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Potions in Dungeons

Potions in Dungeons

Dec 6, 2021, 01:3212/06/21

Potions in Dungeons

I have read more than once about how game balance is SO important. Well, explain this balance to me then - I use 10 energy to get ONE little-baby-sippy cup potion multiple times. How is that game balance????

Dec 6, 2021, 01:3512/06/21

It balances out with the times you use 10 energy and get 3, even 4 superior potions, each worth 1,000 little-baby-sippy cups.

Dec 6, 2021, 02:0212/06/21

It balances out with the times you use 10 energy and get 3, even 4 superior potions, each worth 1,000 little-baby-sippy cups.

I'm sorry, I was waiting for a serious answer. Your response assumes that the next time I will get 3 or 4. But by the time it actually happens, I have spent all my energy. Nice try though.

Dec 6, 2021, 02:3612/06/21

I'm sorry, I was waiting for a serious answer. Your response assumes that the next time I will get 3 or 4. But by the time it actually happens, I have spent all my energy. Nice try though.

No my answer does not assume you will get 3 or 4 the next time.  It assumes, quite logically and demonstably, that you will get a mix of poor hauls and great hauls and it will balance out on average.  I say logically b/c that's the way it's set up to be.  I say demonstrably b/c that's the way it woks for me and pretty much anyone that has recorded their data for any reasonable amount of time.  The only people I hear that disagree 'can't remember' the last time they got a superior.  They can't remember, b/c they didn't record the data.

Dec 6, 2021, 04:5212/06/21

It gets much better after level 15, but that is to be expected since you aren't getting little potions. At level 20 I'll usually end up with around 70 superior potions out of 100 runs. 

Dec 6, 2021, 08:2012/06/21

Yep, as Harbby says you need to aim for level 20 in dungons, otherwise I'm afraid your rewards are going to be poor

Dec 6, 2021, 15:1212/06/21

Well, this has a waste of keystrokes, so it's goodbye forum and delete the game. But I will respond to what has been said on my way out of the door - If I using 10 energy per run - what level am I on???? I have been on stage 8 and 9, which for those in Reo Lynda, is facing 40 & 50 level bosses. As for the 70/100 ratio, I choked on my coffee laughing so hard. But then again, I guess moderators are treated more generously than the rest of us suckers.

Dec 6, 2021, 15:5112/06/21

Oof. So much hostility in your two responses. Sorry you didn't enjoy the game!

(And yes, drop rates are crazy better on Stage 20 dungeons rather than the 8 or 9 you are on. Those rates are around on the internet, if you care to look for them)

Have a good day!

Dec 6, 2021, 16:0512/06/21

To be fair - a big part of the problem is that this game is, either intentionally or not, set up to drain resources from people who don't understand how to optimize their energy use.

Those of us in the know will absolutely respond to the OP with "well, your first problem is you're running low-level keeps, that's just a massive mistake". And we're right, of course. But for anyone who hasn't actually done that research, the potential to waste huge amounts of time and energy is presented at almost every opportunity.

The cynic in me thinks that Plarium is doing this intentionally - get the low-hanging fruit of casual players who will join, spend some money, and quit. The optimist thinks that hopefully they will slowly change the game to do that less often. The simple solution here, if Plarium actually *wants* to fix this problem, is to use the built-in advice mechanic. Every time a player runs a sub-optimal dungeon, just alert them with "Get better rewards by running harder dungeons". Activate it based off of player level - which is, of course, not an ideal metric, but the best avaiable for now I think. If the player level exceeds benchmark levels for the dungeon/campaign stage/CB boss in question, alert them with where they "should" be, and link them to these forums for more advice.

Dec 6, 2021, 16:2612/06/21

Well, this has a waste of keystrokes, so it's goodbye forum and delete the game. But I will respond to what has been said on my way out of the door - If I using 10 energy per run - what level am I on???? I have been on stage 8 and 9, which for those in Reo Lynda, is facing 40 & 50 level bosses. As for the 70/100 ratio, I choked on my coffee laughing so hard. But then again, I guess moderators are treated more generously than the rest of us suckers.

10 energy would be levels 8-11 which have very poor drop rates. As I said, the drop rates I mentioned are on level 20. Level 20 came out before I was a moderator and my drop rates were the same. 

Dec 6, 2021, 17:1412/06/21
Dec 6, 2021, 17:36(edited)

To be fair - a big part of the problem is that this game is, either intentionally or not, set up to drain resources from people who don't understand how to optimize their energy use.

Those of us in the know will absolutely respond to the OP with "well, your first problem is you're running low-level keeps, that's just a massive mistake". And we're right, of course. But for anyone who hasn't actually done that research, the potential to waste huge amounts of time and energy is presented at almost every opportunity.

The cynic in me thinks that Plarium is doing this intentionally - get the low-hanging fruit of casual players who will join, spend some money, and quit. The optimist thinks that hopefully they will slowly change the game to do that less often. The simple solution here, if Plarium actually *wants* to fix this problem, is to use the built-in advice mechanic. Every time a player runs a sub-optimal dungeon, just alert them with "Get better rewards by running harder dungeons". Activate it based off of player level - which is, of course, not an ideal metric, but the best avaiable for now I think. If the player level exceeds benchmark levels for the dungeon/campaign stage/CB boss in question, alert them with where they "should" be, and link them to these forums for more advice.

Sorry it really comes off to this cynic that Plauim is all about the cash grab, or else they would adjust the progression mission so people would not waste time and resources on level 10 potion keeps, people would not equip flat stat gloves, chest and boots.

There is so much wrong with the missions I do not have time to go into detail, but they do come off as a ROFLOL we got you to waster time and resources on this 😍

Dec 6, 2021, 18:1912/06/21

I've been playing for a month or so? I am a f2p player because i'm broke.  I have grinded and grinded and am still behind the 8 ball.  I can't go to high when I am needing potions. And yes I have a 4 minute battle for one little bottle. But I also get lucky and get a higher poition bottle. I never know. This game is not for the impatient. It will test your patience big time. 

All I can say that for FREE it keeps me entertained. I'm stuck at home due to health issues, and it's better than NetFlix......LOL

Dec 6, 2021, 21:5112/06/21

After 20 runs today on spirit 20 I have not gotten a single large potion.  The drops of two mid potions are dissappointing and consistent but the single green exp brew is a topper.  Have the drop rates changed on this level of dungeon or was it just an unusually unlucky 20 runs? ? 

Dec 6, 2021, 22:3212/06/21

After 20 runs today on spirit 20 I have not gotten a single large potion.  The drops of two mid potions are dissappointing and consistent but the single green exp brew is a topper.  Have the drop rates changed on this level of dungeon or was it just an unusually unlucky 20 runs? ? 

Just bad luck. Nothing has changed.

FWIW, the brews are an absolute slap in the face and should be removed, I agree.