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King Garog and Kantra the Cyclone

King Garog and Kantra the Cyclone

Jan 7, 2022, 17:5101/07/22

King Garog and Kantra the Cyclone

Every other legendary champ I have on my account has at least one place where I use him. But I didn't find a reason to build these two so far.

It seems to me Garog is supposed to be an arena nuker. But I allready have Magnarr and Vlad who can do that job. Does Garog really hit harder than they do? And is it worth the effort to build a third arena nuker? I have some more champs that can hit, for example Ninja, Sinesha, Ghostborn. Maybe they don't hit as hard as Garog does, but making a new lvl 60 only for a small increase in the third Tag Arena team? Is there any other place exept arena where you would use King Garog?

Kantra can put out a bunch of Debuffs, but you can't control wich one. What is the function of this move? Of course that fits to a slot machine game, put any random debuff on the enemy, and if you are lucky it may be a usefull one. Is there any place in the game where you really use that champ? 

I've seen a video that Kantra is a good off affinity tank in Spider 20, because her base stats are so insane and loading all that debuffs on the Spiderlings decreases their acc from the passive, so they won't land their poison. Ok, fine. But I have Drexthar as off affinity tank for Spider 20. Putting hp burn on the spiderlings while taking the hits seems more usefull to me than just taking the hits.

It's not the case that I hate that champs, I want to use them. But where? Like I said, I found a place for every other legendary, even Teela Goremane. Ash made a video about the worst legendaries in the game, and she won the price - but I use her in Spirit and Magic Keep and think she is really usefull here. The video was made before the keeps got stages higher than 15, maybe Teela wouldn't be chosen as worst legendary champ of the game anymore. But back to Kantra and Garog: where do I use them?

Jan 7, 2022, 18:2601/07/22
Jan 7, 2022, 18:27(edited)

I have zero idea where you'd use Garog.

But Kantra seems like she'd make a decent Hard Doom Tower champ.  Accuracy aura, reduces enemy champ accuracy, applies debuffs, steals buffs, can keep enemy champs provoked and locked down. Seems like she'd be okay paired with other AoE debuffers to maximize that provoke.

Jan 7, 2022, 18:4301/07/22

Kantra is awesome, but depending where you are at may not have a need. I used on alt to get to like 80ish in hard DT when it was first released.  Could be useful in a go 2nd arena team, haven't tried that.  Was thinking of testing in Hydra, but I am too lazy.  The rng of the debuffs is an issue, but used with other debuffers you get the provoke easily even in hard DT.  And Kantra I used in Spider 20 and Spider 25 on that account as well.

Jan 7, 2022, 23:0501/07/22

Kantra was  one  of  my first Lego so I built her  out  as I needed something to help my account

High defense and accuracy build I gave her and she drops those random debuffs on all . Her  high defense allows her to stand the ground and  not be squishy while using her AOE hit

Helped me  in early arena days until I got better legos . She is still part of  my Barbarian faction wars farming and when Doom Tower requests those niche groups (affinity/faction/Barbarian)  for secret rooms I put her  in those  line ups also

Jan 8, 2022, 12:2401/08/22

Kantra + Skarg can farm spider 25 duo with 3 food champs in around 2 mins.

King Garog is pure trash, needs 2-3 more buffs. Looks cool tho (aesthetically)

Jan 8, 2022, 17:2301/08/22

I didn't know about the Spider 25 farm team. Cool!