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When's the event schedule a-comin' for the new High Elf lion fusion (Lofa Tatupu?)

When's the event schedule a-comin' for the new High Elf lion fusion (Lofa Tatupu?)

Dec 15, 2021, 19:3212/15/21

When's the event schedule a-comin' for the new High Elf lion fusion (Lofa Tatupu?)

I feel like we'd usually have it by now.  

I've gotta start working on my timetable and whatnot.

Dec 15, 2021, 21:3412/15/21

Starts tomorrow.  Lately the schedule has been last minute.

Dec 15, 2021, 22:1112/15/21

It will be out tomorrow with the update, I suspect. You will find it in the news section in game and they usually post it in the discord or here on the news section of the forums as well.

Dec 15, 2021, 22:1412/15/21

 The legendary looks like a decent utility champ but I don't think the rares and epics are going to see much play. That makes them easy to feed into the fusion without regrets but it does dilute the pool like we've been talking about so much lately. I think it's pretty clear that certain key champions are only going to get harder to obtain as we move forward and it looks like a lot of these fragment collector/fusion champions are B or C tier so I'm kind of torn between using the minimum ammount of shards to complete this fusion vs pulling everything I have on the next 2x in the hopes of getting a few key pieces before the signal to noise ratio gets any worse. The third option is to hoard shards for guaranteed summon events which, alongside fragments/fusions, will probably be the best way to get new champions in the future. It seems like shards are getting to be less about summoning champions we intend to use and more like a currency we spend to complete events.

Dec 15, 2021, 22:1612/15/21

 Yes, that gave me a bit of a laugh. I enjoy Raid, especially the art, but our lore is admittedly weak. :-)

Dec 15, 2021, 22:2012/15/21
Dec 15, 2021, 22:40(edited)

Hmm. Working for me. Just a mod thing perhaps? Here it is.

Countless magical beasts dwell in the realm of Teleria. Many are true monsters, predators for whom men and elves are nothing but livestock ripe for culling. But among the myriad creatures mothers use to frighten their unruly children into obedience in the dark of night, benevolent entities exist, whose wisdom rivals even the most learned mages. Alas, that same wisdom drives them away from the lands where mortals dwell, lest fear - or greed - open the way for bloodshed.
Tatura Rimehide lived for many millennia and had seen much: from the first wars between Lumaya and Siroth to the rise of mortal kingdoms in the South. He had chosen not to interfere in the lives of others unless the righteous were faced with a dire tide of Darkness. Even then, he had always retreated to his snow-swept home in the far North when his task was done. Thus few mentions of Tatura’s appearances remain in written history and myth alike, albeit the barbaric Norr tribes still remember a strange chimera that was said to appear in the deadliest of blizzards to guide travelers to safety. 
But as centuries passed, the evil of Siroth grew stronger across the land. Countless sovereigns, mages, and warriors fell under the Dark Lord’s sway, and his shadow enveloped Teleria. There was no escape from it, not even in the furthest reaches of northern wastes. Demonspawn hunters came after Tatura, hounding him through the snowy desert with wicked determination. Many of them fell, torn asunder by the ancient chimera’s claws, or frozen to death when snowstorms caught them in the open. But there were always more of them.
Day and night, the pursuit went on until Tatura was finally cornered and prepared to face what seemed to be his last battle. But just like Tatura aided the mortals in their hour of need, so too his plight did not go unnoticed; a pillar of bright light erupted in the middle of Demonspawn formations, and a magnificent Lightbringer fell upon them with the grace of a falcon. Gliseah Soulguide descended from the heavens, and none could stand before her wrath! Caught between Tatura’s untamed strength and Gliseah’s blade, the servants of Siroth perished in droves or scattered in panic.
When the battle was over, the two warriors of Light thanked one another and spoke at length about the grim tidings from the South. Though Tatura was always reluctant to meddle in affairs beyond his ken, it was clear now that the Arbiter - Lumaya’s chosen herald, tasked with defending Teleria - would need all the help she could get in the battles to come. And so he pledged himself to his savior, Gliseah, whose righteousness and the cold hatred of all evil set her apart even from her fellow Lightbringers. Together, they journeyed into the unknown, convinced that they would find a worthy soul in need of their aid against the vile schemes of Siroth. 

Dec 15, 2021, 22:2112/15/21

 Yes, that gave me a bit of a laugh. I enjoy Raid, especially the art, but our lore is admittedly weak. :-)

I love the new art for these two:


Dec 15, 2021, 22:2612/15/21

 They do look awesome together! Probably never will happen but it would be neat if the game eventually evolved to the point where you could have humanoid champions use animal champions as mounts with some kind of tandem bonus. I suppose even if it wouldn't be practical to have mounts tandem bonuses are easy enough and already in the game.

Dec 15, 2021, 22:2912/15/21

 They do look awesome together! Probably never will happen but it would be neat if the game eventually evolved to the point where you could have humanoid champions use animal champions as mounts with some kind of tandem bonus. I suppose even if it wouldn't be practical to have mounts tandem bonuses are easy enough and already in the game.

That would be cool yes

Dec 15, 2021, 22:3312/15/21

Hmm. Working for me. Just a mod thing perhaps? Here it is.

Countless magical beasts dwell in the realm of Teleria. Many are true monsters, predators for whom men and elves are nothing but livestock ripe for culling. But among the myriad creatures mothers use to frighten their unruly children into obedience in the dark of night, benevolent entities exist, whose wisdom rivals even the most learned mages. Alas, that same wisdom drives them away from the lands where mortals dwell, lest fear - or greed - open the way for bloodshed.
Tatura Rimehide lived for many millennia and had seen much: from the first wars between Lumaya and Siroth to the rise of mortal kingdoms in the South. He had chosen not to interfere in the lives of others unless the righteous were faced with a dire tide of Darkness. Even then, he had always retreated to his snow-swept home in the far North when his task was done. Thus few mentions of Tatura’s appearances remain in written history and myth alike, albeit the barbaric Norr tribes still remember a strange chimera that was said to appear in the deadliest of blizzards to guide travelers to safety. 
But as centuries passed, the evil of Siroth grew stronger across the land. Countless sovereigns, mages, and warriors fell under the Dark Lord’s sway, and his shadow enveloped Teleria. There was no escape from it, not even in the furthest reaches of northern wastes. Demonspawn hunters came after Tatura, hounding him through the snowy desert with wicked determination. Many of them fell, torn asunder by the ancient chimera’s claws, or frozen to death when snowstorms caught them in the open. But there were always more of them.
Day and night, the pursuit went on until Tatura was finally cornered and prepared to face what seemed to be his last battle. But just like Tatura aided the mortals in their hour of need, so too his plight did not go unnoticed; a pillar of bright light erupted in the middle of Demonspawn formations, and a magnificent Lightbringer fell upon them with the grace of a falcon. Gliseah Soulguide descended from the heavens, and none could stand before her wrath! Caught between Tatura’s untamed strength and Gliseah’s blade, the servants of Siroth perished in droves or scattered in panic.
When the battle was over, the two warriors of Light thanked one another and spoke at length about the grim tidings from the South. Though Tatura was always reluctant to meddle in affairs beyond his ken, it was clear now that the Arbiter - Lumaya’s chosen herald, tasked with defending Teleria - would need all the help she could get in the battles to come. And so he pledged himself to his savior, Gliseah, whose righteousness and the cold hatred of all evil set her apart even from her fellow Lightbringers. Together, they journeyed into the unknown, convinced that they would find a worthy soul in need of their aid against the vile schemes of Siroth. 

Still not working but NP, I can read it here.  Thanks!

Dec 15, 2021, 22:3712/15/21

 They do look awesome together! Probably never will happen but it would be neat if the game eventually evolved to the point where you could have humanoid champions use animal champions as mounts with some kind of tandem bonus. I suppose even if it wouldn't be practical to have mounts tandem bonuses are easy enough and already in the game.

Awesome idea.  I do not see it happen as envisioned, i.e. one champ mounted on another visually. Though they could do the artwork.

But there's no reason they couldn't have champion pairs/synergies between the two in the same manner as siphi/rotos etc.

Dec 15, 2021, 22:4112/15/21

Still not working but NP, I can read it here.  Thanks!

Gliseah Lore:

Lumaya’s mortal followers oft associate her with springtime and the warmth of the sun, for what else would befit the Goddess of life and love? In truth, there are countless aspects to Her divine power, and none know that better than the Lightbringers whom Lumaya created from the purest essence of the Aether. Some among these pure beings were indeed born to praise the radiance and warmth of summer, their bodies aglow with rich gold and crimson light, but others yet were cast in a different mold. Gliseah Soulguide is one such Lightbringer.
She represents the solemn beauty of winter: the dazzling glitter of rime in the first light of dawn and the daunting majesty of a snowstorm. Just like winter paves the way for the rebirth of nature, it was Gliseah’s duty to guide the souls of mortals to their rebirth in the afterlife. That was a task she had dedicated herself to for many millennia, becoming a sworn protector of her wards and a relentless foe of all who seek to spread the vilest perversion of the natural order - Undeath. For those evil creatures, Gliseah’s heart held no kindness. And only woe awaited the villains who became the target of her cold, implacable wrath.
Few among the Lightbringers could match Gliseah’s zeal in fighting evil, and she had often taken it upon herself to descend to the realm of Teleria when horrible conflicts between the forces of Light and Darkness erupted in ages past. But as the forces of Siroth appeared to have fled the world of mortals and peace reigned at last, even a warrior as fervent as Gliseah found fewer and fewer reasons to abandon her duties in the higher spheres. Alas, that was exactly what the Dark Lord expected. Over centuries, his agents worked tirelessly to corrupt the hearts of mortal races, and Shadow slowly enveloped Teleria in its ominous shroud.
But the servants of Darkness took great care to conceal their labors. It was not until necromancers across the world started raising countless Undead to serve the bidding of Siroth that Gliseah realized something was amiss. Perhaps it was providence that prompted her to act at that very moment, and when she cast her gaze over Teleria, it was drawn to a single event that took place in the far North. An ancient chimera known as Tatura Rimehide battled against overwhelming forces below, and witnessing that uneven struggle filled Gliseah’s spirit with fury.
That day, the world of mortals witnessed an impossibly bright shooting star that cleft the northern skies and descended upon the sinful earth. None of the Demonspawn could escape vengeance, and Gliseah cut them down without mercy as she fought alongside Tatura. The two of them shared bonds of kinship, for they were born of the same natural aspect of the world, and in the battle’s wake, both Gliseah and Tatura took an oath to fight by each other’s side and help all those who sought to dash Siroth’s schemes once more. By that oath, they traveled South to find a worthy leader to whom they could pledge allegiance.  
Dec 16, 2021, 01:4912/16/21

Hmm. Working for me. Just a mod thing perhaps? Here it is.

Countless magical beasts dwell in the realm of Teleria. Many are true monsters, predators for whom men and elves are nothing but livestock ripe for culling. But among the myriad creatures mothers use to frighten their unruly children into obedience in the dark of night, benevolent entities exist, whose wisdom rivals even the most learned mages. Alas, that same wisdom drives them away from the lands where mortals dwell, lest fear - or greed - open the way for bloodshed.
Tatura Rimehide lived for many millennia and had seen much: from the first wars between Lumaya and Siroth to the rise of mortal kingdoms in the South. He had chosen not to interfere in the lives of others unless the righteous were faced with a dire tide of Darkness. Even then, he had always retreated to his snow-swept home in the far North when his task was done. Thus few mentions of Tatura’s appearances remain in written history and myth alike, albeit the barbaric Norr tribes still remember a strange chimera that was said to appear in the deadliest of blizzards to guide travelers to safety. 
But as centuries passed, the evil of Siroth grew stronger across the land. Countless sovereigns, mages, and warriors fell under the Dark Lord’s sway, and his shadow enveloped Teleria. There was no escape from it, not even in the furthest reaches of northern wastes. Demonspawn hunters came after Tatura, hounding him through the snowy desert with wicked determination. Many of them fell, torn asunder by the ancient chimera’s claws, or frozen to death when snowstorms caught them in the open. But there were always more of them.
Day and night, the pursuit went on until Tatura was finally cornered and prepared to face what seemed to be his last battle. But just like Tatura aided the mortals in their hour of need, so too his plight did not go unnoticed; a pillar of bright light erupted in the middle of Demonspawn formations, and a magnificent Lightbringer fell upon them with the grace of a falcon. Gliseah Soulguide descended from the heavens, and none could stand before her wrath! Caught between Tatura’s untamed strength and Gliseah’s blade, the servants of Siroth perished in droves or scattered in panic.
When the battle was over, the two warriors of Light thanked one another and spoke at length about the grim tidings from the South. Though Tatura was always reluctant to meddle in affairs beyond his ken, it was clear now that the Arbiter - Lumaya’s chosen herald, tasked with defending Teleria - would need all the help she could get in the battles to come. And so he pledged himself to his savior, Gliseah, whose righteousness and the cold hatred of all evil set her apart even from her fellow Lightbringers. Together, they journeyed into the unknown, convinced that they would find a worthy soul in need of their aid against the vile schemes of Siroth. 

wonderful bit of lore, but it failed to answer the one question i've had since these champions were first revealed; why is this horned beast-thing being added to the high elves and not, y'know, the faction made up of horned beast-things?

Dec 16, 2021, 01:5112/16/21
Dec 16, 2021, 01:51(edited)

wonderful bit of lore, but it failed to answer the one question i've had since these champions were first revealed; why is this horned beast-thing being added to the high elves and not, y'know, the faction made up of horned beast-things?

Cause he works for Gliseah, whose chosen herald is Arbiter, the most famous of the High Elves. :D

(And he's neither evil nor a swamp dwelling servant of Siroth, the dark one)

Dec 16, 2021, 02:0312/16/21

Cause he works for Gliseah, whose chosen herald is Arbiter, the most famous of the High Elves. :D

(And he's neither evil nor a swamp dwelling servant of Siroth, the dark one)

if that were the only criteria, the high elves would have about 200 members by now. half the champions in the bloody game work for arbiter.

Dec 16, 2021, 02:1812/16/21

I don't know that there's a 'criteria' for any of the factions other than a good fit. As far as elves with horns, elves in mythology, folklore, and modern literature are fairly often represented with stag antlers, goat, and sheep horns.  Related images of sayter, unicorn, and sprites come to mind.

Dec 16, 2021, 02:5512/16/21

if that were the only criteria, the high elves would have about 200 members by now. half the champions in the bloody game work for arbiter.

Theoretically, he isn't bound to a shard like most, he is willingly helping. :D

Additionally, there's a lot of history for Sidhe to have all kinds of creatures with them, in addition to being Stag Lords and all that.

Personally I love his and Gliseah's shared design and find their pairing cool. :D

Dec 16, 2021, 03:4812/16/21

Theoretically, he isn't bound to a shard like most, he is willingly helping. :D

Additionally, there's a lot of history for Sidhe to have all kinds of creatures with them, in addition to being Stag Lords and all that.

Personally I love his and Gliseah's shared design and find their pairing cool. :D

fair on all counts and i quite like the design as well. i just feel that the skinwalkers are underpowered and often neglected on the whole, so its a bit annoying when a champ that would fit them perfectly design-wise goes to another clan.

it's doubly annoying that the other half of the pair is going to the sacred order, because the LAST thing they need is more champions.

Dec 16, 2021, 04:4712/16/21

 Honestly I have always thought the "bound to a shard" thing was kind of weird. I mean it doesn't really sell Arbiter/Lumaya very well if all their champions are conscripts. lol I think this was probably something they came up with really quickly very early on in the game's development and never really took the time to retcon it to something better. There kind of are hints though, like if you watch the "Call Of The Arbiter" commercial there's an implied voluntary working relationship and basic system of reward for effort implied. :-)

 Anyway as far as the Elf-Lion guy goes, Tatura is obviously not an Elf himself he's just allied with the Elves. He wouldn't really fit the Skinwalkers better than the Elves because according to the story the Skinwalkers are all shapeshifting shamans that got stuck halfway through transitioning between their humanoid and animal forms. I would like to see more straight up animals added as champions, a stag seems obvious and I have a thing for giant chickens. They could be their own faction even, Beasts or something. I do agree the Skinwalker faction could use some love and a lot of their existing champions could use a buff.