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Budget unk, spirit affinity  - problems

Budget unk, spirit affinity - problems

Nov 13, 2021, 11:2011/13/21

Budget unk, spirit affinity - problems

Hoping to get some advice from the CB experts here.

I decided against building a cb team based on demytha and fushan because i use fushan in lots of other content (tag, fw, speed farming DT etc)

But i did build an alternative slowboi for spirit affinity (geomancer)

On void it works fine, doing about 45 million per key on unm.

On spirit however it just goes...wrong, nobody is eating an incorrect stun, it just falls apart at turn 10 or 11

Any ideas why? if my speeds were wrong etc it wouldnt work on void, but i have run it on void 4 times with no issue


Nov 13, 2021, 12:0611/13/21

I think spirit affinity cb puts a decrease speed debuff on your team. If your not cleansing or blocking it that would cause the speed tune to fall apart.

Nov 13, 2021, 13:5111/13/21

I think spirit affinity cb puts a decrease speed debuff on your team. If your not cleansing or blocking it that would cause the speed tune to fall apart.

I think you are right, cant believe i missed that, i am such a noob!

Time to bite the bullet and build a real team, i have the champs for a 1 key affinity friendly team i am just lazy and dont want to spend the silver and break up existing teams....


Nov 13, 2021, 14:1211/13/21

I think you are right, cant believe i missed that, i am such a noob!

Time to bite the bullet and build a real team, i have the champs for a 1 key affinity friendly team i am just lazy and dont want to spend the silver and break up existing teams....


Artifact enhancement is still live so no better time to dump those silver reserves!

I feel you though, so many details on cb teams it is very easy to overlook something, cause I've done it constantly myself over a few teams now. Never once have I set up a team and had it work the first time.

And now we have hydra coming soon it seems, can't wait to see what kind of ridiculous teams comps are coming for that.