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Arena Matchmaking Experiment

Arena Matchmaking Experiment

Jan 16, 2022, 14:1801/16/22

Arena Matchmaking Experiment

I took 20 arena tokens and fought 20 arena fights (2 full pages) regardless of if I might win or  lose. 1 fight per team no rematches. All on Auto

Classic Gold II arena results

first page 10 fights - 4 wins and 6 losses

second page 10 fights - 6 wins and 4 losses

I won exactly half  of  my 20 fights 10 wins and 10 losses

Worthy notes I will share with the tiny experiment are on the second page I had one fight the community often refers to as a bot fight (guaranteed win with for me)

Honestly though all the 19 other fights scared the pants off me and I had  no idea if I would win or  lose, they all looked tough to me and  under normal circumstances I likely would  not of fought many of them. But for the experiment I fought all

Maybe its because I do not have the PVP experience and game knowledge to see a easy win when faced with these match ups as I even beat a couple teams with more power than my team which I never  pick a fight with

My personal conclusion is (I hate to say it) . Match making appears to work even if I cannot tell wether I will win or  lose, Plarium algorithum knows I will win at least half  my fights and that seems fair to me :/

Jan 16, 2022, 20:1401/16/22

So I accumulated another 10 arena tokens and continue the experiment with a full page right down the list (top to bottom)

Arene Gold II all Auto

10 fights no rematch

results = 5 wins and 5 losses

I however would not be able to look at that list and decide what matches I could win over which I might lose :/

So guess I am reduded to just playing the full page and taking the 50% win in gold medals 

I am OK with that.  Seems reasonable to me and a respectful algorithum. What do you think?

Jan 16, 2022, 20:2201/16/22

I can't speak for that particular rank, but I can definitely say at G4 level, it would be foolhardy for me to just decide to attack all ten people on each page. There are teams that my specific comp is clearly able to beat easily, and there are others that will clearly just demolish me. To an extent, this is due to the champs I have available to me, but largely, it's a consequence of the rock-paper-scissor arena model.

My primary team is a speed nuke team. That means I fight any team without two speed boosters, one speed booster and a provoke, or champs like foli/hegemon/etc. My second team is a standard go-second comp, which means I fight teams without champs like Serris, and teams where I think I can just outlast their burst.

But in either case there'll definitely be teams I will 100% be avoiding. On a given page, I would say I get 1-2 "free" wins, from people running solo arbiter/etc, and 1-2 fights that I would attempt.

Jan 16, 2022, 20:2801/16/22

I can't speak for that particular rank, but I can definitely say at G4 level, it would be foolhardy for me to just decide to attack all ten people on each page. There are teams that my specific comp is clearly able to beat easily, and there are others that will clearly just demolish me. To an extent, this is due to the champs I have available to me, but largely, it's a consequence of the rock-paper-scissor arena model.

My primary team is a speed nuke team. That means I fight any team without two speed boosters, one speed booster and a provoke, or champs like foli/hegemon/etc. My second team is a standard go-second comp, which means I fight teams without champs like Serris, and teams where I think I can just outlast their burst.

But in either case there'll definitely be teams I will 100% be avoiding. On a given page, I would say I get 1-2 "free" wins, from people running solo arbiter/etc, and 1-2 fights that I would attempt.

Pretty much what I have going  on just at a lower level of play with my 260 speed tuned arena team

However, my problem is I just lack the game knowledge to look at a enemy team and know if I have a chance at winning :/

No one can say that Raid Shadow Legends  is  not a deep strategy game. A game with tons  of depth and  lots to learn strategy wise. 

Just throwing $$$$ at it will only get you so far as I get  beat by so many teams with only epic champs and half  my speed. I say awesome to those players

Jan 16, 2022, 20:3001/16/22

Pretty much what I have going  on just at a lower level of play with my 260 speed tuned arena team

However, my problem is I just lack the game knowledge to look at a enemy team and know if I have a chance at winning :/

No one can say that Raid Shadow Legends  is  not a deep strategy game. A game with tons  of depth and  lots to learn strategy wise. 

Just throwing $$$$ at it will only get you so far as I get  beat by so many teams with only epic champs and half  my speed. I say awesome to those players

What's your specific comp? Are you doing two speed boosters? Do you have a champ like Umbral, with AOE provoke, or someone like Ninja with AOE freeze? At 260 speed you need to build in a specific way in order to have any real reliability on your success.

Jan 16, 2022, 20:4001/16/22

Ma shal with speed boost

Arbiter for speed aura

Draco with weaken / def down / poison

Trunda with damage

Jan 16, 2022, 20:4101/16/22

does 2 speed bosters stack? can you have a double speed boost? I was unaware anything worked  like that?

Jan 16, 2022, 20:4401/16/22

The team isn't bad overall. 260 speed Arbiter lead means you want Salad to be somewhere around 220 speed to go right after, and should be running reasonably high accuracy, since his main goal will be to get the fear to land. Draco, though, is overkill - you don't need him on this team with both Salad and Trunda. Post your roster, and we can see if we can suggest a better comp. 

Jan 16, 2022, 21:2301/16/22
Jan 16, 2022, 21:23(edited)

I don't see the 50/50 thing with my account. Things seem a touch more linear in my case.

From midweek on, if I'm starting from 2900-3000, I can clear page after page until I hit 3500-3600, then it starts getting really tough.

Kind of somewhere midway through the 2900 to 3600 climb, I have to get serious about subbing in my second or third team when neccessary. Like my slower buff stripping team to deal with tanky shield/resist teams. Cause they start having serious shields and resist numbers.

Right at 3800 I start really struggling to climb. I can get to 4,000, but it takes very careful fight selection and a willingness to refresh. This last 200+ is a FIGHT. I might do this while watching a show, or cooking for the week, occasionally checking back in and seeing what terrible disaster each new page brings me. Cause those really high gold or plat lists on the weekends are just terrible and make me sad.

Jan 16, 2022, 21:2401/16/22

does 2 speed bosters stack? can you have a double speed boost? I was unaware anything worked  like that?

The Increase Speed doesn't. But the Turn Meter fills do, and that's really what you're looking for is one turn meter boost, followed by a second. :)

Jan 16, 2022, 22:0601/16/22

The Increase Speed doesn't. But the Turn Meter fills do, and that's really what you're looking for is one turn meter boost, followed by a second. :)

High Katune instead of Ma shal? she has same speed boost but a 15% turn meter also

Jan 16, 2022, 22:1401/16/22

High Katune instead of Ma shal? she has same speed boost but a 15% turn meter also

I don't think you really need another booster. Arbiter into Salad is a very common strategy, and is arguably better than your standard double speed booster. It largely depends on your gear, though. If you can get Salad to the appropriate speed breakpoint (use the speed tuner on deadwoodjedi) and with at least 300 ACC, then you don't need a second speed booster. If you can't, then maybe run HK, so you can have Salad be at around 180 speed.

If you don't need to run HK, a better person for that spot would be someone who can strip buffs. The only teams that'll really beat you will be those who can survive your burst. Draco is not actually a bad person here, except that he's literally the best CB champ in the game, so it would kinda suck to not gear him for CB. Serris is a very common choice. Deacon Armstrong is another common one. Do you have other debuffers?

Jan 16, 2022, 22:4001/16/22

Pretty much what I have going  on just at a lower level of play with my 260 speed tuned arena team

However, my problem is I just lack the game knowledge to look at a enemy team and know if I have a chance at winning :/

No one can say that Raid Shadow Legends  is  not a deep strategy game. A game with tons  of depth and  lots to learn strategy wise. 

Just throwing $$$$ at it will only get you so far as I get  beat by so many teams with only epic champs and half  my speed. I say awesome to those players

The more you play, the more you start to recognize the usual suspects, even if you don't have them yourself.   In my experience, realistically there's maybe 10-15 meta champs in the arena you need to keep an eye out for.

Most teams have arbiter when you get to a certain level, so picking out a second turn meter manip is easy.  Seeker, HK, Lyssandra, and now kimi are the more common ones.

Hege is an easy one to spot and (usually) avoid.  Tormin is another one to spot and avoid with your usual offense team.  Umbral as a provoker can be a big issue. basically you learn by losing, and you start to recognize who/why you lost.  When Tormin freezes half your team when Arbi does her boost, you know that's where things went south.

Another example is I tend to struggle to kill duchess's with my usual DPS, so I have to switch things up when I spot her in a matchup. 

Most of the arena grind though is spotting teams you think your speed team can wipe out easily (if you win the race), and then moving on to the next.  Some people build 5 minute high resist offensive teams to grind down the enemy but man, who's got time for that when we have CB, FW, hydra, 3v3, etc.  quicker/easier to just refresh and find more quick matches.  I tend to forfit if a match is going to last more than 30 seconds too.

I think your arbiter's speed is the main thing keeping you from G3/4 though, not the matchups.  HK won't help much if arbiter doesnt go first, and salad can lock down the other team with fear if you do go first and don't get cut.

Jan 17, 2022, 00:4301/17/22

I don't think you really need another booster. Arbiter into Salad is a very common strategy, and is arguably better than your standard double speed booster. It largely depends on your gear, though. If you can get Salad to the appropriate speed breakpoint (use the speed tuner on deadwoodjedi) and with at least 300 ACC, then you don't need a second speed booster. If you can't, then maybe run HK, so you can have Salad be at around 180 speed.

If you don't need to run HK, a better person for that spot would be someone who can strip buffs. The only teams that'll really beat you will be those who can survive your burst. Draco is not actually a bad person here, except that he's literally the best CB champ in the game, so it would kinda suck to not gear him for CB. Serris is a very common choice. Deacon Armstrong is another common one. Do you have other debuffers?

Debuffers. I have a Madame Serris (might of misspelled that). The witch lady

Thanks for the general tips from all. I am taking it all into consideration...going forward

Jan 17, 2022, 00:5001/17/22

Madame Serris is great for that yes. Another point in her favor is that unlike Draco, she REMOVES buffs as she's applying her Dec Atk and Dec Def debuffs. One of the best Arena champs in the game. I think, right now, the only others that do something close are Rian the Conjurer from DT, and Kymar from my Arena nightmares.

Jan 17, 2022, 01:1601/17/22

Madame Serris is great for that yes. Another point in her favor is that unlike Draco, she REMOVES buffs as she's applying her Dec Atk and Dec Def debuffs. One of the best Arena champs in the game. I think, right now, the only others that do something close are Rian the Conjurer from DT, and Kymar from my Arena nightmares.

I just picked  up Rian from the DT last week

which of those 2 would you personally choose as a better "arena" debuffer?

Jan 17, 2022, 01:4001/17/22

Serris.  ez.

If you run into a shield set or anything on the other team, she'll lift those right off.  Just need her to go after arbiter and have the highest accuracy you can so she lands the strip/debuffs.

Jan 17, 2022, 01:4901/17/22

I just picked  up Rian from the DT last week

which of those 2 would you personally choose as a better "arena" debuffer?

Serris. 99/100 times.

I see Rian used in some kooky go second teams cause she can also revive.

Jan 17, 2022, 14:5501/17/22

Yup. Arb + Salad + Serris + Trunda is an easy win team.

Jan 17, 2022, 15:1501/17/22

The W/L ratio in your experiment will increase as Arbiter speed is increased.  We could discuss other changes for another 7 pages of mental masturbation as to what comp u should use.  But the answer is take the best speed item for each slot (weapon, hat, ...) that you have from everyone and make Arbiter as fast as you can.  You have been playing long enough where 300 should be easy, and 320-330 probable.

Git Gud PG!