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Vlad is so underwhelming

Vlad is so underwhelming

Nov 9, 2021, 10:2611/09/21

Vlad is so underwhelming

Here is a build for him in Arena, hitting for 150k. I am sure a bronze level in arena hits more than that.


Okay maybe he is not for arena. I tried him in Doom Tower. I use him with Scyl, Basher, Psylar and Visix in floor 79 of hard. He is so UNUSABLE that he helps in controlling the turnmeter of the enemies as he deals damage. I am sure someone who still does not finish doom tower hard have better team than this!


Nov 9, 2021, 14:1011/09/21

I guess your thread of Vlad being so weak, dealing only 150k in arena, will fail due to Poe's Law.

Nov 9, 2021, 14:3611/09/21

I got the sarcasm, but any champ can hit hard if well equipped, the multipliers look decent but not earth shattering and his abilities are conditional / gimmicky.

Nov 9, 2021, 14:4611/09/21

Only two areas of any challenge in game are Tag Arena and hard DT, rest of game is click and repeat.  So I find it odd that the new champs people call trash are primarily by those that struggle in those areas, while an end-game player (Joinme) finds the champ useful.

I (and maybe 3 others lol) think Yoshi is another great example. 

I personally have no opinon yet on Vlad, I have a backlog of ascended, 6starred, booked champs that are naked that I am too lazy to gear lol.

Nov 9, 2021, 14:5211/09/21

I got the sarcasm, but any champ can hit hard if well equipped, the multipliers look decent but not earth shattering and his abilities are conditional / gimmicky.

True. If you look at ayumilove website the multiplier of his aoe is slightly better than Hurndig, Foli, and Leorius. 

I still stand on my previous review on this champion on the other thread. He is not op but he is a decent champion. He is flexible in terms on where you want to use him. I decided to use him in my doom tower regular floors team. So I lessen the damage in order to have more accuracy and speed. 

I am waiting for the next rotation so I can try him in Scarab king and Fae.

Though I think I will replace him since I am about to summon Ramantu in few days, I still think he will still stay in my Scarab team. 

Nov 9, 2021, 14:5311/09/21
Nov 9, 2021, 14:56(edited)

Only two areas of any challenge in game are Tag Arena and hard DT, rest of game is click and repeat.  So I find it odd that the new champs people call trash are primarily by those that struggle in those areas, while an end-game player (Joinme) finds the champ useful.

I (and maybe 3 others lol) think Yoshi is another great example. 

I personally have no opinon yet on Vlad, I have a backlog of ascended, 6starred, booked champs that are naked that I am too lazy to gear lol.

We are all capable of reading abilities, end game or not.

It is supposed to be a void lego. The A2 i personally think is quite nice (i disagree with player j etc on that) the A1 is mediocre (built for scarab i guess?), the A3 is mediocre at best, and the passive is a gimmick.

I will keep in vault in case he is buffed (as i did visix) but - for now even i have better champs to level.

Nov 9, 2021, 14:5411/09/21

True. If you look at ayumilove website the multiplier of his aoe is slightly better than Hurndig, Foli, and Leorius. 

I still stand on my previous review on this champion on the other thread. He is not op but he is a decent champion. He is flexible in terms on where you want to use him. I decided to use him in my doom tower regular floors team. So I lessen the damage in order to have more accuracy and speed. 

I am waiting for the next rotation so I can try him in Scarab king and Fae.

Though I think I will replace him since I am about to summon Ramantu in few days, I still think he will still stay in my Scarab team. 

That sounds a fair assessment to me to be honest.

Nov 9, 2021, 15:1911/09/21

We are all capable of reading abilities, end game or not.

It is supposed to be a void lego. The A2 i personally think is quite nice (i disagree with player j etc on that) the A1 is mediocre (built for scarab i guess?), the A3 is mediocre at best, and the passive is a gimmick.

I will keep in vault in case he is buffed (as i did visix) but - for now even i have better champs to level.

I think your assessment of the champ is valid.  I think everyone giving negative points because he is void and therefore should be better is ridiculous, lol.  The void is a strength.  This is not a champ you are pulling from a shard, and 99.9% never will pull from a shard.... It is a free void lego :)

But mine also will be in vault likely, lol

Nov 9, 2021, 15:4611/09/21

Did you all summon him today for cvc? I'm still waiting to see if I need the points otherwise he can sit and wait for a champ chase or something, then into the vault he goes.

Nov 9, 2021, 16:3311/09/21

Did you all summon him today for cvc? I'm still waiting to see if I need the points otherwise he can sit and wait for a champ chase or something, then into the vault he goes.

Yes, I summoned him once the cvc started. I am not sure when will be the next champion chase, but if you don't want points for cvc, then summon him during champion chase.

Honestly, I don't play that much anymore, so I don't care much on upcoming events. My interest in this game will probably go back when there is real clan vs clan. For now I am just doing daily chores in Raid then play other game 😀

Nov 10, 2021, 01:0811/10/21

This is my goto auto team for all doom tower hard floors, and a more pay-to-win team. It consist of Warlord, Krisk, Lady Kimi, Bad El Kazar and now Vlad. I use Psylar before instead of Vlad but most of her kit is already covered by Lady Kimi leaving only her decrease turnmeter to be the only one useful in my team.

With Vlad, he was able to cover that decrease turn meter by Psylar, and with extra damage. Overall, I think he is really great in doom tower once you have the right team around him. I am now thinking if I really need to replace Vlad with Ramantu. He really seems to work well with control team.

Here's a common scenario in my doom tower floors of hard. My team will be full of buffs, enemy team have full of debuffs with provoke, if not, their skills are on cooldown. Because of speed buff, and decrease turnmeter of Lady Kimi and Vlad, my team can cycle more turns, maybe 2-3 turns before enemy can move, so after they exhaust the provoke debuff, Krisk is ready again to do another aoe provoke. 


A more obtainable team is in my first post which does similar things with my p2w team.

One can argue that a Seer team is better. But with the lack of Duchess in my roster, sadly, I can not make a reliable Seer team where she will not die. Actually in this rotation, my Seer team consist of Kymar, Renegade, Lydia, Bad El Kazar, always fail in floor 1 of hard😂So I stick to my reliable auto team since floor 1. Not fast, but it works in all regular floors from rotation 1-3.

Nov 10, 2021, 13:4411/10/21

You expected an op void leggo for free??



Nov 10, 2021, 14:1111/10/21

I guess your thread of Vlad being so weak, dealing only 150k in arena, will fail due to Poe's Law.

Voilà. Your prediction has come true :)

Nov 11, 2021, 11:4511/11/21

Well at least he was worth 30k cvc points which got us the last milestone ..hes already in the vault though.

Anyone else built him?