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Dec 23, 2021, 14:0912/23/21


The last several CvsC my clan has been paired against clans that are significantly higher power. This last one, smh, 61 million power stronger than my clan.  I keep getting told the same thing, that power isn't the only factor.  61 million power stronger clan, we didn't stand a chance.  Clans are hitting every other CvsC. Creating guaranteed wins.  Keeping them being paired against significantly lower power. This may seem insignificant to you.  But to a newer clan, it's seriously disheartening.  I know I'm not the only one bringing this up.  Your system is flawed.  

I considered, we skip every other CvsC. Once again, no guarantee, we'll be paired with a clan that's within our power range.  61 million power. They're highest member 14.7million. Our highest 1.3 million.  

Dec 23, 2021, 14:3512/23/21

That's unfortunate but yeah as you mentionned pairing is mainly based on victory streaks ( as far as I know ) the devs are aware of that concern,  and if anything is planed an announcement will  be made in the digest ( no ETA ) 

Dec 23, 2021, 14:4012/23/21
Dec 23, 2021, 14:42(edited)

I'm not sure clan power has anything to do with it.  You are placed in a tier depending on how many points you scored in the previoius cycle.  Once in a tier I presume the match making is completely random.

Whatever sport or competition you compete in, if you are placed in a certain class/category, you must be prepared to compete against any other competitor in that category.  Otherwise there would be more categories/subcategories.  I suppose they could have 100 tiers and place clans based on power rather than how they've performed in the past.  

For what it's worth, we just lost the first time in like 6 cycles to a team with 40 million LESS power than us.  They scored over a million points in the last hour.

Dec 23, 2021, 14:5812/23/21

We got smoked by a clan with 20M less power as well.  4.5 to 3.9 Million.  We were down 1 million in first 8 hours, lol.  

But yes, many clans are purposely sandbagging every other CvC to drop down then win big.  

Just have your clan focus on the milestone rewards, and teach each other how to maximize points during CvC WITHOUT impeding your progress.  Do all your GH upgrades, book upgrades, ascension, and forging during CvC only.  Maximize FW, Arena, Tag points.  Then just use your energy as you normally would for the most part.  

Dec 23, 2021, 15:3412/23/21

Yes, they took a quick lead but we were ahead very soon and for most of the event. They started closing the gap yesterday and when I woke it was pretty much over.  All it cost us were personal rewards, which is not that big of a deal, and 2 accessories.  I agree concentrating on the milestones is the way to go.  It would have been no different if we were a French clan that scored 35million and still lost lol.