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Unacceptable change to 'Deterrence'

Unacceptable change to 'Deterrence'

Dec 14, 2021, 12:5712/14/21

Unacceptable change to 'Deterrence'

How dare you retaliate against the players YET AGAIN for your lack of testing and foresight! You witnessed on THE FIRST DAY from multiple fronts people were figuring out an OBVIOUS CHAMPION strategy equivalent to Maneater in the Demon Lord. PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR REARS AND STOP 'FIXING' PROBLEMS THAT ARENT PROBLEMS! START SOLVING THE REAL ONES LIKE UNNECESSARY TIME CONSUMPTION. WE DESERVE AUTO-COMPLETE FOR FACTION WAR AND DOOM TOWER CONTENT WHICH HAS BEEN COMPLETED ON AUTO.


Suggest I use harvest jack and shamael together, say I use Harvest Jack to aoe tfear the enemy lydia resists, retaliates and places fear on all of my champs, they use deterrence procs, but then the enemy also has mashalled and goes to fear me again before my next turn? Im not allowed to proc it again because of this thoughtless 'hydra fix' it's total bs, I have lydia, harvest, shamael, and mashalled. These are real arena scenarios. Lydia is a popular AoE decrease def and weaken debuffer in arena, mashalled is also a popular debuffer controller, i use them together and fight against them paired together and against similar teams. Ramantu can also AoE true fear. And an f2p got ramantu recently so.. these scenarios are only becoming more relevant as time passes. My mashalled getting an extra a1 multi target hitter off before his next turn can be all the difference in an arena fight, i have him with low resist and swift parry. If someone removes turn meter with lyssandra/jintoro/teumesia/vlad and paired one of them with ma'shalled or kymar and jack/ramantu/some other fear debuffer and their fear champ goes twice is another example. For them to come out and say that this function was never intended to be unlimited is total crap it's been this way for 3 years. They only care about it now that it relates to hydra and the consequences of their pending remedy are NOT contained/limited to the hydra.

Thoughtless programming, thoughtless solution to the problems that arise from thoughtless programming, where does it end except with the player leaving the game? You don't deserve money to support employees when NOBODY DOES THEIR FKING JOB. simply slapping this total BS together!

Dec 14, 2021, 13:2412/14/21

Kind of everyone realized a nerf was incoming here, and that it was needed as well.

And I say that with the greatest regret as Hydra is #$%@ hard!

Dec 14, 2021, 13:2912/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 13:45(edited)

The term 'needed' is debatable. Instead of everyone accepting this and getting over it i say WE set the terms. Give us what we want if you are going to take from us what we already have! OWN UP Plarium! We're not in the mood to take more time out of our days! To be clear, just because you can expect this from them doesn't mean you should accept it. The fact of the matter is that they thought they were bringing new challenges to even the most P2W oriented vets of the game and this strategy is immediately plummeting their projected revenue from implementing this 'tough challenge'. 'Whales arent whaling! Crap we need to do something about this!'


Dec 14, 2021, 13:4612/14/21

Oh get off your high horse. They missed something. Are you really that shocked? The change to the mastery has virtually no effect anywhere else but hydra. Them giving everyone a free mastery reset is more than enough compensation.

Dec 14, 2021, 13:5112/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 14:15(edited)

I have been known to voice my opinion freely regardless of consequences, and I must say the fix is a reasonable one, is it the way I would have done it ? not necessarily. But It's no reason for rioting imo. 

That said feel free to voice your opinion while please remaining civil. 

Dec 14, 2021, 14:0012/14/21

I think the point is there shouldn't be a "Fix" needed before the first reset is even done.  Hydra was touted as this big end game massive challenge, their own video made it seem like it was going to be impossible to figure out.  By day 2 CC's had figured out how to max chest every difficulty so I guess Plarium felt they looked stupid and had to change what was figured out almost immediately.  Takes you back to the OP, do they not test their content or champs??  This isn't the first time people invest in teams, spend time figuring things out to just be nerfed.  Is that not the point of a game like this!?  Figure out the best (and quickest) way thru hard content with what you have!  

Maybe, and stay with me here.... instead of paying youtubers who don't even play THIS game sums of money for their likeness, use that money on employing people that actually know how to play their game?  Just a crazy thought... 

Dec 14, 2021, 14:1712/14/21

I think the point is there shouldn't be a "Fix" needed before the first reset is even done.  Hydra was touted as this big end game massive challenge, their own video made it seem like it was going to be impossible to figure out.  By day 2 CC's had figured out how to max chest every difficulty so I guess Plarium felt they looked stupid and had to change what was figured out almost immediately.  Takes you back to the OP, do they not test their content or champs??  This isn't the first time people invest in teams, spend time figuring things out to just be nerfed.  Is that not the point of a game like this!?  Figure out the best (and quickest) way thru hard content with what you have!  

Maybe, and stay with me here.... instead of paying youtubers who don't even play THIS game sums of money for their likeness, use that money on employing people that actually know how to play their game?  Just a crazy thought... 

The testing debate is a long one and I'm not going to contradict you far from that. 

Dec 14, 2021, 14:2112/14/21

It's simple.  The nerf should've been the head only places fear once per turn.  That would've stopped the nonstop counters from happening without having a possible global effect.  

Dec 14, 2021, 14:2812/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 14:30(edited)

I was not surprised at all. I am however irritated. What i am surprised about is that they ignore HH and clearly ignored Ash. Management had a recorded meeting with him and provided response to his time consumption concerns.

Something they definitely were aware of before releasing this time consumer Hydra and now the update to ensure that it is a universal time consumer of yet another aspect of the games base functions.

Dec 14, 2021, 14:3112/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 14:33(edited)

It's simple.  The nerf should've been the head only places fear once per turn.  That would've stopped the nonstop counters from happening without having a possible global effect.  

Preach! Lets have the actual fix to the "not a real problem; problem' also come from the players and not the devs. Bet they wont see this and swallow their pride and fix it this way though...  bet...

Dec 14, 2021, 14:3312/14/21

I've already passed this feedback onto Plarium. The nerf affects the team I was building and the resources I have now wasted as well.

Dec 14, 2021, 14:3612/14/21

I've already passed this feedback onto Plarium. The nerf affects the team I was building and the resources I have now wasted as well.

Don't forget to mention the chicken and sacred ;) lol

Dec 14, 2021, 14:4812/14/21

Inquisitor Shamael was a counter to mashalled and harvest jack and lydia ramantu among other champions uses in the arena and they're ignorant to suggest changing a mastery is isolating the issue of hydra alone. Their lack of knowledge and attention paid to their players is what disqualified a rediculous decision and statement like this to come from them. You dont know what you are doing. Lets start there plarium. Lets just be real and start there.

Dec 14, 2021, 15:4612/14/21

The reason why the mastery is getting changed and not Shamael is because the mastery doesn't get them any money while Inquisitor is only available through void shards which you get when you spend money or waste a tonne of time for RNG to reward you with a Void Shard.

The onus is on Plarium 100% because they have people that are willing to test the game for them. They have a test server that they could use, they have more than enough money to get a quality testing team together to make sure nonsense like this doesn't happen. But what do they do? They squander millions getting big faces into the game. They burn tens of millions of dollars on marketing because they know the game is a husk. It's just a casino slot game skinned like an RPG and they know for a fact that their player retention is utter garbage.

Instead of spending the money in improving the overall experience of the game to have increased retention, instead of spending a pittance compared to their marketing budget, on getting a testing team together, instead of making sure that the test server is active more than a couple days before new champions or contentis released, they dick around and try to make content in the hopes that it will force, not incentivise, but FORCE you to spend to progress past.

Who ever it is that's okaying on these decisions needs to honestly be removed from the position until they have a better understanding of what a GOOD game has. That's how every single successful game has ended up being loved by it's community. By being a GOOD game first and having money as a far second concern.