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Stupid questions...

Stupid questions...

Dec 8, 2021, 11:1212/08/21

Stupid questions...

Please don't crucify me for stupid router login  questions BUT....when will the new champs be released...could we be pulling any of them in the 2x this weekend?

Dec 8, 2021, 11:2612/08/21

 There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. :-)

Dec 8, 2021, 11:3612/08/21

I'm not sure which champs you're talking about specifically, but new champs are being added regularly.  When they are released there will be announcement.  If the announcement comes before the event, they will be available for pulling.

Dec 8, 2021, 13:5612/08/21

I'm not sure which champs you're talking about specifically, but new champs are being added regularly.  When they are released there will be announcement.  If the announcement comes before the event, they will be available for pulling.


Thanks Angwil. :)

Dec 8, 2021, 17:1212/08/21


Thanks Angwil. :)

No problem.

Dec 8, 2021, 17:3512/08/21

Under the heading of stupid questions.....

Does anyone know why all my Champions Power levels fluctuate throughout the day?

Dec 8, 2021, 18:1312/08/21

Under the heading of stupid questions.....

Does anyone know why all my Champions Power levels fluctuate throughout the day?

Possible reasons for that:

  • gear changes (in that case it would be a really stupid question, so I think it's not the case)
  • change of the arena tier you are in (Great Hall bonus)
Dec 8, 2021, 18:2212/08/21
Dec 8, 2021, 18:54(edited)

Insulting others who come to ask for help on the forums is not okay. If you don't have something constructive to say, there is no need to post. I have removed your entire post. Thanks. -Your Moderator

Dec 8, 2021, 18:5112/08/21
Player J

Insulting others who come to ask for help on the forums is not okay. If you don't have something constructive to say, there is no need to post. I have removed your entire post. Thanks. -Your Moderator

I don't know who messed up your day but there's no reason to take it out on strangers. 

If someone is perhaps unfamiliar with game mechanics (or any other topic, for that matter) and wants to make sure they don't make mistakes, then perhaps it's just best for them to ask? 

There is a certain level of irony in calling someone stupid while spelling 'there' wrong.

Grow up.

Dec 8, 2021, 19:1212/08/21

Bummer... I missed it! Someone insulted me and I didn't get to read it!?!?! Thank you to those who took the time to answer, and yes....even you Player J.

I'm a very new player... and getting quite addicted.... discovering that there is a lot to learn! 

Skadi - You are correct, it is not gear changes. I will look into Arena changes and see if that has an effect. Thanks! 

dthorne - 👍VERY unfamiliar with the mechanics but learning! Thanks for that. 

Good to know that there is help here and that the Moderators actually give a s*%t! 👍👍👍

Player J - Hope your day gets better!  

Dec 8, 2021, 19:4112/08/21

This is what is happening/happened... and I'm guessing it has to do with something I haven't learned about yet.... still not sure if it involves the arena or not.  I noticed this with a Champion I didn't touch yesterday because I'm saving it for ranking up a different one.  At some point yesterday I noticed that the Power dropped by 1% and later in the day it was back up to where it was.  This morning, back down 1% to the same number it was earlier in the day yesterday.... and it did that with ALL of them, almost exactly 1% +/- .002

Dec 8, 2021, 20:1312/08/21

This is what is happening/happened... and I'm guessing it has to do with something I haven't learned about yet.... still not sure if it involves the arena or not.  I noticed this with a Champion I didn't touch yesterday because I'm saving it for ranking up a different one.  At some point yesterday I noticed that the Power dropped by 1% and later in the day it was back up to where it was.  This morning, back down 1% to the same number it was earlier in the day yesterday.... and it did that with ALL of them, almost exactly 1% +/- .002

Just to be sure - are we talking about max-level champs? If not, as you level them, their power level will definitely go up. Same goes for ascending them. Not sure about masteries, but I would assume at very least the ones which boost stats will boost power. Great hall bonuses, arena bonuses, gear changes/upgrades, glyphs, and guardians all boost them as well.

All that being said - do yourself a favour and just ignore it. Champ / team power are useful metrics, but only much later in the game, to serve as a way of trying to guess what type of champ/build the opponent is running. Don't use it as a metric to gauge how good your champ is.

Dec 8, 2021, 21:0512/08/21

Its actually both... Max level and 1 level.  The example I gave earlier is a Champ I haven't done anything with, and not going to.  It's an Uncommon Level 1, no artifcacts, no acension, no activity at all.  Its power was 935, dropped to 925, back up to 935... and now back at 925. As I mentioned, from what I can tell, it happened to all my champs.... some of them at the max.  I only know this because I ended up creating an Excel Spreadsheet to help me keep them straight so I good try to figure out which ones perform the best and I should keep and which ones I should dump.  Total nerd I know, but its how I keep things straight in my head with 70 some Champs.

Dec 8, 2021, 21:1612/08/21

Its actually both... Max level and 1 level.  The example I gave earlier is a Champ I haven't done anything with, and not going to.  It's an Uncommon Level 1, no artifcacts, no acension, no activity at all.  Its power was 935, dropped to 925, back up to 935... and now back at 925. As I mentioned, from what I can tell, it happened to all my champs.... some of them at the max.  I only know this because I ended up creating an Excel Spreadsheet to help me keep them straight so I good try to figure out which ones perform the best and I should keep and which ones I should dump.  Total nerd I know, but its how I keep things straight in my head with 70 some Champs.

That sounds to me like an arena level change. Are you close to the threshold for moving up/down an arena rank? That is one of the only things which globally boost *all* champs, irrespective of affinity/faction.

Also, not sure if you have seen them, but there are a few websites I highly recommend you bookmark:

Raid Shadow Legends Guide - AyumiLove - amazing for consulting stuff about champs quickly

Blog - HellHades - Raid Shadow Legends - great all-around info site

Raid: Shadow Legends | DeadwoodJedi - this one is a bit further in the game, but essential for clan boss

Dec 8, 2021, 21:3512/08/21

Awesome... thank you for that.  It has to be the Arena as was mentioned before.  Just when I think I've got a handle on what to do in the Arena, I level up (Arena Level) and get my arse handed to me repeatedly... then drop down an "Arena level" and do ok, move up.... then back down.  Its the only thing that makes sense.

Again, thanks all for the help.

Dec 8, 2021, 23:5712/08/21
Dec 8, 2021, 23:57(edited)

Under the heading of stupid questions.....

Does anyone know why all my Champions Power levels fluctuate throughout the day?

Since they installed the Guardian Circle (what this week?) power levels fluctuate every time you add/remove duplicate champs to this.