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New Fragment Collector: Opardin

New Fragment Collector: Opardin

Jan 10, 2022, 18:0701/10/22

New Fragment Collector: Opardin's the Fusion coming out on Jan 17th.

Opardin Clanfather

Faction - Barbarians
Rarity - Legendary
Type - HP
Affinity - Magic



What are y'all's thoughts? Is this guy going to be good or even okay anywhere? So far, this may be one I skip, but he might be an easy fragment collector. And perhaps you guys can figure out/suggest some interactions. 

Perhaps he's got a kit tuned mostly for Hydra and very very specific DT levels?

Jan 10, 2022, 18:1101/10/22

Not one I see myself gunning for. 

Mainly because my resources are still exhausted from the Christmas fusion!

Jan 10, 2022, 18:1301/10/22
Jan 10, 2022, 18:13(edited)

My only idea (for now) is to run him in Nether Spider, and any other debuff heavy fight, with Grunch Killjoy for the ultimate turn meter boost team. 

Jan 10, 2022, 18:1601/10/22
Jan 11, 2022, 15:37(edited)

Initial thought this morning: meh

After thinking a bit, I'm just thinking back in 2021 where there were several fusions that folks were not high on that have scaled in value (Yoshi, and especially Cybele stick out. I can't remember the perception on Versulf but he's ended up being tremendous in certain UNM CB teams, too.)

It's kind of a weird kit. I agree Hydra or DT is where Opardin likely shines, perhaps paired with a champ like Urogrim, among a few others. I wish the A3 were a full cleanse, not sure that would make him overpowered.

It's a unique passive and we've seen quite a few fusion champs come out that end up designed for future content, so unless he's a pain to pick up I'm probably gonna give it a shot. I do think from a faction standpoint it would've been nice if this were in one that didn't really have a problem with champs that provide sustainability, given Barbs have Scyl.

It's one of those that I don't think I'm excited about, but if you're already playing a bunch in the first place and it's not super annoying to get, might as well just do it. Also, FOMO. :)

Jan 10, 2022, 18:2101/10/22

Seems just super, super niche. I mean like maybe you can run some weird continous heal team with like, him, BEK, Wythir, etc... but ... I'll get him, and he'll sit in my mailbox for ever, likely.

Jan 10, 2022, 18:2501/10/22

He seems very lackluster to me. A3 sounds good, but there are straight-up better versions of it available (BEK for example). The main purpose of his A1 seems to be to make him unusable vs Bommal, and unless he has a massive base HP to make the A2 worthwhile, it seems pretty mediocre.

There is one thing however, and that would be if you can team him up with buff extenders and/or other champions that can place continuous heals, in which case you could potentially get some pretty massive TM boosts each turn by stacking them.

I'd have been more interested if he was an epic champ, with perhaps the passive toned down a bit, but I think I'll pass on what appears to be a pure cheese niche legendary.

Jan 10, 2022, 19:0601/10/22

In the last couple of months I completed many fusions and I also collected some champions, which were perceived as underwelming at the time of release (e.g. Versulf, Sigmund and Vlad).  At least for me those champions really improved my roster. I have to admit I changed my mind several times about Vlad in the end I am glad that I got him.

However, this new fragment fusion seems to be very mediocre in my opinion. At first glance I do not have a spot for him. For the other fusions I had already an idea when I reviewed their kit. 

I really dislike that his A3 removes only specific debuffs. I am surprised that a legendary has such a restriction. I have already a strong magic based HP healer Hakhohrn Smashlord.

I pretty sure that I will skip this fusion and instead I will improve my Undead, Knight Revenants and Shadowkin faction war teams.

Jan 10, 2022, 19:2801/10/22
Jan 10, 2022, 19:30(edited)

So far not a lot of love for the new guy. His design is awesome, but you're right Bandana, his kit is so underwhelming compared to someone I already have, like Hakkorhn.

His conditional extra heal on his A2 is a 5% bonus, for example. Not even a bonus. TM decrease of 5%? Armiger would like a word with you.

Jan 10, 2022, 19:3901/10/22

His A3 looks most interesting to me.  If you could sync that with another healer like bek, you could have constant double continuous heal.  Plus his passive every turn an ally takes with 2 (or more) continuous heals increases TM 10%.

Jan 10, 2022, 20:0601/10/22

This doesn't look like a great champion.  Everything in his kit looks like it is done better by other champions.  

That said, fragment events are usually easier, so if the resource requirements are quite low it might be worth doing just to hold onto another summon for future events

Jan 10, 2022, 20:1601/10/22

This doesn't look like a great champion.  Everything in his kit looks like it is done better by other champions.  

That said, fragment events are usually easier, so if the resource requirements are quite low it might be worth doing just to hold onto another summon for future events

Ugh. I guess if Rose says to get it, I have to do it. 


Jan 10, 2022, 20:2901/10/22

Ugh. I guess if Rose says to get it, I have to do it. 


Stick to the plan Quinn!


Jan 10, 2022, 20:4501/10/22

I agree with Rose.

Fragment fusions are easy, so might as well do it.  I don't understand the logic of skipping this to focus on improving other factions.  Just align your training appropriately and such, no?

Jan 10, 2022, 21:0401/10/22

Fragment fusions easy? Did you participate in brogni fusion? Was the worst time in my raid history.

Atleast in old school fusions you can normally Sacred shard yourself to 25% of the fusion.

Jan 10, 2022, 21:2701/10/22

Fragment fusions easy? Did you participate in brogni fusion? Was the worst time in my raid history.

Atleast in old school fusions you can normally Sacred shard yourself to 25% of the fusion.

This was a hybrid, not a typical fragment fusion. 

Jan 10, 2022, 21:2901/10/22

This was a hybrid, not a typical fragment fusion. 

You're not a typical fragment fusion. 

Jan 10, 2022, 21:4001/10/22

You're not a typical fragment fusion. 


Jan 10, 2022, 21:4201/10/22

Stick to the plan Quinn!


Excited, I'm sure it shows


Jan 10, 2022, 21:5001/10/22

The amount of healing this guy can bring is enormous, two 15% continous heal + another healing skill. But in most content where I could need healing, like Griffon, Bommal, Hydra, buffs are stolen or removed and his tm manipulation on the A1 is another reason not to use him at Bommal and Griffon. Where does this champ come into action?

The Nether Spider team Harbby suggested, paired with Grunch Killjoy, is the only place I see. A legendary as one-trick-pony for one certain DT boss, and not even from his own strength, but as junior partner for an epic. And even here the tm reducing effect of his A1 is a malus and causes counterattacks.

Jan 10, 2022, 23:2101/10/22

In paper and my first impression, his passive looks overpowered if team up with two fast Bad El Kazar / Urogrim and with fast Psylar / Vlad. Not sure how his passive will perform in actual gameplay though and on where this team will work. 

Since I am no longer playing, I hope content creators will even try to make his passive work, not like on how they showcase Vlad where they really miss how good an aoe 3 turn cooldown decrease turn meter can be.

I am imagining it that his passive, together with multiple continues heals, will work similar with Achak on how he boost turnmeter. If it not work like that then he is just another fragment champion. 

Jan 11, 2022, 04:0401/11/22

easy skip for me - im worn out from the past 2 weeks of raid life and the countless hours needed to play lol 

when are we getting the QOL changes to speed up game play and reduce the actual hours needed to be on to keep up with everything, ive heard we are working on it but here have hydra another bit of extra work to complete each week.

dont get me wrong i enjoy the new content etc but to progress and keep the account moving it feels like i need 3/4 of the day just to raid and keep progression ticking over