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Need help - faction wars - stage 21 Undead

Need help - faction wars - stage 21 Undead

Jan 9, 2022, 18:3301/09/22

Need help - faction wars - stage 21 Undead

I had a pretty good start in the day as I was able to complete the Lizardmen crypt. However, I was not lucky enough to three star stage 21 of the Undead crypt. All my efforts to three star this crypt failed.

My most sucessful team consists of Seducer (block debuff for the boss fight), Skartoris in a stun set, Gorgorab, Vlad the Nightborn and Seeker. With this team I could beat the boss, but I was not able to keep all of them alive in the end. In the best case four of them are alive. 

Moreover, it is also really hard to beat the second wave, which consists of Warcaster, three Valkyries and one Errol. I have to pray to the rng god that Skartosis is either stunning the majority of the enemies or is stealing their buffs. I need on average four attempts to pass this wave.

I would like to ask you if this is my best team for this stage or if I have some hidden gems to complete this faction. Please find below all my champions from the Undead faction.


For completeness purpose I also tried a team with Bad-El-Kazar and Zelotah, but I did not find a way to beat the Valkyries with them. I already swapped Dark Elhain for Vlad. Vlad helps me actually to beat waves with his A2 and also his A3 is useful to disable at least one enemy. 

I would really appreciate your thoughts and your advice.

Jan 9, 2022, 18:5701/09/22

Hm. I didnt find UH21 particularly hard, and I have a pretty similar roster to yours.

I would expect something like BEK + Skar + Zelo + Gorg + FB could just slowly wear the mobs/boss down with poisons. Did you try that?

Jan 9, 2022, 20:5601/09/22
Jan 9, 2022, 21:34(edited)

As krama mentioned that team he suggested should wipe that if your finding your champs are dying biggest thing that helped me on this stage was ensuring they all had heap of HP think all my champs were well over 50 000 hp and my main champs closer to 60 000 - 65000 

Jan 10, 2022, 18:4801/10/22

Hm. I didnt find UH21 particularly hard, and I have a pretty similar roster to yours.

I would expect something like BEK + Skar + Zelo + Gorg + FB could just slowly wear the mobs/boss down with poisons. Did you try that?

Thank you for this suggestion.

No, I did not use these five champions in the same team. I will give it a try.

Jan 10, 2022, 18:5001/10/22

As krama mentioned that team he suggested should wipe that if your finding your champs are dying biggest thing that helped me on this stage was ensuring they all had heap of HP think all my champs were well over 50 000 hp and my main champs closer to 60 000 - 65000 

You raise a good point.

Maybe my problem is related that my gear is not good enough and that I need farm more and better gear.

Jan 10, 2022, 18:5401/10/22

In terms of gear, the most important one will be Gorg - so you may want to get him to 60. He's the only reviver on the team, so if he dies, you'll probably lose.

Jan 10, 2022, 18:5401/10/22

You raise a good point.

Maybe my problem is related that my gear is not good enough and that I need farm more and better gear.

Sharing gear to finish a faction is a wise strategy.  You can swap good immortal gear from faction to faction. 

Jan 15, 2022, 15:5501/15/22

Thanks to your suggestion I was able to 3 star the Undead crypt today.


Firstly, I tried kramaswamy's  suggestion, but I always died on the second wave. I needed some additional crowd control abilities and in this case Vlad was crucial (A2 and A3). However, the other champions suggested are in my team.

Secondly, benpountney77 advise regarding gear (HP should be as high as possible) was important as well. I changed the gear from Gorgorab (%HP chests & glove instead of %Def). This gear change combined with the addition of Bad-el-Kazar and Zelotah (his shields were extremely valuable for the boss fight) made the success possible.

Once again thanks a lot for your support.