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whats the point

whats the point

Dec 20, 2021, 19:0312/20/21

whats the point

I would leave this in feedback but no option too. Whats the point of having a strength meter if you cant gauge your probability of winning. I can understand a few hundred or so but when you get into multiple thousands of difference and still loose , i find that very aggravating. why have a strength if you cant gauge your chance of winning. i dont want to play a game where i am an ego feed for some idiot who spends too much money on a game. Theres no skill in spending money. in return when you look at your own strength how can one be influenced to increase ones strength if its just a scam. it takes away from any thought of having skill. therefore whats the point if your just goingg to get cheated in order to feed the ego of your over paying players thinking they have skill when all they have is money

Dec 20, 2021, 20:3212/20/21

The team power is pretty easy to understand once you learn how the stats are weighed.

I have spent a lot of money on this game and I still get spanked a lot.  

Dec 20, 2021, 22:1912/20/21
Dec 20, 2021, 23:29(edited)

Lemme see if I can find a good video about it..... one that helped me learn how to select which arena fights to do and which to skip.

Also, would you like to share your arena team and champ builds? I'd be happy to see if I can help. :)

Dec 20, 2021, 22:2612/20/21

Are you complaining because of player/team power, or b/c some people spend money? I hope you are aware that the two are not always indicative of the other.  

If your issue is with power and the fact that it's not completely correlated with win ratio, then just ignore it.  You'd do much better looking at team synergies anyway.

But just b/c someone has a higher power than you doesn't mean they spend any money.  You seem to just be finding issues to point at.

Dec 20, 2021, 22:5312/20/21

i agree with Angwill - there are teams out there you look at the player power and go cool i have say 200 000 and they have 120 000 but if they are tuned well and have good synergy they can rip your team apart. Flip side of the coin im at 208 000 for example and i regularly rip teams 350 000 apart because of team synergy they may go first but i if they arent tuned properly i can cut in and take control.

Player power alot of the time i find is high due to resistance built within the squad eg lydia lead instant aura addition of 90, im lucky i have an ok speed lead in arbiter but not fast enough to be top of g4 but she wins good 70% then i follow up with maulie - provoke the whole team which then in turn when hits boosts my teams turn meter,   serris is next she strips opponents buffs and dec with her accuracy over 550 these 3 things opens up a world of hurt for my nuker ITHOS, i use to run the previous without serris until i pulled her recently and had ithos spot 3 then candraphon but having serris has made the win % jump bigtime.

Dec 20, 2021, 23:3112/20/21
Dec 20, 2021, 23:39(edited)

Ill  be  honest  most  of  the  time  i  lose  to  low  power  people  and  win  aganst  high  power  people  took  me  a  long  time  to  understand  power  

Dec 21, 2021, 00:3312/21/21

Power  is  just  based  on  things  that  help  you  directly  survive  or  deal  damage,  or  thats  the  way  i  understand.

Things  that  influence  power  the  most  are  Crit  DMG.  and  Resistance.

Dec 21, 2021, 00:4012/21/21
Dec 21, 2021, 00:42(edited)

A match is not decided on team power because there are other factors that decide who will win in the battle. These are team composition, champion build, and right skill to be use in a certain situation. 

Spending money gives you more champions and more runs in dungeons. But choosing the right build, right champions, right skill to use, right speed tuning is where you needed skill in this game, not just pump up team power and win.