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Synergy Guide

Synergy Guide

Dec 30, 2021, 22:5212/30/21

Synergy Guide

does anyone know of one, on the basic elements, and I mean basic, on how to put together an arena team.  What goes first, what functions have to be met, when does the defense go, etc.

Everyone in this f orum acts or assumes that everyone knows all these things but I have never learned what makes things all work together right.  Let's talk in terms of what is available to most starters.  If all you want to mention is speed speed speed, then you miss my question entirely.  

Ignore what the opponents are like for now, just how do you get a proper working team right.  And not needing L16 L60 everything.  Gotta be some basics.

Dec 30, 2021, 23:0212/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 23:02(edited)

This video here is excellent, and covers a full team build by Hellhades during an account takeover for a F2P account. Give it a watch, he explains team building, builds a team, and then fights his way to Silver 1. All the concepts here are applicable to anyone wishing to push from Bronze 4 into Gold.


Dec 31, 2021, 03:0812/31/21
Dec 31, 2021, 03:22(edited)

You do not seem to understand the concept of "basic".  Everything in those videos is everything I hate about HH and others like him.  Everything is all champs that are mostly impossible for me to get, also all his stuff is L16 and L60.  Totally unrealistic for me.

Not everyone has a gorgo and a witch!!!  He rattles off the names of all those champs like everyone has them.

Plus he is very hard to understand, hia accent, plus he knows so much and talks very much over my head.

Thanks for trying but your answer is as expected, meant for the elite whales in the game.

People like HH have INFINITE everything: GEMS< CHAMPS< POTIONS<ENERGY, etc

Put yourself in the position of someone who only has 3 star and 4 star champs, same with artifacts, nothing above Level 8. 

And only champs from green shards.

Dec 31, 2021, 03:2612/31/21
Dec 31, 2021, 03:27(edited)
End Is Near

You do not seem to understand the concept of "basic".  Everything in those videos is everything I hate about HH and others like him.  Everything is all champs that are mostly impossible for me to get, also all his stuff is L16 and L60.  Totally unrealistic for me.

Not everyone has a gorgo and a witch!!!  He rattles off the names of all those champs like everyone has them.

Plus he is very hard to understand, hia accent, plus he knows so much and talks very much over my head.

Thanks for trying but your answer is as expected, meant for the elite whales in the game.

People like HH have INFINITE everything: GEMS< CHAMPS< POTIONS<ENERGY, etc

Put yourself in the position of someone who only has 3 star and 4 star champs, same with artifacts, nothing above Level 8. 

And only champs from green shards.

I mean, that's not what you have, nor where you are at, here's one of your champs and equipment from this month:


Here's where you were at 6 months ago:


Feels to me that you are making propositions in poor faith while I am trying to help you. Looks to me like you have level 16 gear and 60'd, fully ascended champs.

But I'll rise to your false proposition anyways. Here's what I'd say to someone who was unwilling to rank up their champs to 6 stars or farm gear: 

Sounds lke you should be totally focused on getting your champs to 60. Trying to win with only 3 and 4 star champs is folly. You've got a long, long way to go if you're trying to win in arena without good equipment, books and masteries on your champs.

So here's my "basic" advice. 

1) Level your champs in campaign

2) Rank up food until you can 6 star your arena champs

3) Build a Dragon team.

4) Farm Gear, farm gear, farm gear

Dec 31, 2021, 03:3612/31/21
End Is Near

You do not seem to understand the concept of "basic".  Everything in those videos is everything I hate about HH and others like him.  Everything is all champs that are mostly impossible for me to get, also all his stuff is L16 and L60.  Totally unrealistic for me.

Not everyone has a gorgo and a witch!!!  He rattles off the names of all those champs like everyone has them.

Plus he is very hard to understand, hia accent, plus he knows so much and talks very much over my head.

Thanks for trying but your answer is as expected, meant for the elite whales in the game.

People like HH have INFINITE everything: GEMS< CHAMPS< POTIONS<ENERGY, etc

Put yourself in the position of someone who only has 3 star and 4 star champs, same with artifacts, nothing above Level 8. 

And only champs from green shards.

I don't think you understood most of the words you're using. The videos that Quinn posted for you are the most basic videos you could ask for. HH made them for new players. I'm sorry if his advice is beyond you, but it really doesn't get much more basic than that. 

He literally designed these videos to be at your level of play. Sure he has a lot of gems, champs, potions, energy but he's using them all to TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY. 

One thing you need to keep in mind with these videos is - Just because you don't have the exact champion he mentions, you can use another champion that has a similar kit. Use a different speed lead or reviver if you don't have Gorgo, use another def down if you don't have Serris, use your brain and make adjustments that fit your account. 

No one is going to tailor a video to your exact roster, unless you pay for an account takeover and hop on their streams. 

If you only have 3 or 4 star champions, then get off here and go play the game. Nothing is going to be handed to you. 

Dec 31, 2021, 03:3912/31/21

I don't think you understood most of the words you're using. The videos that Quinn posted for you are the most basic videos you could ask for. HH made them for new players. I'm sorry if his advice is beyond you, but it really doesn't get much more basic than that. 

He literally designed these videos to be at your level of play. Sure he has a lot of gems, champs, potions, energy but he's using them all to TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY. 

One thing you need to keep in mind with these videos is - Just because you don't have the exact champion he mentions, you can use another champion that has a similar kit. Use a different speed lead or reviver if you don't have Gorgo, use another def down if you don't have Serris, use your brain and make adjustments that fit your account. 

No one is going to tailor a video to your exact roster, unless you pay for an account takeover and hop on their streams. 

If you only have 3 or 4 star champions, then get off here and go play the game. Nothing is going to be handed to you. 


Dec 31, 2021, 03:5712/31/21

OP: A few thoughts.

First, and *absolutely* foremost - and I cannot emphasise this enough (they literally don't give me any more ways to emphasise it more) - when you say "And not needing L16 L60 everything", you're already dead in the water.

You will not win in arena without a team of four level 60 champs with full (or almost full) level 16 gear. Hard stop. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a grind you'll have to make.

Beyond that, most "cookie cutter" teams involve the following: A champ with a speed aura that works in arena as lead, a champ with a team turn meter (TM) boost, a champ with an AOE DEF down for the enemy team, and a champ with a powerful AOE nuke.

The traditional cookie cutter team, that can be obtained either with freely given champs or farmable ones, is:

High Khatun lead (free champ, speed aura, turn meter boost)

Spirithost (easily farmable, team ATK up)

Warmaiden (easily farmable, enemy DEF down)

Kael (free champ, powerful AOE nuke)

Of course there are many ways to improve the team - swap the champs out as you get better ones. And as you climb further in the ranks, you'll probably want to drop Spirithost or its equivalents in favour of a second TM boosting champ. An example of a mid-range team would be:

Gorgorab Lead (speed aura, turn meter boost, ATK up)

High Khatun (turn meter boost)

Stag Knight (enemy DEF down)


And then, if you're talking true end-game teams, you're typically talking a lead with a 30% speed aura, a second TM boosting champ or AOE cc champ, a DEF down champ, and a nuker. For example, my end-game team is:

Arbiter (speed aura, turn meter boost, ATK up)

Prince Kymar (enemy AOE sleep)

Madame Serris (enemy AOE DEF down)

Big'Un / Nethril / Bloodgorged (affinity-friendly AOE nuke)

Dec 31, 2021, 04:0012/31/21
End Is Near

You do not seem to understand the concept of "basic".  Everything in those videos is everything I hate about HH and others like him.  Everything is all champs that are mostly impossible for me to get, also all his stuff is L16 and L60.  Totally unrealistic for me.

Not everyone has a gorgo and a witch!!!  He rattles off the names of all those champs like everyone has them.

Plus he is very hard to understand, hia accent, plus he knows so much and talks very much over my head.

Thanks for trying but your answer is as expected, meant for the elite whales in the game.

People like HH have INFINITE everything: GEMS< CHAMPS< POTIONS<ENERGY, etc

Put yourself in the position of someone who only has 3 star and 4 star champs, same with artifacts, nothing above Level 8. 

And only champs from green shards.

I'm sorry to put you on the spot, but you're putting unrealistically harsh requirements on your teams. If you're running 3 star / 4 star champs, with 3-4 star artifacts at level 8, and only champs from green shards - then you quite simply don't belong in the arena. There's no point in writing a guide for that.

That's like saying "please write me a guide to solo farm nightmare with a level 30 champ".

You're not wrong in saying that "not everyone has a gorgo and a witch", especially on the Serris front - she's an epic void, so definitely not everyone will have her. But almost without exception, there are alternates that will work close to as well. And I can almost guarantee that if someone were to post a roster with at least a dozen level 60 champs, I could find a team that would work for them in arena.

Dec 31, 2021, 04:1012/31/21

turn order i think you already understand.  whoever is fastest, goes first.  can't break it down any other way.

what happens next depends on what the first champ to go does.  is it a turn meter manipulator like arbiter or high katune or apothecary or seeker or one of the many others? then they boost the rest of their teams turn meters effectively making them "Faster" as well.  If it's a deacon or someone, they might not only boost their teams meter, but also reduce the other teams meter, making it so the rest of their team has an even better chance at going without getting "cut" in.

some champs have passives that boost their tm every turn, masteries come into play, etc... all kinds of stuff effect that pesky little TM.

watch for passives.  they could determine who goes next or doesn't.

valkrie is a good example, she has a passive that boosts her TM everytime the enemy team gets a buff, so she often gets to cut in.

tormin has a passive that has a chance to freeze the enemy when they take a buff, making it so random people on the enemy team might get frozen, adding a bit of crowd control to teams.  tormin also has 

watch for provoke champs, they're also great crowd control and can screw the enemy teams strat up.  

tormin also has a provoke, if he goes before your team, you might end up provoked.  what that means is your champ can't do anything but attack that champ with your a1 until that provoke goes away or the enemy champ dies.  Umbral Enchantress (void epic) is a particularly good trap, she places an unkillable on herself for 2 turns and places a provoke on the enemy team, completely locking them up cause all they can do is attack an unkillable champ while the rest of her team does work on the enemy team.

if you're looking for tips on how to help your own team without the need for speed, a shield set on a high HP champ can protect you against an initial nuke from a weak team.

retaliation or avenging sets can be used on champs with an AOE first ability.  when they get hit, they have a chance at counter attacking so they'll hit the entire enemy team.  avenging is probably best for this in higher levels of arena since most hits will crit anyways.

if you want a tanky champ that will survive the initial barrage, a stalwart set along with masteries will mitigate a lot of the damage.

frost sets can randomly freeze attackers as well, adding some annoying crowd control.

so knowing all of that, and knowing that building a speed team has been drilled into your head by this point probably (high katune, buffer, debuffer, nuker), what do you want to do?  

provoke teams are very effective, but the provoker needs to be fast and (if it's someone besides umbral), tanky.  

there are go second teams where you can have a really tanky cardinal built, she lives, the rest of your team dies, then she revives them all with full tm's.

there's crowd control teams (much like provoke) that just depend on stun, frost, etc. proccing.  really they're trying to be annoying as possible.

there's also counter attack teams, make use of the avenging gear paired with someone in a shield set.

and as you've probably guessed, looking through all of those, there's a lot of rng involved if going against an equal opponent.  if its a speed race, they might be faster.  if you plan on going second, your gear might not proc, or they might nuke you into oblivion or cc your team themselves before you get a chance to go.

there's also a ton of other little random tricks in the arena.  siphi will cleanse a rotos for example, so if he's stunned or frozen he'll still go.  nekhret the great will throw an ally protection on the weakest champ, so a glass cannon might survive and get their nuke off.  serris will make your sheild set useless cause she'll strip it right off.  vogoth will absorb a ton of damage for the rest of the team, giving them a better chance to survive.

despite what a lot of people think, this game isn't about pulling the meta champs.  yea maybe in platinum arena you need a stacked roster and stacked gear, but for the rest of us, it's about figuring out what roles need to be filled and what champs you have that can fill those roles.  i already gave the example of turn meter manipulators, that's a roll that needs to be filled for a speed team, and there's a dozen or more champs that can do it.  if you build a provoke team, there's almost 2 dozen champs that can do an aoe provoke, and some are rares or even uncommon.  you gotta look at your roster, what you have available, and fit it all together, and this goes for every single part of the game, not just arena.

occasionally, you WON'T have the champs needed, so you gotta find another way or hope to get some lucky pulls someday, or maybe a fusion will come a long with the perfect epics or lego for you.  i still don't have a counter attack champ so i could never do a CA clanboss team, but i eventually built an unkillable team with other champs.  work with what you got.

also the difference between a level 50 and 60 char is night and day for most arena champs, so once you get your arena team picked out, rank them up, ascend them, and get full masteries on them.  it's a grind, but it's also a must.  like on a speed team you can get away with a level 50 turn meter manipulator, maybe a level 50 buffer/debuffer, but your nuker and any tank needs to be 60.

Dec 31, 2021, 11:5112/31/21
End Is Near

You do not seem to understand the concept of "basic".  Everything in those videos is everything I hate about HH and others like him.  Everything is all champs that are mostly impossible for me to get, also all his stuff is L16 and L60.  Totally unrealistic for me.

Not everyone has a gorgo and a witch!!!  He rattles off the names of all those champs like everyone has them.

Plus he is very hard to understand, hia accent, plus he knows so much and talks very much over my head.

Thanks for trying but your answer is as expected, meant for the elite whales in the game.

People like HH have INFINITE everything: GEMS< CHAMPS< POTIONS<ENERGY, etc

Put yourself in the position of someone who only has 3 star and 4 star champs, same with artifacts, nothing above Level 8. 

And only champs from green shards.

If you only have 3 and 4 stars you are doing it wrong.

The point is to 6star yoour good stuff/useful stuff asap.

I averaged 1 6star a week for months.

On my first account which is the most unlucky one, I did not pull anything of note except 5 champs and that's after 6 months.

Granted I started when Ninja was  a thing, tht one really helps me in Arena.

So my Arena team Consists of Apo, Deacon lead, Ninja and Elhaine. And I am staying comfoably in Silver 3. 

Your arena team cold be Khatun, whatever your starter champ is, Warmaiden, second nuker or buffer or Scyl (if you are close to 6 months), etc.

But it is a given most of your champs to be required 6stars. Since you use them most likely elsewhere, they still need to ge 6tar with 5star minimum gear levelled to 16 for the other content.

Sure I could do Dragon 13 With only 2 6stars but the 2 6stars were S1 tier champs-Valkyrie and Aox. The rest of the teeam managed with being 50. But if you don't have S tier champs you need every last bit of potential of what you have and that means 6stars and masteries.

Heck I do Dragon 16 with Deacon, Elhaine, kael, Apo, Ninja. All but Deacon are login champs or able to get from mystery shards...

Dec 31, 2021, 14:3812/31/21

OP: A few thoughts.

First, and *absolutely* foremost - and I cannot emphasise this enough (they literally don't give me any more ways to emphasise it more) - when you say "And not needing L16 L60 everything", you're already dead in the water.

You will not win in arena without a team of four level 60 champs with full (or almost full) level 16 gear. Hard stop. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a grind you'll have to make.

Beyond that, most "cookie cutter" teams involve the following: A champ with a speed aura that works in arena as lead, a champ with a team turn meter (TM) boost, a champ with an AOE DEF down for the enemy team, and a champ with a powerful AOE nuke.

The traditional cookie cutter team, that can be obtained either with freely given champs or farmable ones, is:

High Khatun lead (free champ, speed aura, turn meter boost)

Spirithost (easily farmable, team ATK up)

Warmaiden (easily farmable, enemy DEF down)

Kael (free champ, powerful AOE nuke)

Of course there are many ways to improve the team - swap the champs out as you get better ones. And as you climb further in the ranks, you'll probably want to drop Spirithost or its equivalents in favour of a second TM boosting champ. An example of a mid-range team would be:

Gorgorab Lead (speed aura, turn meter boost, ATK up)

High Khatun (turn meter boost)

Stag Knight (enemy DEF down)


And then, if you're talking true end-game teams, you're typically talking a lead with a 30% speed aura, a second TM boosting champ or AOE cc champ, a DEF down champ, and a nuker. For example, my end-game team is:

Arbiter (speed aura, turn meter boost, ATK up)

Prince Kymar (enemy AOE sleep)

Madame Serris (enemy AOE DEF down)

Big'Un / Nethril / Bloodgorged (affinity-friendly AOE nuke)

Thanks for the tips, and for trying to be realistic.  Just because I may have some champs far above the scope of my question does not mean I know how to use them properly.  Most anybody can get some champs, follow the hype, upgrade like crazy and still not have a clue as to how it all works lol.  Yes, my first team was along the lines you mentioned, ; Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael Elhain now Athel. Now I have Stag Knight and High Khatun.  But same thing on how things work, raid mechanics.  You can put up all sorts of avatars and have little clue as to how it all works or how to make adjustments.

The last group you post I have none of those.  Right now my so-called arena team is high khatun (only if I think I need the speed, or else warchief) then runekeeper which is actually faster than my high khatun but has many more benefits, stag night, then athel.  My power is about 100k.  My total inventory is 20 champs, 3 L60's runekeeper stag and athel.  So you all keep saying make more 60's but that involves destroying everything I have just to make one more.

It is hard to know what aspect to push harder on, potions, artifacts, champs, etc, can't do everything.  Also limited in everything else like silver, gems, energy.  My main tasks are to finish all the dailies in classic and tag arena.

Everyday I have to face what everyone else has and knows what to do with.  I follow the forums. 

But still , that being said, I am not getting the education I am looking for, on how to put champs together with synergy and poetry in motion.  Those guys like HH will say, you take your Septimus and your Prince Khymar and your blah blah blah and just make a video like me.  that teaches me nothing when I do not have what he has.  I learn the most from champs I already have, plain and simple.  And how to judge what champs to keep when you get them, you have to have good understanding as to what it all means without gearing and ungearing over and over, that gets expensive.

Hence, had I had better knowledge when my champs were few stars and artifacts at L8 I would have had better direction in which to go.

I used to get help from Player J about how to upgrade the Great Hall, but at some point I lost my gold privileges and have only silver tools to upgrade with.

Ideal world I could waste all my energy to do high dungeon levels and get stiffed on getting anything worthwhile, like L13 gives 4 to 6 star artifacts, maybe.  Guess which ones I get when I try that level, clue, not the 6 star ones.  Then again what would I do with those, cost way too much to upgrade anyway.

Here you go, my infamous lousy roster that RNG produces. I will open my umbrella for the blast of criticisms and what a big dummy I am compared to the geniuses and more lucky or bigger spenders.  It took 3 years for me to get Monster. 


Dec 31, 2021, 14:4112/31/21

I don't think you understood most of the words you're using. The videos that Quinn posted for you are the most basic videos you could ask for. HH made them for new players. I'm sorry if his advice is beyond you, but it really doesn't get much more basic than that. 

He literally designed these videos to be at your level of play. Sure he has a lot of gems, champs, potions, energy but he's using them all to TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY. 

One thing you need to keep in mind with these videos is - Just because you don't have the exact champion he mentions, you can use another champion that has a similar kit. Use a different speed lead or reviver if you don't have Gorgo, use another def down if you don't have Serris, use your brain and make adjustments that fit your account. 

No one is going to tailor a video to your exact roster, unless you pay for an account takeover and hop on their streams. 

If you only have 3 or 4 star champions, then get off here and go play the game. Nothing is going to be handed to you. 

who let you in here with your mean and nasty comments to other players

why don't you get out of here and learn to be better mannered

Dec 31, 2021, 14:5712/31/21
End Is Near

who let you in here with your mean and nasty comments to other players

why don't you get out of here and learn to be better mannered

People have been trying to help you and all you do is complain that it's not good enough. It's as if you want them to somehow break the most basic concepts down to one or two word answers. God forbid they send you a video where the creator doesn't speak in an accent you approve of. 

I love helping new people, Quinn loves helping new people. So many users in here love helping new people. But you just keep trashing them unless they tell you exactly what you want to hear. 

Dec 31, 2021, 16:2912/31/21
End Is Near

Thanks for the tips, and for trying to be realistic.  Just because I may have some champs far above the scope of my question does not mean I know how to use them properly.  Most anybody can get some champs, follow the hype, upgrade like crazy and still not have a clue as to how it all works lol.  Yes, my first team was along the lines you mentioned, ; Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael Elhain now Athel. Now I have Stag Knight and High Khatun.  But same thing on how things work, raid mechanics.  You can put up all sorts of avatars and have little clue as to how it all works or how to make adjustments.

The last group you post I have none of those.  Right now my so-called arena team is high khatun (only if I think I need the speed, or else warchief) then runekeeper which is actually faster than my high khatun but has many more benefits, stag night, then athel.  My power is about 100k.  My total inventory is 20 champs, 3 L60's runekeeper stag and athel.  So you all keep saying make more 60's but that involves destroying everything I have just to make one more.

It is hard to know what aspect to push harder on, potions, artifacts, champs, etc, can't do everything.  Also limited in everything else like silver, gems, energy.  My main tasks are to finish all the dailies in classic and tag arena.

Everyday I have to face what everyone else has and knows what to do with.  I follow the forums. 

But still , that being said, I am not getting the education I am looking for, on how to put champs together with synergy and poetry in motion.  Those guys like HH will say, you take your Septimus and your Prince Khymar and your blah blah blah and just make a video like me.  that teaches me nothing when I do not have what he has.  I learn the most from champs I already have, plain and simple.  And how to judge what champs to keep when you get them, you have to have good understanding as to what it all means without gearing and ungearing over and over, that gets expensive.

Hence, had I had better knowledge when my champs were few stars and artifacts at L8 I would have had better direction in which to go.

I used to get help from Player J about how to upgrade the Great Hall, but at some point I lost my gold privileges and have only silver tools to upgrade with.

Ideal world I could waste all my energy to do high dungeon levels and get stiffed on getting anything worthwhile, like L13 gives 4 to 6 star artifacts, maybe.  Guess which ones I get when I try that level, clue, not the 6 star ones.  Then again what would I do with those, cost way too much to upgrade anyway.

Here you go, my infamous lousy roster that RNG produces. I will open my umbrella for the blast of criticisms and what a big dummy I am compared to the geniuses and more lucky or bigger spenders.  It took 3 years for me to get Monster. 


This is a key problem for you, I think. When you say "So you all keep saying make more 60's but that involves destroying everything I have just to make one more. " - I worry you are somehow misunderstanding the grinding mechanic of this game.

You shouldn't be destroying *anything* to make more 60's. The grind in this game involves getting uncommon champs, either from the store or from mystery shards, and leveling them. You take a farmer champ (from your roster, I'd probably run Athel, though she's not ideal - you'll probably want to get Aleks to 60 next, to use him as a farmer), and make sure they are properly geared. You then put three uncommon champs, ungeared, + the farmer, and run Brutal 12-3 or 12-6, depending on which is more affinity-friendly.

You do this until those three uncommon champs hit level 20, then you upgrade them to 3* by using other uncommon champs. Then you repeat until you get those three to level 30, and then pause them there. Then grab another set of three uncommon champs, level them to 20, upgrade them to 3*, and then use *those* champs as food to upgrade one of your uncommon level 30's to 4*.

This entire exercise repeats itself many, many, *many* times, until you eventually get five 5* uncommon champs. Then, and *only* then, do you upgrade a level 50 5* champ to 6*, using those five 5* uncommon champs as food.

Given your very limited roster, I would honestly do absolutely *nothing* else except farm food until you get around a hundred 5* uncommons to use as food. As you get pairs of five, use them to upgrade some of your existing level 50s - I'd probably start with Giscard and Aox, they'll go a long way towards getting you through Clan Boss. Your starter CB team will probably be: 

Giscard (DEF up, ATK up, ATK down), 

Aox (Poison, ATK down, debuff extend), 

Dazdurk (stun cleanse, leech) - probably turn off A2, tricky to get TM boosts to work properly. make sure speed is such that he goes before whoever gets stunned, to remove the stun

Stag Knight (damage) - replace him when you get a better damager

Athel (damage) - replace her when you get a better damager

Dec 31, 2021, 17:3112/31/21

Lol. When Harrby or Quinn is accused of being mean... I will refrain from this topic... 

Dec 31, 2021, 18:2912/31/21

Lol. When Harrby or Quinn is accused of being mean... I will refrain from this topic... 

This is when we needed you the most Trips!

Dec 31, 2021, 18:4812/31/21

This is a key problem for you, I think. When you say "So you all keep saying make more 60's but that involves destroying everything I have just to make one more. " - I worry you are somehow misunderstanding the grinding mechanic of this game.

You shouldn't be destroying *anything* to make more 60's. The grind in this game involves getting uncommon champs, either from the store or from mystery shards, and leveling them. You take a farmer champ (from your roster, I'd probably run Athel, though she's not ideal - you'll probably want to get Aleks to 60 next, to use him as a farmer), and make sure they are properly geared. You then put three uncommon champs, ungeared, + the farmer, and run Brutal 12-3 or 12-6, depending on which is more affinity-friendly.

You do this until those three uncommon champs hit level 20, then you upgrade them to 3* by using other uncommon champs. Then you repeat until you get those three to level 30, and then pause them there. Then grab another set of three uncommon champs, level them to 20, upgrade them to 3*, and then use *those* champs as food to upgrade one of your uncommon level 30's to 4*.

This entire exercise repeats itself many, many, *many* times, until you eventually get five 5* uncommon champs. Then, and *only* then, do you upgrade a level 50 5* champ to 6*, using those five 5* uncommon champs as food.

Given your very limited roster, I would honestly do absolutely *nothing* else except farm food until you get around a hundred 5* uncommons to use as food. As you get pairs of five, use them to upgrade some of your existing level 50s - I'd probably start with Giscard and Aox, they'll go a long way towards getting you through Clan Boss. Your starter CB team will probably be: 

Giscard (DEF up, ATK up, ATK down), 

Aox (Poison, ATK down, debuff extend), 

Dazdurk (stun cleanse, leech) - probably turn off A2, tricky to get TM boosts to work properly. make sure speed is such that he goes before whoever gets stunned, to remove the stun

Stag Knight (damage) - replace him when you get a better damager

Athel (damage) - replace her when you get a better damager

Hotatsu has a good aura and can cleanse stuns. Don't sleep on him as a way to make up for lower defensive stats, using that 25% defensive aura. Can also keep leech going more reliably. I would put him in over Stag Knight myself.

That being said. Horseman, it is long past time to farm up uncommon food champs. For a long time. Krama was spot on with:

Given your very limited roster, I would honestly do absolutely *nothing* else except farm food until you get around a hundred 5* uncommons to use as food. As you get pairs of five, use them to upgrade some of your existing level 50s - I'd probably start with Giscard and Aox, they'll go a long way towards getting you through Clan Boss.
Dec 31, 2021, 19:3912/31/21

This is a key problem for you, I think. When you say "So you all keep saying make more 60's but that involves destroying everything I have just to make one more. " - I worry you are somehow misunderstanding the grinding mechanic of this game.

You shouldn't be destroying *anything* to make more 60's. The grind in this game involves getting uncommon champs, either from the store or from mystery shards, and leveling them. You take a farmer champ (from your roster, I'd probably run Athel, though she's not ideal - you'll probably want to get Aleks to 60 next, to use him as a farmer), and make sure they are properly geared. You then put three uncommon champs, ungeared, + the farmer, and run Brutal 12-3 or 12-6, depending on which is more affinity-friendly.

You do this until those three uncommon champs hit level 20, then you upgrade them to 3* by using other uncommon champs. Then you repeat until you get those three to level 30, and then pause them there. Then grab another set of three uncommon champs, level them to 20, upgrade them to 3*, and then use *those* champs as food to upgrade one of your uncommon level 30's to 4*.

This entire exercise repeats itself many, many, *many* times, until you eventually get five 5* uncommon champs. Then, and *only* then, do you upgrade a level 50 5* champ to 6*, using those five 5* uncommon champs as food.

Given your very limited roster, I would honestly do absolutely *nothing* else except farm food until you get around a hundred 5* uncommons to use as food. As you get pairs of five, use them to upgrade some of your existing level 50s - I'd probably start with Giscard and Aox, they'll go a long way towards getting you through Clan Boss. Your starter CB team will probably be: 

Giscard (DEF up, ATK up, ATK down), 

Aox (Poison, ATK down, debuff extend), 

Dazdurk (stun cleanse, leech) - probably turn off A2, tricky to get TM boosts to work properly. make sure speed is such that he goes before whoever gets stunned, to remove the stun

Stag Knight (damage) - replace him when you get a better damager

Athel (damage) - replace her when you get a better damager

i know what to do, the long hard way like you say.  just do not care to do it.  many many many many times, and very costly in energy

usually if I try something like that I encounter a good champ that I want to keep which disrupts the whol;e process.

my mind, eyes, and sleep are more important than any champ/ I recently got Aox and Giscard so they are new for me.

i have restarted this game a few times to see if my luck changes

But you are very kind, thanks for the tips.