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Help me speed tune my new arena team :)

Help me speed tune my new arena team :)

Dec 2, 2021, 13:4312/02/21

Help me speed tune my new arena team :)

Hey all,

Got Kimi recently, and I think she might be just the thing I need to push my team to the next level. My team plan is Arbiter lead, Kimi, Gurptuk, [Nuker]. Gurptuk is on here for two reasons - the block buffs allows me to avoid those stupid skullcrown/leo teams, and the interaction between Gurptuk and Kimi is quite interesting - the three poison debuffs on my team will boost my team TM by 15% as a consequence, AND also boost my nuker's damage. I do lack DEF down unfortunately, but that should be something I can compensate for by gear and masteries.

The plan is Arbiter opens with A3, then Kimi A2 reduces enemy TM by 25% AND puts a 30% decrease speed (or A3 for increase team TM by 25% and 30% increase speed and reduce enemy TM by 5%, depending on whether they have someone with a shield set), then Gurptuk A3 boosts team TM by 15%, and then nuker finishes.

My question is simply - what speeds to each of my champs need to avoid cut-in? All the TM manipulation makes this much more complicated than I'm used to working with. If we start with the assumption that Arbiter has 350 speed, what do the other three need? To further complicate things, I fully expect that a 350 speed arbiter would actually be able to go *twice* before the nuker acted, which might mean that I can reduce the nuker speed even further and still get them to act before the enemy team.

Dec 2, 2021, 14:5412/02/21

What is next level? Is this classic or one of your tag defensive teams?

For G4, I don't think it really matters.  If your premise that Arbiter is going twice is true, then I assume you are talking G4, in which case a 350 Arbiter +3 rares is sufficient :)  For G5 (unknown to me what the change will bring)/Plat I don't think that is a viable strategy.

Either way building Kimi is smart.  Mine has been booked but naked at 6star, just too lazy.  But I need to gear soon to have another option for Tag.