If you read the update you will be able to instantly take champs to level 6, not really the same as chickens, it says this
Barrels instantly increase a champions level to the highest possible for their rank for example if you give a rank 3 level 1 a barrel that will instantly become rank 3 level 30. Ok, not so bad, but if it works for a rank 6 level 1 up to rank 6 level 60 that takes a lot of grind out
Feasts instantly take your chosen champion to rank 6 - for example give a rank 3 level 30 a feast it will go to rank 6 level 1
So pretty much with a feast and a barrel you can make a rank 3 level 30 a rank 6 level 60 in two moves
The last point is also worth noting - available through Limited Special Offers - that means you can buy them, they won't be cheap but as I said, I believe this is just money grabbing and benefits the paying people, the whales who want the best, will pay for it and niw don't even have the annoyance of actually leveling champs