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What is up with CB rewards?

What is up with CB rewards?

Dec 4, 2021, 11:1412/04/21

What is up with CB rewards?

Since the Demytha patch (not sure which patch number) I have gotten zero void or sacred shards from my transcendent chests.  Ancient shards and epic books only.  Did someone misplace a decimal point in the code or something?  I don't recall seeing any patch notes about a drop rate change.

Dec 4, 2021, 11:3212/04/21

Nothing has changed and you must be extremely unlucky. Got dozens of sacred and voids myself.

Dec 4, 2021, 12:0612/04/21

Got 4 sacreds from max chest NM in this monthly CB cycle, although void shads seem to be hiding, it's usua;;y either ancients or sacred shards.

I have been hitting NM max chest for the second month now and shards seem to be the vast majoity of times.

Dec 4, 2021, 13:3312/04/21

Ive noticed this topic a bit lately and it's been stated that nothing has changed.

I'm not into any cb conspiracies but like op stated the same time frame for me since around Sigmund fusion my rewards have been lackluster compared to pre that time frame.

Especially void shards, I think I got 2 in the last month.

I get 2x top nm and unm every day.

Dec 4, 2021, 14:1012/04/21

Ive noticed this topic a bit lately and it's been stated that nothing has changed.

I'm not into any cb conspiracies but like op stated the same time frame for me since around Sigmund fusion my rewards have been lackluster compared to pre that time frame.

Especially void shards, I think I got 2 in the last month.

I get 2x top nm and unm every day.

It just comes in waves for me, i have had almost no lego books since the last cvc (just 1!!)

But i got three sacreds today! 2 from unm, and 1 from nm... which was a shock.

More importantly i know there are people obsessed with the game constantly data mining it, i suspect they would make a fuss the second it was changed.

Dec 4, 2021, 16:3412/04/21

I'm not saying anything was changed directly, but I know that code can have unexpected effects , it just seems weird that it started at a patch and it has been consistent.  Demytha was a month and a half ago and a number of my clan mates have experienced the same thing.  Nothing but epic books and ancient shards from top unm chest.

I'll make a Google doc starting from tomorrow to track it for those in my clan that feel like tracking.  I've had a week here and a week there of no sacreds or lego books....but never a string like this.

Dec 4, 2021, 17:0212/04/21
Dec 4, 2021, 17:03(edited)

I got a legendary book this morning, and a void shard yesterday, it's just rng. 

Dec 4, 2021, 17:3512/04/21

I'm not saying anything was changed directly, but I know that code can have unexpected effects , it just seems weird that it started at a patch and it has been consistent.  Demytha was a month and a half ago and a number of my clan mates have experienced the same thing.  Nothing but epic books and ancient shards from top unm chest.

I'll make a Google doc starting from tomorrow to track it for those in my clan that feel like tracking.  I've had a week here and a week there of no sacreds or lego books....but never a string like this.

As mentioned there's been a few threads like this lately and the most succinct way I can put is this: due to the low % drop rates for the best things from NM/UNM, you can go through some pretty crazy stretches with regards to Sacreds/Voids/Lego books not really showing up too much. 

Dec 4, 2021, 17:4212/04/21

This topic has been coming up on and off since I became a moderator here. The clan boss rewards haven't changed. The CMs have hopped on here and said so. Several CCs put out videos about this, including Hellhades.

I could say that I got a sacred today and a legendary book yesterday, which I did. But that is ancetdotal. Harbby's legendary book this morning is ancedotal. All of us would need to make a giant spreadsheet and collect data for a year or two to even start to see a real trend. Because variance is a cruel master.

Dec 5, 2021, 08:1412/05/21

This topic has been coming up on and off since I became a moderator here. The clan boss rewards haven't changed. The CMs have hopped on here and said so. Several CCs put out videos about this, including Hellhades.

I could say that I got a sacred today and a legendary book yesterday, which I did. But that is ancetdotal. Harbby's legendary book this morning is ancedotal. All of us would need to make a giant spreadsheet and collect data for a year or two to even start to see a real trend. Because variance is a cruel master.

I have been hitting NM max chests for about 2 months now.

I started 4key NM 2 months ago and made a spreadsheet list. double NM chests yielded either shards or books 3/4 of the time.

About 2 weeks ago I started 2keying NM and 1keying brutal. Now I get usually either shard or book almost every day.

However it trends heavily towards shards but that might be just my luck.

Clanboss rewards are still as good as they always have been. 

Dec 5, 2021, 12:1512/05/21

This isn't about NM chests.  It is about UNM, and it isn't about the type or amount of drops, it is about the quality...I get a shard or book or shard and book from every transcendent chest.  The issue is the shards and books have been ONLY ancient and epic for well over a month.

Statistically it has been unlikely, but not impossible...even with it affecting about a third of my clan.  Sadly, still not out of the realm of possible.  At this point I'm just curious how long someone has to draw crap rewards before plarium realizes that getting the worst rewards for that long is an issue.  Luckily, I've spent enough in the two odd years of playing that I don't "NEED" any champions to complete content, I just enjoy the dopemine hit I get from pulling gold...but this streak has broken my addiction and i've lost the desire to hand them money to get my fix.

Thanks for forcing me into rehab,

Dec 5, 2021, 17:2912/05/21

As mentioned there's been a few threads like this lately and the most succinct way I can put is this: due to the low % drop rates for the best things from NM/UNM, you can go through some pretty crazy stretches with regards to Sacreds/Voids/Lego books not really showing up too much. 

In November, which was after Dymytha, I pulled 9 (NINE) leggo books in only a 13 day stretch.   How's that for a crazy stretch?  During the same period, ZERO epic books.

Now, in the past 25 days I've only pulled 3 leggo books.  I guess I could complain.

Dec 5, 2021, 20:3012/05/21

In November, which was after Dymytha, I pulled 9 (NINE) leggo books in only a 13 day stretch.   How's that for a crazy stretch?  During the same period, ZERO epic books.

Now, in the past 25 days I've only pulled 3 leggo books.  I guess I could complain.

You maybe should! 0_0

(That's a crazy streak in November. Sheesh!!)

Dec 15, 2021, 20:3412/15/21

Little update.  10 days later, still no sacreds or Lego Books from UNM.

Dec 15, 2021, 20:5712/15/21

Little update.  10 days later, still no sacreds or Lego Books from UNM.

Hopefully soon!

I'm on a 3 sacred, 3 leggo book run over the past 7 days. Variance stinks, but you'll get something.

My UNM loot today was EXCELLENT


Dec 15, 2021, 22:1212/15/21

Hopefully soon!

I'm on a 3 sacred, 3 leggo book run over the past 7 days. Variance stinks, but you'll get something.

My UNM loot today was EXCELLENT


I call bs, either photoshopped or some mod cheat code u aren't sharing ... :)

Dec 15, 2021, 22:1312/15/21

I call bs, either photoshopped or some mod cheat code u aren't sharing ... :)

You go to your room and think about what you said!!!