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Clan boss help - weaken vs decrease def (60%) and more......

Clan boss help - weaken vs decrease def (60%) and more......

Nov 13, 2021, 04:4611/13/21

Clan boss help - weaken vs decrease def (60%) and more......

Ok  starting  off !  What's better  for  nightmare and  under  c  bosses ?  Weaken  or  decrease  defence 60%?

I  started  to  work  on  class  boss  load outs  and  was  thinking of  using  the  hellborn  Sprite  woman  thingy.  She  has  weaken  and  can  also  extend  the  insane  shields of  the  valkarye  girl.  

Is  hellborn  worth  maxing  to  six  stars  for  a  budget clan  boss  team?  I  currently  use  -  apothecary,  snake  venomage,  ninja,  frozen  b  and  valkarye.  

Maybe  replace the  apothecary  with  the  hell  born  Sprite to  extend  the shileds  and  buffs?  Also  weaken  vs  defence  down?

Opinions  and  thanks  in  advance .

Nov 13, 2021, 05:2611/13/21

 What level of clan boss are you on right now? With High Katun, Apothecary and Valkyrie you can build a 2:1 team with counter attack which will slap the clan boss silly! I'd run Venomage and Ninja as the main damage dealers.

 Regarding your main question, weaken is stronger up till brutal and defense down is better for nightmare/ultra-nightmare.

Nov 13, 2021, 06:2811/13/21

 What level of clan boss are you on right now? With High Katun, Apothecary and Valkyrie you can build a 2:1 team with counter attack which will slap the clan boss silly! I'd run Venomage and Ninja as the main damage dealers.

 Regarding your main question, weaken is stronger up till brutal and defense down is better for nightmare/ultra-nightmare.

I  run anything up  till  brutal  and  was  thinking about  using the  transmuter effect  on  the  hell  born  chick  to  xtend  the  valkarye  shield  buff  and  make  a  scrub  Lord unkillable  type  of  set  up.  

What  armour and stuff  for this  2:1  team?  I  mainly  run  life  steal  fornall  aspects  of  the  game  but  can  switch  it  round.  

Do  you  see  any  point  in  the  hell born  idea?  I  just  hit  16.69  on  normal  with  that  set up.  Bear  in  mind  the hell  girl is  50  and  doesn't have  any  warlord  mastery  unlocked .  My  high khatun  is  50  also  and  rarely  used  outside  of  fire  knight .  Thanks   also  <-

Nov 13, 2021, 06:5211/13/21

 Lifesteal is perfect for the team I am talking about. Deadwood Jedi has a video that shows how to make the 2:1 ratio with champions you have but obviously you'd be making some substitutions because you have better champions to use.

Raid Shadow Legends | 2 Key Nightmare Team, HK + Rares! - YouTube 

  Honestly with Valkyrie in the mix I would expect that team to be able to handle UNM once everybody is fully maxed out.

 There are other good speed champions  but of the easily accessible ones High Katun and Apothecary are the best and can play anywhere in the game. Since they are opposite affinities they can swap out for eachother depending on the affinity of the enemies you are facing.

Nov 13, 2021, 17:2111/13/21

 Lifesteal is perfect for the team I am talking about. Deadwood Jedi has a video that shows how to make the 2:1 ratio with champions you have but obviously you'd be making some substitutions because you have better champions to use.

Raid Shadow Legends | 2 Key Nightmare Team, HK + Rares! - YouTube 

  Honestly with Valkyrie in the mix I would expect that team to be able to handle UNM once everybody is fully maxed out.

 There are other good speed champions  but of the easily accessible ones High Katun and Apothecary are the best and can play anywhere in the game. Since they are opposite affinities they can swap out for eachother depending on the affinity of the enemies you are facing.

I  have  a  maxed  apothecary  and  just  started to  work  on  some  serious  mid  game  /  end  game  teams .  I  feel  it's my  items  that let  most characters down  and  need  to  step  up  and  get  on  finding  better  artifacts  now.  Some  gear  (I just  checked  )  is  at  3-4  Star.  

I'm going to  start  testing the  waters and  farming  nightmare  campaign  to tfind the characters .  

Thanks also  for  the  video  link !  

Nov 14, 2021, 07:1911/14/21

 For sure! Even the best champions in the game are kind of useless without decent gear, masteries, ascension, etc. If I had to start over again I'd get my first 6* campaign farmer, start building a Clan Boss team and use it to farm Dragon for 5* Lifesteal and Speed gear. I'd use that gear to farm higher level Dragon for 6* gear. If you can defeat at least one Faction Wars boss you can farm forge materials for 5* Perception gear that's also great.

 Good luck with your team!

Nov 14, 2021, 16:4811/14/21

 For sure! Even the best champions in the game are kind of useless without decent gear, masteries, ascension, etc. If I had to start over again I'd get my first 6* campaign farmer, start building a Clan Boss team and use it to farm Dragon for 5* Lifesteal and Speed gear. I'd use that gear to farm higher level Dragon for 6* gear. If you can defeat at least one Faction Wars boss you can farm forge materials for 5* Perception gear that's also great.

 Good luck with your team!

I  had  some  INSANE  rng  last  night.  I'm about  2/2.5  months  in  and  pulled  about  12  gold  shards.  I  didnt  get  a  single  gold  character.

Last  night  i  pulled  two  gold's from  blues  (back  to  back!)  And  valkrye  from  a  gold  during  the  clan  vs  clan.  

I  started  to  clear  nightmare  campaign farming for  six  star stuff  and  beat  stages that I couldn't  do  for weeks.  I  also  started  spider  smooshing  and  maxed  shield  guard  to  help  squish  spiderlings.  I  got  so  many  banners and  items missing all  4-5  stars also.