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Nov 13, 2021, 00:0911/13/21


It makes me laugh that you guys can't figure out how to actually make your daily multi-battles add-on to the gift of multi-battles you give us. You give us 150 multi-battles but as long as we have them on our battle tab we can not get our daily refresh of multibattles. How bad are you guys at coding that you can't remind your game that it needs to give us a fresh 30(or whatever your battles is suppose to be daily) battles on reset, you clowns have it set so that your "Gift" multi-battles just sit at the number and we lose the ones we are suppose to get. instead of getting 150 multi-battles, i got 110 because i lost my 40 refresh battles for the day. Its simple mistakes like this that piss off players, You clowns have had 3 years to figure out a solution and fix it and still nothing. New games are coming out, and your product is getting worse not better. Your game had a 4.9 rating when i started playing, its been dropping every month by .1 on the google store, Its almost at 4.6.... you clowns realize if it gets to a 4.5 before christmas that this game will be dead in the app store by the middle of next year. Its really sad that mistakes like this are still made and i've seen content creators make videos about it literally over a year ago..... So sad.

Nov 13, 2021, 00:1511/13/21

It's not a mistake. 

Free multibattles --> energy for in-game item gems in the shop --> gems for real money

Nov 13, 2021, 00:1711/13/21
Nov 13, 2021, 00:20(edited)

It's not a mistake. 

Free multibattles --> energy for in-game item gems in the shop --> gems for real money

LOL, you missed it completely my guy.... THEY SHOULD BE ADDING YOUR DAILY ONTO THE GIFT MULTIBATTLES SO YOU SPEND MORE ENERGY.... you literally have no clue... if they give you 150 as a gift and you get your regular 40... thats 190 battles thats MORE ENERGY spent... you sir are a clown and need to learn to read.

edit: they should have fixed this literally 2 years ago, it would have meant more players spent more engery of the length of the game and they would have spent more gems to replenish and they would have spent more Real money for that extra energy to use their mulit-battles. the fact these clowns have missed that mark over 2 years, proves they are too busy being greedy and not actually paying attention where they could keep making money in the game already.... simpletons.

Nov 13, 2021, 00:2511/13/21

It's constructed as-is by design. They want you to have to pay extra attention and spend more time in order to maximize the return you can get. If they are able to "deny" you some multibattles because you didn't use them all up before the refresh, that's all the more incentive for you to curse at them and then buy more instead.

Some won't. Some will be annoyed enough that they'll walk away. But enough will to justify their decision.

Nov 13, 2021, 00:2811/13/21

It's constructed as-is by design. They want you to have to pay extra attention and spend more time in order to maximize the return you can get. If they are able to "deny" you some multibattles because you didn't use them all up before the refresh, that's all the more incentive for you to curse at them and then buy more instead.

Some won't. Some will be annoyed enough that they'll walk away. But enough will to justify their decision.

Or, it just causes people to quit, and they lose everything because of stupidity. they could get money from those players wanting to buy more energy to use those multi-battles, but instead they choose to piss them off and push them to leave the game. Seems like a super stupid business plan if you ask me. Instead of making it easier for your customer to spend money willingly, the want us to spend money out of frustration and being pissed off that they f-ed us over? yeah, sounds like brilliant business plan. LOL

Nov 13, 2021, 00:3311/13/21
Nov 13, 2021, 00:35(edited)

LOL, you missed it completely my guy.... THEY SHOULD BE ADDING YOUR DAILY ONTO THE GIFT MULTIBATTLES SO YOU SPEND MORE ENERGY.... you literally have no clue... if they give you 150 as a gift and you get your regular 40... thats 190 battles thats MORE ENERGY spent... you sir are a clown and need to learn to read.

edit: they should have fixed this literally 2 years ago, it would have meant more players spent more engery of the length of the game and they would have spent more gems to replenish and they would have spent more Real money for that extra energy to use their mulit-battles. the fact these clowns have missed that mark over 2 years, proves they are too busy being greedy and not actually paying attention where they could keep making money in the game already.... simpletons.

Obviously you have no idea how they make money with the game. They don't want us to hoard free energy, multibattles, shards or anything else. They give some little free stuff to get us hooked, and then we are supposed to buy something. Buy something right now! Players that hoard free stuff could do champion events without buying something. They could get free legos from that. Without buying. Horrbile!

People like you are unable to think logically. Otherwise you would have noticed that multibattles behave exactly in the same way as CB keys or energy. They regenarate for free, but not beyond the limit. If all that stuff behaves exactly the same way, what makes you think it's a unwanted mistake for multi battles?


Your keyboard is defect, a problem with your CAPS LOCK. 

Nov 13, 2021, 00:4011/13/21

Obviously you have no idea how they make money with the game. They don't want us to hoard free energy, multibattles, shards or anything else. They give some little free stuff to get us hooked, and then we are supposed to buy something. Buy something right now! Players that hoard free stuff could do champion events without buying something. They could get free legos from that. Without buying. Horrbile!

People like you are unable to think logically. Otherwise you would have noticed that multibattles behave exactly in the same way as CB keys or energy. They regenarate for free, but not beyond the limit. If all that stuff behaves exactly the same way, what makes you think it's a unwanted mistake for multi battles?


Your keyboard is defect, a problem with your CAPS LOCK. 

Lol, People still purchase gems, gems are used to purchase energy, the more multi-battles you use the more energy you use, for them to give you a gift to use your energy, and then mess-up allowing you to use even more energy because of your extra daily battles on top of the gift is what im talking about. You are still missing the point that hunderds if not thousands of people would have happily spent that extra energy on the multi-battles... so when they give you your gift, it should also add on your daily resets so you spend more energy and they get more money, and the players are happy. You sir are a freaking clown who has the mental capacity of a toenail. You are literally have no clue what Im referencing and seem to think you have an intelligent grasp. "More multi-battles=more energy spent= means more money used to buy the energy back=more money for plarium" so either you are dense, or you just cant understand the concept im getting at, but one thing is clear. MY CAPS LOCKS WAS NOT BROKEN, I WAS TRYING TO POINT OUT HOW STUPID PEOPLE ARE FOR MISSING THE POINT!

Nov 13, 2021, 00:5111/13/21

Ok, I just missed how brilliant you are. Plarium should make you their new general manager, their income would increase immediately. Their business plan is wrong, your's is much better. 

How could Raid exist so long without your glorious ideas? That will be a big mystery forever.

Nov 13, 2021, 02:3611/13/21

If you collect 1000 energy you don't accrue free energy.

If you collect 2 CB keys you don't accrue another every 6 hours.

If you collect multi-battles, you don't accrue above your daily limit.

What's hard to understand. 

 If it worked that way you could just get the 30, not use them, next day have 60, next day have 90, etc.  Don't bother playing for a month and have 30^2 = 900 multi-battles.

Nov 13, 2021, 02:3911/13/21

Where is the downvote button, fml.  By all means, now that you've attacked everyone else with an opinion you don't share, go ahead and tell me how clueless I must be.