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Is this happening to anybody else?

Is this happening to anybody else?

Jan 10, 2022, 04:0201/10/22

Is this happening to anybody else?

😏I more and more realize that as my champion collection grows, as I develop more stronger rank 5 and rank 6 champs, that the versatility of my collection diminishes.

I seem to really only have about 5, or 6 champs that are go to for any content, and that i consistently use. Most of these I have had since the start! 

Months ago before I started pulling legendaries and before I got Scyl, I was using all my champs. Now I cant justify using someone for a skill they have that could be useful, over one of maybe 4 or 5 champions that Ive put so much time and silver into. 

I havent even changed my arena team in months, except for pulling a madame serris 3 weeks ago😏😏😏 its still an all epic team in Gold II🤔🤔🤔

Im wondering if, im hurting myself by focusing on a handful of champs rather than put silver and gems into other champs that can shine. 

Or is it just the fact that ive pulled second rate legos that dont offer my team any improvement?? Having built up many epics really well.. or the thought that there are many epics out there better than many legos that do similar abilities?

Jan 10, 2022, 07:0601/10/22

Can always post your collection and see who you could focus on.

But really, it is natural to develop a solid team of 60s as your go to team. I have a standard team I use in several of the dungeons, with only small variations. Spider is a specialty team these days, but long before that, I basically used the same team of my first 5 60s in CB, in Dragon, etc....

Jan 10, 2022, 07:1501/10/22

I think it's reasonable to focus alot of energy and resources on specific champions, rather than to spread yourself too thin.  Your roster will slow expand as you progress, but for late game content it won't be a situation where you will have a lot of level 60 fully geared, booked and mastered champions floating around for a while.  

The key is to have a core group that helps with a lot of content, and then add to it one at a time when you hit a roadblock

Jan 10, 2022, 15:3201/10/22


Well theres my roster currently, I just am like what if?! Towards champs like MM, APO, Fayne, Fenax, Gorgorab, Thylessia to name a few.. dont even have those ones geared I believe 🤣 also note my play time I think thats relevant a la any advice received in here - just got Scyl last night from the login.


Jan 10, 2022, 20:5001/10/22

Well since you have the solo king in tomb lord it goes to say why you dont need so many champions.

But still I would say early on you build generic champions but once you get too doom tower hard and stage 25 fire knigth and such I will guess you would need to build champions for special teams.

Sycia and miscreated monster should definately be build for spider.

Jan 11, 2022, 00:0401/11/22

I can already see a couple of good teams for specific content.  Some that come to mind are:

- Spider - Sicia (HP Burn), Miscreated Monster (shield), Achak (Freeze) and Coldheart (damage).  You have a fifth slot for flexibility

- Dragon - As drone mentioned, when built properly Tomb Lord can actually solo this dungeon himself, which means you can level some food up while collecting artifacts.  Still, until you get to that stage you can take in a few other champs too, such as Stag Knight, Kael, Scyl, Ninja, Apoc or Vogoth.

- Arena - A generally easy arena team to aim for is one that boosts turn meter, drops enemy defense, increase your damage (through either increase attack or increase defense, depending on your nuker), and then nuke.  Champions like High Khatun (turn meter) and Madam Serris (reduce defense and attack) help here.  Infact Madam Serris is one of the best because she also removes other buffs, including shields.  Kael and Ninja can nuke, as can Aleksandr.  

Dark Elhain can be another nuking option as she also gives herself her own increase attack, which means you can actually bring in 2 nukers (High Khatun to Madam Serris to Dark Elhain to Ninja, with the last champ freezing any survivors)

Doom Tower - Vogoth, Stag Knight, Tomb Lord, Apoc and Miscreated Monster are good options.  Ideally you want reduced attack and defense on a lot, as well as good crowd control.  HP Burn and Poison helps a lot with damage in the later levels.

I'm not suggesting that you build out all of the above champions straight away, but wanted to show that different champs can help different scenarios in late game, so it won't just be a single roster of 5 doing all the hard work.  You will want to focus specifically on an area that is giving you some challenge, and then the champions that will help in that area.

Also, you have a lot of level 50's there at the moment.  I wouldn't spread yourself too thin just yet.  Focus on getting some more to level 60

Finally, I didn't go too much into Clan Boss but this is another important area that you need to build a team specifically for.  Speed tuning Clan Boss is one of the more critical parts of the game, and depending on the speeds the champs used there might not be used much elsewhere in the game.  Who do you use at the moment for CB?

Jan 11, 2022, 00:1801/11/22
Jan 11, 2022, 00:22(edited)

Very well said by Rose. I totally agree with each champ he went over.

As far as CB teams, I see something happening with Ghrush, Ninja, Godseeker Aniri, Jhareg, and Tomb Lord. Could think about Vogoth there too. 

Although you may already have a super solid team for CB already done and humming along. :)

Jan 11, 2022, 00:5401/11/22
Jan 11, 2022, 00:55(edited)

Very well said by Rose. I totally agree with each champ he went over.

As far as CB teams, I see something happening with Ghrush, Ninja, Godseeker Aniri, Jhareg, and Tomb Lord. Could think about Vogoth there too. 

Although you may already have a super solid team for CB already done and humming along. :)

Wow. Mind blown. It just exploded right now. No not really lol but you just recommended my exact CB team I use for NM. 

Jan 11, 2022, 01:2401/11/22

@RoseRoyal -

I am using high khatun in the lead, then Tomb lord for poisons, Ninja cause Ninja, Ghrush for leech and heals, then Godseeker for heals and revive. 

I sometimes rotate in Stag knight as a better ATK down champ, because i have a bad habit of swapping gear out on champions that already have great gear equipped, only to see if the 4 - 5 speed gain will change my game entirely, always to no avail 🙃

Jan 11, 2022, 07:4001/11/22

That looks like a pretty solid build so far.  Which CB level are you hitting (i.e. Hard, Brutal, Nightmare, etc.)?  It looks like Tomb Lord and Ninja are doing the bulk of the damage at the moment, with the others keeping everyone alive.  Some thoughts for once you want to move to a more dedicated CB team:

  • Besides speed, HK isn't bringing much to the team and should eventually be replaced.  You could swap her out for Apoc and achieve a similar outcome, as Apoc brings in healing plus a turn meter boost and increase speed buff, though you will lose the speed lead aura.  You have HK at 50 at the moment and I wouldn't take her to 60.  Apoc you will want at 60 at some stage which will open up the Giant Slayer mastery for him to bring some damage to CB, but it wouldn't be the first priority yet.  I haven't done the math, but I imagine a straight swap of HK and Apoc would achieve a similar speed outcome for the team, if not better
  • Tomb Lord is a beast of a champ, but in the long run I think having him in your CB team is not the ideal outcome.  The first reason is because it will likely limit his speed and gear for other content, but the other reason is because most of his skills won't help.  His A1 speed reduction will never be used, and his A3 turn meter reduction is a waste too, which in turn means he never triggers his extra turn.  This puts his decrease attack and defense on a 4 turn cooldown instead of 3, which means you can never keep it up 100% of the time on CB without making Tomb Lord incrediably fast.  At some stage, you will want a dedicated poisoner that will be synergized with the rest of the team.  Still, I'd keep him in for awhile now until you have a replacement
  • Speaking of dedicated poisoners, I couldn't see based on your screenshot, but do you have Frozen Banshee?  She is a rare champion is exceptional for CB.  If she is built to survive with retaliation gear, it is not unusual for her to completely fill the 10 debuff limit on CB with poisons and single handedly contribute a lot of damage.  The hard part then is making sure that other debuffs like decrease attack are kept on before she fills it up
  • Godseeker is a good healing champ for now, but eventually you will want the team to be able to heal themselves without relying on too many healing champs in play.  This can be achieved through the Giant Slayer and Warmaster masteries on level 60 champions, along with either the life steal set, or having leech out.  You also won't want to rely too much on reviving, because once CB gets to the stage where he is killing you then a revive will only really give you 1 or 2 more rounds before it's over.
  • Instead, work on sustain.  Ideally you want decrease attack on CB 100% of the time, along with increase defense and ally protection on your team 100% of the time.  Once you start including decrease defense, increase attack, increase speed and block debuffs, you will want to start to look for champions that bring multiple things to the table.  Some examples:
  1. Grizzled Jarl brings decrease attack (4 turn CD though), increase defense and block debuffs (3 turn CD).
  2. Reargard Sergeant brings decrease attack (3 turn CD, but not 100%), decrease defense (A1 not 100%), ally protection and continous healing (3 turn CD)
  3. Tomb Lord also performs well in this sense as he brings poisons for damage, plus decrease attack and defense.  This is why he is still good in the short term.
  • Finally, at some stage you will want to consider a speed tune.  I wouldn't worry too much about this now other than to say that it is usually better early on to keep all your champions within a similar speed range of each other.  This allows them to cycle through the buffs at the same pace and avoid issues

So in summary, I would probably explore swapping out HK for Apoc at some stage, as well as bring in Rearguard instead of Godseeker for extra defense and survivability, plus to work with Tomb Lord on maintaining 100% decrease defense and attack.