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New player asking for some help

New player asking for some help

Dec 17, 2021, 17:5412/17/21

New player asking for some help

Hey guys Ive been playing for 117 days now. Ive made some good progression but kinda stuck and would appericate advice.  Like some I started thinking it would be a quick win, which now Ive learned its not and going back doing missions ect.   Im stuck I cant keep silver or gems I keep trying to give every new champ their own maxed out gear .. I had the thought today to start recycling max gear that I have to try on newer champ to see how they preform .. But Im not sure if thats the right way to do it ? I also have plenty of 5s-4s and 3s that I just keep hording kinda worried I wont pull some of them again but I undersand its a long game .. Any advice would be more than appericated ! 

Dec 17, 2021, 18:1812/17/21

Without more context, all we can do is give generic advice. I highly suggest reading

Aside from that, your general plan should be:

1) If you got Ninja, focus on getting him to 60. If you didn't, focus on getting your starter champ to 60. This is far and away the number 1 priority. Don't waste time leveling anyone else, just get that champ to 60, and use the other three slots to level up champs that you'll use as food. Focus on farming Brutal 12-3 or 12-6 once you can reach it. Until then, farm those same stages on lower difficulties until you can progress. *Never* waste time farming any other stage other than those on campaign level 12.

2) Once you have a 60, your next priority should be getting another three other 60's. But make sure you don't waste time leveling bad champs. When you reach this stage, post your roster and we can recommend who the best ones to level will be.

3) Once you have four 60's, you'll need to get them in decent gear. To this extent you'll want to get your Dragon farming team up to at least level 13, preferrably further.

4) Once you have a decently geared set of four 60's, you'll focus on Clan Boss, to get to at least Brutal farming.

Dec 17, 2021, 19:1112/17/21

Can you post your roster so we can get an idea of what you're working with champs and gear wise?

Dec 17, 2021, 19:3412/17/21

Here is my crew I cant get past 12 in spider stuck on Tilshire Night mare no matter how I combine the 60's I will say not all are booked !  I use Ash every time I get a new champ and Im burnning all my silver instead of fouusing on the older ones ect .. Ive spent a little but not alot .. I would from home so I paly alot on a second screen just stuck .. Maybe I should focus on some of the other champs instead of what I have IDK???? any advice will be very much appericated ! 










Dec 17, 2021, 19:3612/17/21

Can you post your roster so we can get an idea of what you're working with champs and gear wise?

I did Thanks for any help in advance 

Dec 17, 2021, 19:4112/17/21

Wow. That's quite the roster for someone this early on. Few points:

1) Do not waste time with Nightmare. It'll eventually be useful to farm, but not until much later.

2) Don't waste silver upgrading common or uncommon items. Only upgrade rare or better, and even at that, be very selective about which rare items you chose to upgrade. Never upgrade items less than 4*, and again, be very selective about which 4* items to upgrade.

You should have no trouble at all with dungeons. You have a very solid team comp for that - broadly speaking, you'll want to run Ninja, Aniri, Brago, Ma'Shalled, and Kimi. You have some really fantastic champs by the way - Ma'Shalled is one of the all-time best champs in the game, and Kimi is very, very good as well.

I'd highly recommend you consult deadwoodjedi and find CB teams that use Ma'Shalled - he enables some wicked powerful setups.

Dec 17, 2021, 20:2112/17/21

Wow. That's quite the roster for someone this early on. Few points:

1) Do not waste time with Nightmare. It'll eventually be useful to farm, but not until much later.

2) Don't waste silver upgrading common or uncommon items. Only upgrade rare or better, and even at that, be very selective about which rare items you chose to upgrade. Never upgrade items less than 4*, and again, be very selective about which 4* items to upgrade.

You should have no trouble at all with dungeons. You have a very solid team comp for that - broadly speaking, you'll want to run Ninja, Aniri, Brago, Ma'Shalled, and Kimi. You have some really fantastic champs by the way - Ma'Shalled is one of the all-time best champs in the game, and Kimi is very, very good as well.

I'd highly recommend you consult deadwoodjedi and find CB teams that use Ma'Shalled - he enables some wicked powerful setups.   Thanks again !!! I took your advice I team that I wouldnt have put together .. again new and still trying to figure the whole thing out but you suggestion "run Ninja, Aniri, Brago, Ma'Shalled, and Kimi " just beat 14 dragon after a week of trying ! thank you so much I have so much to learn abut putting teams together .. Like I said I would have never put them all together .. I need to foucs on these other champs have too ...

My go to that got me this far for everything is - gala - ninja-painkeeper-umbral Enchantess and for 5 slots I add spirithost.. Thy again 

Dec 17, 2021, 20:3712/17/21
Dec 17, 2021, 20:38(edited)
invicta79   Thanks again !!! I took your advice I team that I wouldnt have put together .. again new and still trying to figure the whole thing out but you suggestion "run Ninja, Aniri, Brago, Ma'Shalled, and Kimi " just beat 14 dragon after a week of trying ! thank you so much I have so much to learn abut putting teams together .. Like I said I would have never put them all together .. I need to foucs on these other champs have too ...

My go to that got me this far for everything is - gala - ninja-painkeeper-umbral Enchantess and for 5 slots I add spirithost.. Thy again 

No problem! For most dungeon teams you want to have a reviver just to be safe - while it's not technically required, it sucks to have a run fail because of a bit of bad luck causing someone to die. Aniri is doubly useful in that she has two revives, which is pretty rare. Kimi just completely locks down the other team, and if they ever do get a turn, Ma'Shalled shuts them down even further. Brago helps bolster your team for when they do get an attack off, and Ninja just smacks face.

Also - suffice it to say, you absolutely want to max Ma'Shalled (commonly called "Salad") and Kimi. Full masteries, full ascension. Booking isn't that critical - you want to be very selective with which lego champs you book.

Dec 17, 2021, 20:3912/17/21

Looking at the champs you have posted, you are very slow speed wise.

Stop leveling boots that do not have speed as the main stat.

99% of boots that do not have speed as the main stat should be sold.

Dec 17, 2021, 20:4712/17/21

Looking at the champs you have posted, you are very slow speed wise.

Stop leveling boots that do not have speed as the main stat.

99% of boots that do not have speed as the main stat should be sold.

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with that statement. With a few exceptions, I pretty much don't use speed boots on anyone. The only ones who do use speed boots are my speed booster champs, and a few of my CB champs that don't get enough speed from substats. Everyone else uses ATK%/DEF%/HP% boots.

Dec 17, 2021, 21:0212/17/21

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with that statement. With a few exceptions, I pretty much don't use speed boots on anyone. The only ones who do use speed boots are my speed booster champs, and a few of my CB champs that don't get enough speed from substats. Everyone else uses ATK%/DEF%/HP% boots.

I will side with Minin on this one, especially for new player advice.  And in most high end content, speed is needed for 90pct of the time.  

Dec 17, 2021, 21:3512/17/21

I will side with Minin on this one, especially for new player advice.  And in most high end content, speed is needed for 90pct of the time.  


With a few exceptions, I would guess I have speed boots on almost every champ I'm actively using. 

Dec 17, 2021, 21:4112/17/21

Interesting. I'm guessing the reason I have such a different setup is because of my abundance of control champs? The other team pretty much doesn't get a turn, so I don't usually find the need to have any speed - killing them fast is a higher priority for me.

Dec 17, 2021, 21:4712/17/21
Dec 17, 2021, 21:47(edited)

Interesting. I'm guessing the reason I have such a different setup is because of my abundance of control champs? The other team pretty much doesn't get a turn, so I don't usually find the need to have any speed - killing them fast is a higher priority for me.

In tag arena  and hard DT? My champs would be useless in this content without speed on 

Dec 17, 2021, 21:4812/17/21

My damn posts always get chopped on this forum, anyone else have this problem?

Dec 17, 2021, 21:5712/17/21

In tag arena  and hard DT? My champs would be useless in this content without speed on 

Nah not in tag arena, that's an entirely separate beast. And as for DT Hard, for now my teams don't really seem to be struggling, running around 150 speed on my nukers, but using Big'Un, Nethril, and Rae to basically lock the other team down.

Dec 17, 2021, 22:1312/17/21

Interesting. I'm guessing the reason I have such a different setup is because of my abundance of control champs? The other team pretty much doesn't get a turn, so I don't usually find the need to have any speed - killing them fast is a higher priority for me.

It's possible, for sure. I'm fairly selective for the most part unless they're 6* speed boots when it comes to subs. 


Dec 17, 2021, 22:2412/17/21

It's possible, for sure. I'm fairly selective for the most part unless they're 6* speed boots when it comes to subs. 


Autosell 5star now... 😆 

Dec 17, 2021, 22:3712/17/21

I'm a new player.Just playin for 3 days but how do you get a sacred shard not in the shop? I am only on Sewers.

Dec 17, 2021, 22:4512/17/21

I'm a new player.Just playin for 3 days but how do you get a sacred shard not in the shop? I am only on Sewers.

Short answer is, you don't. Long answer is, you can get them from quests, missions, and clan boss / hydra chests.