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How to Improve Raid

How to Improve Raid

Dec 16, 2021, 11:0612/16/21

How to Improve Raid

Hey everyone I just wanted to throw out any and all ideas that I have seen around Raid as a whole that need updating. In no particular order of what I think the most important thing but these just as I thought of them. Breaking them down by what they are vs how to improve them. No talk of the Tavern as they did mention that they are working on it coming in the Spring. 


This whole area of the game needs to be added onto. Either with new chapters or a Part 2. The story behind Raid has disappeared. And it left behind the game of now just collect champions to fight in new high level dungeons or Arena or other Areas of the game. But the Story, the purpose of why the game is what it is has vanished. Plarium tell the story behind the new champions on Facebook/Twitter/Forums but nothing in the actual game of where these champions come from or their purpose to the story or how they will help defeat the total End Game boss behind Raid as a whole. 


Currently rare champions have been slowly becoming less and less important as the kits they bring are nothing special. As well as based on the latest interview that Ash had with Cerila, she mentioned that Raid has no intentions of introducing new Rare champions that are going to be “game changing”. I took this as why even waste the developers time building out these rare champions. You are wasting so much time thinking of how a champions works, how they look, the animations of them. Just for that champion to sit in a vault or the Guardian Ring or be used a 3 star chicken. Currently there are 193 Rare champions in the game compared to a Total amount of ALL Champions of the game, at 637. That is a 30% of all champions being in the Rare category, and we still have 2 whole Factions that haven’t been added in yet. Plus with each new Fusion or Fragment event, there is an opportunity for more Rare champions to be included. This circles back to why are more rare and rare champions added when there are plenty of them, the reason that Plarium gives us is that they help with these new Monthly Events, but they could easily change that format to, instead of a roster of new Rare champions, you need x amount of champions from this Faction to fuse together to make a New Epic champions that is required for the New Legendary. This way players are needing a variety of Rare champions on hand that would not be used anywhere else. Even the Guardian Ring is useless to all Rare Champions. Only a select few of them are used consistently from all across the game, so they are mostly just fodder, which I understand is their point at the end of the day. But again, why waste your team’s time and effort designing items that will not be used EVER. Literally throwing away time, money and effort for no reason. 

Especially since that time could be used to design new parts of the game.

Monthly Events:

Currently it is just rinse repeat all the dungeons until you get the items you need for the Fusion/Fragment. Nothing ties to the champion being chased after and this gets old so fast.

Improvement: A new dungeon is created that has 1 new Artifact Set, and the bosses of this dungeon are the monthly Epic or Legendary champions, with only 15 levels each granting the different rarity of the new set. 

After 10 new Monthly Events have started and finished those become a new dungeon off to the side of the Fire Knight, where you could farm away at a collective of the new sets repurposing a wide variety of champions that have been added. And then this would continue on with each new Monthly Event. This spices up each new update and brings new life to the game and offers new challenges. 

This could be added if they reevaluate how they spend their time and resources developing new Rare champions that don’t get used besides for the fusion events, forever to be in vaults or food. 


I think the milestones need to be tweaked, introducing more of them throughout the entire column of them, from lower point levels to higher point levels. Especially since they added in Feasts and Barrels, as well as the top reward for each milestone being an Epic Skill Tome or 1 4 star chicken. If players are putting in a good amount of time and in game resources to reach the top milestones they should be rewarded. Examples of new milestone could be 2 4 star chickens, a 5 star chicken 2-4 Epic Skill Tomes, 2 Legendary Skill Tomes and so on and so on. As well as there needs to be consistency in the way the rewards are given out, every event should have the same rewards I don’t know why during certain times or different dungeons they have different rewards.  


Current: At the moment the market is pretty useless, it is only good for acquiring Ancient or Mystery Shards. I don’t know of anyone that actually buys the gear or the champions that are put in there on a regular basis. The gear is to high priced and it’s just horrible pieces, vs what you can get from the dungeons. The best item is the total of 5 Ancient Shards that are “scattered” throughout the month in it. 

Improvement: The gear available to buy improves as the player level increases, meaning a level 50+ player isn’t subjected to 1-4 star rarity gear or anything rare and below. As well as what gear is available to buy ranging from rare sets; all the divine sets, relentless, doom tower boss sets to the common gear sets that can be found in the normal dungeons. 

Also can add in more shards. I think there should be 10 total Ancient Shards available, 1 every 3 days, keep the same price point of 200K per one. This equals 10 throughout the month where players need to spend 2 million silver. As well as adding 1 Void Shard every 10 days at 500K silver, 3 total for 1.5 million silver. And to finish it 1 Sacred Shard every 30 days, at 1 million silver. These shards alone help all players especially since summoning shards is a huge part of the game. And it makes sure that players are continuing to play the game knowing there is a big pay out possibly. Plus this is only 4.5 million silver per month, easy to acquire as Plarium has been introducing super raids, where you can acquire more silver from selling unwanted artifacts. 

Gem Mine:

Improvement: increase the number of gems given per production time. The gems needed to improve it to the max level does not meet the payout until after 1 year of playing. Even if you raise the production to 3 gems per 90 minutes, or 1 every 30 minutes I think that would help. Especially since more and more champions are being brought in, and with Guardian Ring champion slots are needed more than ever. 

Forge: I really like the Forge I think it was a great addition, nothing bad at all actually where it stands currently.

Improvement: Being able to literally forge together materials we collect, materials from Faction Wars or Doom Tower, and combine them into higher rank materials, like 10 rare soulstones equal 1 epic soulstone and so one. The same could be down for Enchantment Glyphs, were 5 level 1 glyphs equal a level 2, and so one until you get up to level 6 Glyphs. Overall I think this would be a huge help to everyone, especially players who maybe can’t farm up high levels of all factions or Doom Tower bosses, but can clear level 25 dungeons no problem, where they gather lower level artifacts that will not be used for champions but rather just extra silver once forged and sold. Literally useless for most people. But 5-6 star gear would be the goal. 

Overall I love the game, the design the style, I know that there are a lot of people out there that want this game to be the best and I think that Plarium can make it that, if they improve upon the foundation that they have already built on top of. Thanks everyone that reads this and please add anything you agree or disagree on. 

Dec 16, 2021, 11:4112/16/21

I was avoiding this thread because I honestly thought it was going to be a sarcastic rant. But thank you for this. I will read it fully as soon as I am able and will pass along what I can. 

Dec 16, 2021, 12:2812/16/21

 I think you have some really good ideas! :-)

 We definitely need more playable rares or else ancient shards are going to be the new mystery shard. There are so many problems the flood of unplayable rares is causing. As you correctly say it's a complete waste of the devs' time and money to create all these awful champions and it dilutes the pool of available champions which makes it harder and harder to get one of the good rares. It stinks for new players as well, they won't have many ancient shards to pull and nearly everything they get will be unusable. 10%-20% of the rares should always be good enough to see play no matter how many they keep adding to the game.

 It would be really cool if there was a campaign for every faction, or at least every alliance(or whatever we call the groups of 4 factions). It would be neat if you got a one-time reward of an epic champion for beating a campaign on nightmare difficulty. Different artifact sets for each campaign would be good, too.

 The Market should have 6* gear if the player has unlocked other content that gives 6* gear. I would like to see fragments for champions you already have some fragments for in the shop for gems and void/sacred shards for gems makes sense too. It would be cool if there were other good things in the Gem Shop such as artifact sets or maybe a good rare/epic champion that changes from time to time, maybe fragments?

Dec 16, 2021, 12:5812/16/21

Yep some interesting ideas, I'd like to see some time reducing implementations as well

On auto battles, if you can auto the first battle the rest should give rewards, for example doom tower hard battles with bosses can last a while, if you're collecting forge material and each battle takes ten mins thats a lot of time if you use all your keys, selecting 10 auto would mean you do the first then get the other 9 rewards

Multi battle in faction wars (same condition as above)

Autofill brews to max level - option to remove animation

Option to summon 3 champs - no animations

Super raids on all dungeons - option to select 2 - 5 battles each time

Speed up artifact upgrades

Speed up Hydra

Dec 17, 2021, 10:3312/17/21

I was avoiding this thread because I honestly thought it was going to be a sarcastic rant. But thank you for this. I will read it fully as soon as I am able and will pass along what I can. 

Thank  you  Harbby i  appreciate  that.  I wanted  to  talk  about  things  in  the  correct  manner.  I  have  seen  the  games  and  forums  where  whinning  happens  and  nothing  is  ever  done. 

Dec 18, 2021, 02:2312/18/21

add to xbox!!!!!

Dec 18, 2021, 10:2912/18/21

Well we have potion mixer so we could have also forge materials exchange, maybe at 5:1 ratio and some silver, the same with glyphs.

Dec 18, 2021, 12:2512/18/21

Shard Counter, least a way to check numbers...