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Help me get started please

Help me get started please

Dec 28, 2021, 06:0212/28/21

Help me get started please

Hi  all!  New  to  the  game  and  very  much  enjoying it.  Im  hoping  to  grt  some  advice  on  my  second  6  Star. Been  playing  2  weeks,  what  hero will  help  me  the  most  to  progress  as  my  second  6  star  and  then  third.  Figure  something  that  is  good  all  around  and  not  spechilized in  one  thing.  I  really  appreciate the  help  and  all  of  your  experience.



Dec 28, 2021, 07:4812/28/21

Are you at the last stage in the campaign for brutal? If not then I'd get there first before making any more lv 60s. If you are then kind of a tough choice cause you have a lot of really good champs. Apothecary is very good almost anywhere. Armiger and Royal Guard are very good in most dungeons. Occult Brawler is excellent for Clan Boss and Dragon. If I had to pick best overall I'd say Apothecary.

Dec 28, 2021, 08:3612/28/21

The thing about a lot of champions is that for the place where your account is at, they can really do the same job at level 50 as they can at level 60.  I agree that Apothecary is an amazing champion, but I'm not sure what taking him to 60 will help at this stage.  The same applies for others such as Warmaiden and Spirit Host (infact, I wouldn't upgrade Spirit Host anymore regardless).

For me, I'd probably need to know more about your current progress to provide a better answer.  Where are you up to for Dragon and Spider dungeons?  Also, where are you up to for Clan Boss and Campaign?  The first priority is to get to brutal stage 12.3.  The next is to push on with Dragon as high as you can go.  After that I would look at Clan Boss

Dec 28, 2021, 10:0612/28/21

After looking at the champs and your requirements to have a more general champ, I would agree with Royal Guard and Armiger seeing probably the most wide-ranged use in later content.

Seeker would also be a good champ to bring to 60.

Dec 28, 2021, 10:3212/28/21

After looking at the champs and your requirements to have a more general champ, I would agree with Royal Guard and Armiger seeing probably the most wide-ranged use in later content.

Seeker would also be a good champ to bring to 60.

Armiger and Royal Guard are worth lvl 60 - later on. Definetly not lvl 60 champs no. 2 and 3 at a new account.

Armiger is great for Fire Knight and Spider (and some Doomtower bosses), but he doesn't help at Clanboss, Dragon or in arena.

Royal Guard deals damage related to the hp of your opponents. In early dungeon stages, "normal" hit damage can be as good or better than that, because the enemies don't have tons of exp here. As Armiger, he is no champ for arena or CB.

I would max out champs that are usefull everywhere, like Apothecary, first, Royal Guard and Armiger can wait a bit.

Dec 28, 2021, 13:5612/28/21

Im  kind  of  in  a  limbo.  I  am  able  to  do  spider  7  and  mino  11.  Im  at  nightmare  stage  one,  and  dragon  stage  12.  I  can  get  just  into  silver  3.  My  gear  is  not  amazing.  Should  i  keep  farming  food  or  woul$  buying  enough  shards  to  get  inquisitor shameal  be  worth  it?

Dec 28, 2021, 14:2612/28/21

Personally I would not buy shards to get Inqusitor Shamael. While he is a good champ, I do not think that spending about 100$ to get him is worth the effort. 

I mainly use him in DT to nuke away pesty Siphis or Mortu-Macaabs or in Hydra. Both are game areas which should not be of interest for you at the moment. 

As Skadi pointed out ( and I am sure I referred to Armiger and RG as useful in later game ;-) ) for early game Apothecary might be very useful for you.

In your place, I would continue farming food and advancing champs and gear to advance Dragon and farm some speed gear.

Dec 28, 2021, 14:4212/28/21

Myarmiger  is  full  booked,  apoth  is  not  booked  or  masteries.  Should  is  do  that  on  him .  I  dont  need  apoth  6  stared  right?  Ill  start  working  on  gearing  and  5  starting  royal  guard

Dec 28, 2021, 14:5712/28/21

1. apothecary

2. warmaiden (we can restart the warmaiden or aleks debate in your thread :)

Only farm brutal 12.3.  Stay away from NM campaign forever 

Dec 28, 2021, 23:0112/28/21

Thank  you so much for the advice.  What  epic  heros  do  you  see  that  i  have  i  can  safely use  for  food?  Also  should  i  work  on  masteries  for  apoth  or  60  first?

Dec 28, 2021, 23:1112/28/21
Dec 28, 2021, 23:11(edited)

Thank  you so much for the advice.  What  epic  heros  do  you  see  that  i  have  i  can  safely use  for  food?  Also  should  i  work  on  masteries  for  apoth  or  60  first?

You should not use any epic as food. You want them to fill the guardian ring, and as that only works with dupes, you should keep every single epic you pull and hope for a copy.

Dec 28, 2021, 23:2312/28/21

Oh  i  didnt  know  that.  What  is  the  guardian  ring?

Dec 28, 2021, 23:2412/28/21

Otherwise  sounds  like  i  can  use  any  rare  or  uncommon,  minus  the  obvious  rares.

Dec 28, 2021, 23:3912/28/21
Dec 28, 2021, 23:44(edited)

 Personally I wouldn't use any epics as food. It's much easier to make 4* chickens than it is to get epic champions and even the weaker ones might get buffed someday, it has happened before. They are also useful for Faction Guardians. I would get Apothecary and the rest of my Demon Lord Clan Boss team up to level 60 and then take them all into Minotaur for masteries. Don't bother farming Minotaur till your team can do level 15 consistently.

 I agree that buying shards for Shamael isn't worth it. Even if you get the top chest from the hardest difficulty of Hydra it will still take a really long time to get Mithrala and it's not too hard to get the easiest chest.

 A few rares you might try holding onto unless you absolutely need the space;

-Coffin Smasher, really good for Demon Lord and can solo Frost Spider

-Odachi isn't OP or anything but could be good to round out a Shadowkin Faction Wars team

-Ironclad can be useful for crowd control particularly in Orc Faction Wars and is generally just kind of fun to play around with

-Fleshmonger's decrease defense ability will make Skinwalker Faction Wars a little less painful

-Abyssal is another Faction Wars champ

-Master Butcher can be really good for Bommal

 If you don't have an unkillable Clan Boss comp then I would definitely build Coffin Smasher, as for the rest I'd just hold onto them and build if/when I needed them to clear specific content. I think it's fun to collect all of the starter champions and personally I find Elhain to be super useful all over the place. She's easy to build for damage since she doesn't need accuracy, great for clearing waves and every skill she has is a double hitter for Fire Knight or killing Rotos, also sometimes you want to deal damage without causing additional effects either to avoid filling up a debuff bar or so you don't trigger boss mechanics.

ETA: Don't feed any rares that have that blue swirly logo at the center bottom, those are used for fusions you'll want to do at some point. Some are actually pretty decent champions, too.

Dec 28, 2021, 23:4512/28/21

Wasteland,  what  would  you  concider  my  6  star  team?  Kale,  warmaiden,  apoth,  and  who?  Thanks  so  much  for  your  time.

Dec 29, 2021, 00:4112/29/21

 You have the champs to make some really powerful teams but the gear requirements would be pretty high so if that was my account what I'd be looking for is a set of champions that will be able to get the top chest on Nightmare Demon Lord Clan Boss while also being useful in other content using gear a young account is likely to have. So...

-High Katun as speed lead




-Rearguard Sergeant

-Coffin Smasher

 I'd replace Kael with Frozen Banshee if/when you get her but Kael is still useful for Dragon and with crazy good gear he can be one of the fastest Brutal Campaign farmers. I didn't see High Katun on your roster so I assume you're less than a month in, if you already fed High Katun Seeker might work in her place and he's good for both Arena and unkillable teams so you'll eventually want to build him anyway. A good argument could be made for Vizier too but with Kael as a main poisoner I'd be concerned about clogging the debuff bar with weak poisons. 

Dec 29, 2021, 01:0812/29/21

Thank  you  so  much for  the  advice!  Ill  start  grinding  food