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The best fusion epic?

The best fusion epic?

Dec 28, 2021, 15:4412/28/21

The best fusion epic?

I didn't play very much in the last week, so I missed the legendary and can fuse only one epic from the actual fusion. What do you think, wich of the 4 epics is the best?

Dec 28, 2021, 15:5612/28/21

All is mediocre or worsten. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 

SRY, I want to say In the land of the blind, the one-eye woman is the queen, Visionary

Dec 28, 2021, 16:0512/28/21

if, like me, you've had lousy luck pulling shadowkin and want a better repotoire for when their crypt finally opens, i'd recommend masamoto.

otherwise, visionary's the best of the lot.

Dec 28, 2021, 16:1012/28/21
Dec 28, 2021, 23:42(edited)

From my understanding, I haven't tested them personally so someone feel free to correct me, Umetogi is meh, and Masamoto is garbage. Broodlord can be useful but only for relatively early accounts. 

Visionary is the only one I would consider, but only for my f2p/early game account arena team. 

So a quick breakdown. 

Visionary: AOE decrease crit%/dmg on A2, and a team increase crit%/dmg on A3 with 15% tm boost. 

Weak but good for beginners. 

Broodlord: Double hit but low chance to provoke per hit single target on A1. Single target ally protect and block damage, 20% max hp shield to self A2. 40/75% chance to stun AOE on A3, to get 75% target needs decrease speed. Passive - 30% chance when attacked or ally under ally protection is attacked to place decrease speed. 

Very weak, but may be useful in very specific situations. 

Umetogi: A1,A2 increased chance to crit if under veil and a2 ignores 20% defense. A3, veils self - good for Hydra I guess. Passive is fantastic completely blocks damage for 1st hit when attacked. 50% damage decrease from boss. 

Can be ok against veiled targets, block damage is nice, self veil is nice. Can be useful in specific situations. 

Masamoto: A1 can steal buff. A2, garbage with a chance to dec attack. A3 big defense boost for team. 

Wouldn't use unless you need a chance to steal buffs or team defense. 

Dec 28, 2021, 16:2612/28/21

From my understanding, I haven't tested them personally so someone feel free to correct me, Umetogi is meh, and Masamoto is garbage. Broodlord can be useful but only for relatively early accounts. 

Visionary is the only one I would consider, but only for my f2p/early game account arena team. 

So a quick breakdown. 

Visionary: AOE decrease crit%/dmg on A2, and a team increase crit%/dmg on A3 with 15% tm boost. 

Weak but good for beginners. 

Broodlord: Double hit but low chance to provoke per hit single target on A1. Single target ally protect and block damage, 20% max hp shield to self A2. 40/75% chance to stun AOE on A3, to get 75% target needs decrease speed. Passive - 30% chance when attacked or ally under ally protection is attacked to place decrease speed. 

Very weak, but may be useful in very specific situations. 

Umetogi: A1,A2 increased chance to crit if under veil and a2 ignores 20% defense. A3, veils self - good for Hydra I guess. Passive is fantastic completely blocks damage for 1st hit when attacked. 50% damage decrease from boss. 

Can be ok against veiled targets, block damage is nice, self veil is nice. Can be useful in specific situations. 

Masamoto: A1 can steal buff. A2, garbage with a chance to dec attack. A3 big defense boost for team. 

Wouldn't use unless you need a chance to steal buffs or team defense. 

one small correction; umetogi doesn't deal more damage to veiled champs, she has a bonus 20% chance to crit if she herself is veiled

Dec 28, 2021, 16:5212/28/21

one small correction; umetogi doesn't deal more damage to veiled champs, she has a bonus 20% chance to crit if she herself is veiled

Thank you, will edit that in. 

Dec 28, 2021, 18:1412/28/21

From my understanding, I haven't tested them personally so someone feel free to correct me, Umetogi is meh, and Masamoto is garbage. Broodlord can be useful but only for relatively early accounts. 

Visionary is the only one I would consider, but only for my f2p/early game account arena team. 

So a quick breakdown. 

Visionary: AOE decrease crit%/dmg on A2, and a team increase crit%/dmg on A3 with 15% tm boost. 

Weak but good for beginners. 

Broodlord: Double hit but low chance to provoke per hit single target on A1. Single target ally protect and block damage, 20% max hp shield to self A2. 40/75% chance to stun AOE on A3, to get 75% target needs decrease speed. Passive - 30% chance when attacked or ally under ally protection is attacked to place decrease speed. 

Very weak, but may be useful in very specific situations. 

Umetogi: A1,A2 increased chance to crit if under veil and a2 ignores 20% defense. A3, veils self - good for Hydra I guess. Passive is fantastic completely blocks damage for 1st hit when attacked. 50% damage decrease from boss. 

Can be ok against veiled targets, block damage is nice, self veil is nice. Can be useful in specific situations. 

Masamoto: A1 can steal buff. A2, garbage with a chance to dec attack. A3 big defense boost for team. 

Wouldn't use unless you need a chance to steal buffs or team defense. 

I think Visionary is probably the best as well, but I'm not sure about Masamoto being garbage. Might be something there with that A3 in certain comps with defensive nukers. I was on #teamtrash but I've had my mind changed a bit on that one.

Could see Umetogi maybe being interesting in Hydra.

Dec 28, 2021, 18:1812/28/21

There  is  already  people  that  do  AOE  Increase  Defense  but  better,  on  better  cooldowns  or  with  more  Turn  Meter  and  such  like  Tarshon  and  Doomscreech.

Dec 28, 2021, 18:3212/28/21

They're all pretty much trash. The only one "worthwhile" is the shadowkin, simply because if you don't have Hotatsu already, it's the only other ATK down debuffer.

Dec 28, 2021, 19:2712/28/21

 With their Faction Crypt opening soon I was really hoping to see some stronger Shadowkin champions. As it stands, sure, there's a couple useful epics but other than that you're going to have to rely on getting lucky and pulling legendaries. Not every champion needs to be S tier but an A and two B's for the Shadowkin wouldn't have been out of order for this fusion. I recall seeing a kitsune-derived Shadowkin in a teaser of upcoming content so hopefully that one will be good, maybe even the next fusion?

 Umetogi has a unique kit and I feel like she has at least some potential to shine in some kind of team comp/content in the future but her passive should have been on a 1 turn cooldown when booked and I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing another skill that boosts crit rate and be perfectly happy. How about crit damage instead? Ignore % defense, something relevant.

 Masamoto is a prettier but worse Hotatsu. He'll probably be playable if you don't have the better champ but Yojimbo should have booked to a 3 turn cooldown. It's like the new champs are leaving the factory in a nerfed state but they weren't OP to begin with.

Dec 28, 2021, 19:3812/28/21

 With their Faction Crypt opening soon I was really hoping to see some stronger Shadowkin champions. As it stands, sure, there's a couple useful epics but other than that you're going to have to rely on getting lucky and pulling legendaries. Not every champion needs to be S tier but an A and two B's for the Shadowkin wouldn't have been out of order for this fusion. I recall seeing a kitsune-derived Shadowkin in a teaser of upcoming content so hopefully that one will be good, maybe even the next fusion?

 Umetogi has a unique kit and I feel like she has at least some potential to shine in some kind of team comp/content in the future but her passive should have been on a 1 turn cooldown when booked and I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing another skill that boosts crit rate and be perfectly happy. How about crit damage instead? Ignore % defense, something relevant.

 Masamoto is a prettier but worse Hotatsu. He'll probably be playable if you don't have the better champ but Yojimbo should have booked to a 3 turn cooldown. It's like the new champs are leaving the factory in a nerfed state but they weren't OP to begin with.

Masamoto is a prettier but worse Hotatsu.  


As for the shadowkin faction.  Ninja was free.  Yoshi was a fusion. 2 legos to start.  Oh and Lady Kimi in an event.  I think the SK faction is stacked compared to trying to do dwarves, skinwalker, demonspawn with what they started with.

Dec 28, 2021, 20:0812/28/21

 lol Masamoto says "My buff/debuff chance and cooldowns may be worse than Hotatsu but at least my face didn't explode." I think Hotatsu tried too hard and hurt himself? :-)

 I have Ninja, Chonoru, Fenshi and I should have a keeper Masamoto by the end of the day so I have the makings of a passable FW team but my concern is really for newer/less developed accounts. Ninja is gone forever, Yoshi is only available from shards now and Lady Kimi's event was really only for whales or well-established accounts. With the introduction two weak-ish epics it's now harder to pull a good Shadowkin champ from that pool. There isn't much going on with the rares for this faction, I like Lifetaker and Odachi but they're B-tier at best.

 I made a thread about it a while ago but after seeing these new champs I really do hope some of the existing Shadowkin get a buff, especially Chonoru. She's potentially the wave clearer the faction needs but her weaken should be AOE instead of 3 times at random and she could use a little more HP. I could live without the HP if we could at least get the AOE weaken.

Dec 28, 2021, 20:3112/28/21

Screw the noobs! Lol.

But tbh, if you started after ninja FW is irrelevant for a while.

As a veteran player this will be easier than any.  I think I may have more legos in SK than any other faction. 

Dec 28, 2021, 22:5112/28/21

For Shadowkin faction crypt, I have Yoshi (speed aura, control with AoE true fear, 😍 love that champ), Ninja (damage, freeze), Chani (more damage), Gamuran (heal and some more true fear) and Toragi (survivability buffs).

I don't have the attack debuff, the def buff and turnmeter increase Masamoto would bring.

But I'm not sure who should leave the team. Probably Chani, but she is allready lvl 60, booked and has full masteries. Some tears would drop from my eyes, if all that effort to build her would be a waste.

Dec 28, 2021, 23:1612/28/21

I think Visionary is probably the best as well, but I'm not sure about Masamoto being garbage. Might be something there with that A3 in certain comps with defensive nukers. I was on #teamtrash but I've had my mind changed a bit on that one.

Could see Umetogi maybe being interesting in Hydra.

Only three champs in the game with Increase Defense and TM boost tied together. Great paired with any Defense based champs, especially nukers. Could see him paired with Soulless, Tatura or the like in 3v3 teams. Everyone always underestimates AoE Dec Attack too, is definitely useful in Ice Golem, 2 hitter A1 isn't the worst. Plus he's a Defense based champ? Much less stat hungry.

Sure, he's not top draw by any means, but I see him as a decent, useful in some content at least.

Visionary is the best by any metric, applicable to most content in the game.

Broodlord seems lke he's not getting into any teams anywhere, and I wouldn't bother saving or getting.

Dec 29, 2021, 00:0612/29/21

 It's too bad Visionary's aura wasn't all battles or at least for Arena, even if it was reduced to 19%. That seems to be a theme for this batch, the potential for a good kit but weird limitations that take the wind out of their sails. Except Broodlord, he never had any hope. :-)

Dec 29, 2021, 00:1612/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 00:16(edited)

Visionary gets my vote too.  Her selling point to me is simply the crit reduction on enemy.  For most general content, this essentially removes any possibility of crit damage at all, which greatly reduces the damage output of waves.  For doom tower and such, this goes a long way to improving survivability for your team.

Dec 29, 2021, 00:3812/29/21

 It's too bad Visionary's aura wasn't all battles or at least for Arena, even if it was reduced to 19%. That seems to be a theme for this batch, the potential for a good kit but weird limitations that take the wind out of their sails. Except Broodlord, he never had any hope. :-)

Broodlord is the bad one. Everyone else could see some limited use.

Visionary could see some wider use I think.

Dec 29, 2021, 15:4112/29/21

Visionary gets my vote too.  Her selling point to me is simply the crit reduction on enemy.  For most general content, this essentially removes any possibility of crit damage at all, which greatly reduces the damage output of waves.  For doom tower and such, this goes a long way to improving survivability for your team.

Excellent point.  Though I think less than 1% found that useful before you posted and still less than 1% after reading it :) Consider me curious as to where that debuff could also be useful.

Dec 29, 2021, 23:3112/29/21

It's hard to even say who will be good for SK Faction Wars yet. Not all FW crypts are equal. 

They actually have a lot of champs in the faction now, so I suspect most accounts that have been around more than six months will do just fine.