. 

This is well said. Very well said.

To break down a small piece of this here, lordikarium, your roster includes an Heiress and a Seeker. Had you paritipated in the 4.70 fusion and gotten Demytha, only 1/4 epics, you could have an Unkillable team RIGHT NOW. 

Demytha is amazing. Kreela is amazing. Brogni is amazing. Iron Brago is amazing. Tatura is amazing. You have to jump at those opportunities rather than pull at 0.5-1% odds in hopes of some void leggo. And those are just fusions! I use the mission champs and DT champs like Archmage Hellmut, Arbiter and Lydia everywhere!

But that's just how I built my account, on fusions and free champs. Everyone's mileage may vary.

Jan 24, 2022, 08:5801/24/22

No way to check the odds?  LMAO!

Jan 24, 2022, 09:0901/24/22

There are numerous ways to tabulate data.  Yes, you may not have a starting point.  But you must begin to track and it will eventually become clear. If you don't tabulate, then you have no evidence that the system doesn't work.  I have all the evidence i need that they system does work, even though it sucks and i wish i had more voids.

Jan 24, 2022, 17:3701/24/22

My friend, I did not spend any money on getting Demytha. I know a lot of people felt like they had to, but it wasn't necessary. It DID take some foresight and saving resources here and there, but that is how you get somewhere in Raid.

Raid isn't actually a shard opening game. It's a resource management game. There is no content you cannot complete without steadily managing your resources and using free and login champs. It takes a while, yes, but it IS possible.

Kreela, Brago, Brogni and Demytha are a huge part of my account these days, and they were all fusions I saved for. I have begun using Tatura too, and Yoshi! All fusions. If you end up continuing, focus on saving your resources for the fusions. That's 12 legendaries a year. Or perhaps a bit less if you want to keep a few epics here and there when they are so good, like Demytha, or fill a role for you, like Hoforees did for me. :)

Jan 24, 2022, 18:4701/24/22

of course paywalls exist, this is a business trying to make money.... I agree with everything Quinn said, it is a resource management game not a shard opening collect for a sticker book game.  Progress can be sped up with $$$ or slowed down due too lack of intelligence.  The former is obvious because that is how these types of games are run, the latter is equally obvious if you peruse these forums.