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Clan boss

Clan boss

Dec 17, 2021, 14:4812/17/21

Clan boss

Guys  can  u  maybe  help  what  team  i  should  run  on  clan  bos


Dec 17, 2021, 15:4212/17/21


frozen  banshi  


miscreated  monster  

scyle  of  drakes

Dec 17, 2021, 15:4812/17/21

Not monster or scyl.

Toragi and vogoth for sure. 

Dec 17, 2021, 15:5712/17/21

Not a fantastic set of champs for CB, unfortunately.

Toragi - ally protect + poison

Vogoth (lead) - atk down + leech + ally heal

Fayne - def down + weaken + poison + atk down

Hotatsu - def up

Ninja - raw damage

All except ninja need to have books to bring their abilities to 3-turn cooldowns. Need to be on a 1:1 rotation.

Dec 17, 2021, 16:2112/17/21
Dec 17, 2021, 16:22(edited)

I don't like Fayne here. 

I think we want to bring up Venomage and use them, definitely with Toragi and Ninja.

Dec 17, 2021, 17:0412/17/21

I don't like Fayne here. 

I think we want to bring up Venomage and use them, definitely with Toragi and Ninja.

Any particular reason? With Venomage you lose Weaken and a reliable DEF down, which is a pretty significant loss in damage.

Dec 17, 2021, 17:1712/17/21
Dec 17, 2021, 17:17(edited)

Any particular reason? With Venomage you lose Weaken and a reliable DEF down, which is a pretty significant loss in damage.

Just not a huge fan of Fayne in non UK teams, in general. Too squishy for my liking. 

We do have defense down with Ninja and Venomage, still.

Venomage should also help us live longer, as well. 

Dec 17, 2021, 18:3012/17/21

Thanks  guys  i  was  running  

Frozen  Banshe  


Skytouched  Shaman  in  Sheild  



i  do  12  milion  per  key  on  nightmer   CB

Dec 17, 2021, 18:4412/17/21
Dec 17, 2021, 18:46(edited)

Thanks  guys  i  was  running  

Frozen  Banshe  


Skytouched  Shaman  in  Sheild  



i  do  12  milion  per  key  on  nightmer   CB

There are a pile of problems with that team, which is why your damage is so low. In general, a good CB team needs a whole bunch of things to work properly. By far the most important is to speed tune so that your buffs/debuffs land in the correct order and on the correct turns. Use DeadwoodJedi Speed Calculator to plan things out. Speed is absolutely critical to get correct. After that, the next most important thing is making sure you have the *correct* buffs and debuffs. In order of priority:

1) Block debuffs/Cleanse debuffs, or a proper stun target. This is easily the most important because without one or the other, your buff/debuff order will get thrown off. Technically you have this from Skytouched, but it's on a 4-turn rotation, which means you'd need to speed tune properly to get it to work. Also since she self-debuffs herself, your rotations will likely get messed up.

2) DEF up, without which your team will die far, far sooner than it should - your team doesn't have this

3) ATK down, same as above - again, your team doesn't have this

4) Poison, which generally contributes the most to your overall damage. This one you've got.

5) DEF down / Weaken, putting them at the same priority level because they contribute roughly equally to increased damage - your team doesn't have this either

6) Other buffs/debuffs, like poison sensitivity, ATK up, strengthen, ally protect, etc. These all help, but typically less than the above - your team doesn't have much of these

I deliberately left ally-attack / counter-attack / block damage / unkillable out of the list, as there are very few champs that have those abilities. But if you happen to get one of them, you'll want to rebuild the entire team around those.

The reason why Juliana, Scyl, and Skytouched are typically not on CB teams is because they don't bring any of those above important things.

Dec 17, 2021, 18:5912/17/21

Knowing everything Krama had to say, his team here is very good:

Toragi - ally protect + poison
Vogoth (lead) - atk down + leech + ally heal
Fayne - def down + weaken + poison + atk down
Hotatsu - def up
Ninja - raw damage

I would also try Hotatsu in the lead spot, since he clears the stun every turn, and will give you the 25% Defensive Aura. You might settle into Vogoth as the lead, but it would be good to test it.

While Venomage is a srong CB champ, I would run Fayne specifically for her attack down over all other abilities she is bringing to the table. 

Dec 17, 2021, 19:1912/17/21

 You can build a 2:1 team with High Katun and Apothecary.

Dec 17, 2021, 19:4212/17/21

 You can build a 2:1 team with High Katun and Apothecary.

Just because you "can", doesn't mean you should. Running HK and Apoth in CB means you are essentially running a 3-champ CB team, since those two contribute just about nothing else of value. Doing CB with 3 champs means you need some very specific combos to make it worthwhile.

Dec 18, 2021, 12:2512/18/21

Thank  i  guys  a  lot  one  more  question  what  would  u  recomend  for  fire  knight  am  stuck  at  stage  18  and  am  on  3  misions  from  Arbriter  i  can  other  two  are  not  problems  am  in  stage  21  on  Spider  and  i  can  deal  100  mil  to  Clan  boss  i  have  2600  rubies  so  i  will  buy  keys  but  i  cant  pass  stage  18  fire  kight  

Dec 19, 2021, 17:4912/19/21
Dec 19, 2021, 17:50(edited)

Thank  i  guys  a  lot  one  more  question  what  would  u  recomend  for  fire  knight  am  stuck  at  stage  18  and  am  on  3  misions  from  Arbriter  i  can  other  two  are  not  problems  am  in  stage  21  on  Spider  and  i  can  deal  100  mil  to  Clan  boss  i  have  2600  rubies  so  i  will  buy  keys  but  i  cant  pass  stage  18  fire  kight  

For Fireknight you need champs with multiple hits to bring down his shield and champs that reduce the opponent's turnmeter to keep his shield down once you depleted it.

Vogoth and Athel are both lvl 60 allready and have an A1 hitting 3 times.

Ninja can hit even 6 times with his burning skill, if the Fire Knight allready is under hp-burn. That's only possible in a team where you can't hold down the shield all the time with turnmeter reduce and have to repeat that, but if the Fire Knight is under hp burn (placed by Ninja while the shield was down the first time), his ability to deal damage from hp-burn immediately with this attack counts as seperate hit.

Fellhound has a teamwide refelct damage skill. The reflection can deal one hit for each teammember under this buff when you get attacked by the Fire Knight.

Champs that can hold his shield down are Scyl (decrease speed debuff and small chance for turnmeter effect on her A1), Soulbond Bowyer (100% turnmeter reduce on A3) and Armiger. You don't have an Armiger yet, but that champ is basically free (uncommen) and allways reduces the turnmeter with his A1. You probably want one maxed Armiger anyway, even uncommen he is better than most epics and can do a great job at Spider 20 as well.

Apothecary is another great champ for FK. His A1 hits 3 times, and he can speed up your team and heal.

So you really have a bunch of champions wich could build a team vs. FK, especially FK 18 with his Spirit affinity.

Jul 25, 2022, 01:4507/25/22

I  was getting  very  f rustrated,  trying many  different things,  researching champions,  now I'm disappointed to the point of being disinterested.  I miss  the excitement of the game and needing able to advance in some way.  

levels in campaign  that I've already beat over a year ago  in less than  3  minutes are now  getting  defeated or taking up to  14  minutes,  same champions.  Even tried my new champions,  nope.  So it's a complete waste of my time to  try to get decent gear on auto.  I  even stopped  my subscription of  my raid  card that I had for two years.  

did I miss a memo that all levels increased in difficulty to where even legendaries  are useless ?  

Jul 25, 2022, 02:5607/25/22

I  was getting  very  f rustrated,  trying many  different things,  researching champions,  now I'm disappointed to the point of being disinterested.  I miss  the excitement of the game and needing able to advance in some way.  

levels in campaign  that I've already beat over a year ago  in less than  3  minutes are now  getting  defeated or taking up to  14  minutes,  same champions.  Even tried my new champions,  nope.  So it's a complete waste of my time to  try to get decent gear on auto.  I  even stopped  my subscription of  my raid  card that I had for two years.  

did I miss a memo that all levels increased in difficulty to where even legendaries  are useless ?  


Can you make a new post with your roster and gearing, detailing what kinds of issues you're having specifically?