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Is Arena Rigged?

Is Arena Rigged?

Nov 28, 2021, 05:0011/28/21

Is Arena Rigged?

Is the Classic Arena rigged? I have been playing for 60 days, I have a team with a power rating of 80K and the teams for me to battle are almost all 90K or higher with now way for me to beat them. Arena is useless. When a 30K to 50K team appears and Kael is on the team he kills 2 to 3 of my team members in 1 shot. I have Kael (6 purple stars level 60) and never has he dealt 20K of HP damage. And don't tell me to upgrade my stats in the Great Hall as I do not have enough years left in life, Arena tokens, or money to buy enough Arena tokens to get past the first level of upgrade. I can barely get out of the Bronze levels of Arena as either all the teams are too powerful (way over my power level) or I have to keep using Gems to refresh until I get a team of 30K or less that I can beat. I believe the Arena system is rigged and needs to be overhauled as the ranking system seems to be incorrect. I can understand having me compete against a team of 90K or less power level, but having me take on over 100K power level (and 8 out of the 10 teams to challenge are always over 100K power level) is stupid. So as it stands I can only beat teams of power level 30K or less with an 80K team or I just don't do any Arena except the 5 for daily (which I lose 3 to 4 of them). This section of the game is useless unless you have the insider knowledge and know exactly how to set up you team. There is know way for the average player to be able to set up an Arena team so that they can at least win 75% of the time. I have only made Silver level 3 times now and I am ready to give up on Arena but I know I will need the Great Hall boosts for later in the game. So how do you win at Arena with out losing more times than you win if your only battle choices are teams that are 20% more powerful than you or refresh until you get a low power team you can beat? Otherwise Arena is a useless feature for me and is a big waste of time. I like the rest of the game but I am ready to give up on it and spend my time and money on a different game.

Nov 28, 2021, 06:1911/28/21

Upon reading your first sentence I already knew your problem. First make a decent speed nuke team. There are already a lot threads about that here. Second, don't rush in climbing arena even it gets you stuck in your missions. Just continue to play the game. You really don't need to do all your missions if you can not do it. The game is not forcing you to finish your missions asap.

Great Hall gives stats boost, but since there is no additional speed there it barely affects your arena win rate. 

What you need now is a lot of dupes and boost your Demonspawn faction guardian rares. It will give your rares +3 more speed.


Since you are in early game, try to get a lot Diabolist. She is a lot better now for early game. She can be faster than Arbiter and Lyssandra without considering their speed lead, of course.

Arbiter and Lyssandra have 110 base speed and so as Diabolist.


But Diabolist can easily have extra 3 more speed because of faction guardian, while it is harder for Arbiter and Lyssandra to get  extra more speed.

Diabolist is like a budget Lyssandra, because of faction guardian she can be better than Lyssandra now in terms of speed.


Nov 28, 2021, 06:4611/28/21
Nov 28, 2021, 17:10(edited)

Edited by moderator - Harbs  

Renoved false information.

Nov 28, 2021, 14:0811/28/21

“This section of the game is useless unless you have the insider knowledge and know exactly how to set up you team"

There is no secret knowledge. There is a lot of posters on these forums that are more than happy to help people set up their teams for any part of the game.

You are still very early in the game @60 days in. F2P or spender it doesn't matter it takes months to get a account going in this game.

You do not need a amazing great hall to succeed in arena, but success in arena will get your great hall going and other areas of the game.

The most important suggestion I have for you is to work on dragon dungeon and push as high as you can there. As well as doing clan boss as high as you can.

If you post a screen shot of your roster I'm sure some people can make some team suggestions for you.


Nov 28, 2021, 17:1111/28/21

Edited by moderator - Harbs  

Renoved false information.

Don't spread false information. 

Nov 30, 2021, 19:3811/30/21

You could just google "raid arena strategies" or follow any one of the popular conent creators.

But, as people have said above - you are running into a speed nuke team.  Arena is no good if you build your champ as an "all around" champ - you need to specialize them- speed, dmg, debuffer, defense, etc... I regularly beat teams that are 40k -100k higher power than mine

Dec 6, 2021, 22:2412/06/21

What is not being said to you is that to beat these teams your speed lead needs to be faster.  Hmmm.  When you do get better you will face most matches led by arbiter that you cant get because its linked to the great hall upgrades. When you do get yours it wont be faster. I was told, arena matching is based on an algorithm, that matches you with players of similar power regardless of tier.  So your matches in low tiers are generally not easier. Arena is a very frustrating part of the an overall great game but I caution on the advice to not do it because you need the great hall bonuses. I am sure Plairium will change it again because the complaints are getting louder again. In many folks views, the arena is an awful part of the game as it stands and the link to great hall makes it even more frustrating.  The advisors that ignore the difficulties regardless of team composition and builds are doing you a disservice.    

Dec 7, 2021, 10:3512/07/21

It's a problem because they insist their matchmaking algorithm is the way it should work and when the protests get too loud they flood some bot teams in - though they say they don't

All goes quiet for a while and the bot teams get slowly filtered out again, the protests grow, rinse repeat!

Remove the algorithm, pick ten from the tier you are in - simple really