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Gear and other questions

Gear and other questions

Jan 2, 2022, 14:4201/02/22

Gear and other questions

Lots  of  talk  about  champs  and  other  stuff.  not  much  about  gear  so  whats  good?

Lifesteal  has  served  my  main  well  but  i  wonder  if  shed  be  better  with  more  punch.  Support  and  healers  dont  get  the  same  healing  not  attacking  as  much  so  im  using  hp  and  def+  for  them  when  possible  and  heals  per  turn.  sounds  like  speed  is  a  big  factor  for  arena.  Sleep  freeze,  stun  dont  work  at n  bosses  so  using  that  for  low  rank  fw fodder.  

same  questions  everyone  has  about  champs  ill  try  to  paste  my  roster  If  theres  any  hidden  good  characters  there.  Was  about  to  get  warmaiden  up  and  see  the  alex  recommendations  i  also  have  dhukk the  pierced  to  complicate  the  debate  more.  Was  also  leveling  apothecary when  i  got  flesh  tearer so  torn  on  them  too.  Maybe  im  too  far  along  for  wm and  apoth  now?  Going  for  relic  keeper  now  and  deciding  on  the  2nd  6*.

also  have  to  either  level  training  center  slots  up  or  start  spending  gems  on  energy  and  turkeys  or  something?



Jan 2, 2022, 14:4501/02/22

Oh  and  hows  lysandra?  getting  katun soon  so  may  have  to  decide  on  the  speed  master  too.  My  lys  tanky  with  hp  def  armor  but  no  offense  really.

Jan 2, 2022, 15:3701/02/22

Lyssandra is hands down better than high katune, try to make her as fast as possible and stick her in your arena team as lead and everywhere else you can.  speed sets all the way, don't worry about her damage.

lifesteal is fantastic for clanboss, and on offensive characters until you get a good healer/reviver/shielders/etc. then you can move away from that and put attack champs in attack gear, savage, etc. and let the rest of your team protect them and heal them.

healers/support champs are best in immortal/regen, stalwart, life, speed gear, accuracy, and perception.  generally you want your healers to be fast so they cycle around to their abilities more.  if your healer takes 2 or 3 turns for every enemy turn, she's going to do a lot more healing than if she only takes 1 turn for every enemy turn.  a lot of support champs also require accuracy, so accuracy/perception gear will be in high demand on your account.

with all of that said, focus on substats instead of gear sets for a lot of your champs right now.  getting 100% crit rate on certain champs is more important than a +15% ATK gear bonus.  likewise, losing a +15%HP set bonus but using peices that can get you +35%HP ffrom broken sets, you can see how you'll come out ahead.

Jan 2, 2022, 18:1201/02/22
same  questions  everyone  has  about  champs  ill  try  to  paste  my
 roster  If  theres  any  hidden  good  characters  there.  Was  about
 to  get  warmaiden  up  and  see  the  alex  recommendations  i  also
 have  dhukk the  pierced  to  complicate  the  debate  more.  Was  also
 leveling  apothecary when  i  got  flesh  tearer so  torn  on  them
 too.  Maybe  im  too  far  along  for  wm and  apoth  now?  Going  for
 relic  keeper  now  and  deciding  on  the  2nd  6*. 

  1. I prefer Dhukk the Pierced over Warmaiden and Aleks. Dhukk brings def down and attack down at the same time, and his other skills are really good as well. It's a bit more complicated to put the right gear on him, as hee needs 100% crit rate. But if you find gloves with crit rate as main stat, that can be done. 6* crit rate gloves give 60% at lvl 16. With the 15% base crit rate you are allready at 75%, another 5% from masteries. So you need only a total of 20% from substats.
  2. Relic Keeper is not worth investing in. You only need him, because fusing him is part of the Arbiter quest line. But I recommend to wait with that fusion until a champion chase tournament starts. You get 250 tournament points for an epic. No need to fuse him right now.
Jan 2, 2022, 19:2401/02/22
Jan 2, 2022, 19:25(edited)

Thanks,  was  leaning  toward  dhukk  Just  to  be  a  little  different.  I  wouldnt  mind  a  bikini  clad  barbarian  on  my  team  but  am  never  worried  when  i  see  her  in  arena.  Same  for  alek  he  dies  early  compared  to  my  other  top  5. I'm  a  bit  suspicious  that  hes  a  freebie  too.  

Question  now  is  dhukk  or  a  healer  to  5*  first?  And  apothecary or  flesh  tearer?  I  assume  the  healer  is  not  for  arena  but  id  like  something  for  clan  boss  and  dungeons.  Probably  healer  first  as  im  not  too  into  arena,  pick  my  battles there and  have  alek  ready  to  go  for  dec  def.

Maybe  try  apothecary over  flesh  tearer  first  and  put  my  epic  skill  books  into  dhukk?