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Not sure what turn I should put my Iron Brago for CB

Not sure what turn I should put my Iron Brago for CB

Nov 7, 2021, 01:1411/07/21

Not sure what turn I should put my Iron Brago for CB

Hey folks maxed iron brago and made him 6 star to replace tayrel for CB (doing 2 key NM) wanting to at least 3 key or 4 key UNM

However for some reasons my iron brago is ruining the run because of his increase defense the clan boss sometimes stuns him or even worst my skullcrusher am I doing something wrong here?

CB team: Ninja, Aox, Frozen Banshee, Skullcrusher, Tayrel (want to replace with Brago)

My Iron brago is only missing one book which is for his increase defense so the CD is still 4 turns instead of 3 (maybe this is ruining everything?)

Nov 7, 2021, 03:3011/07/21

Why don't you share your builds here and I'll take a look. Might be a stun targeting issue. Also share your CB screen, the loading one where you select your champs. :)

Nov 7, 2021, 03:5611/07/21
Nov 7, 2021, 03:59(edited)

Why don't you share your builds here and I'll take a look. Might be a stun targeting issue. Also share your CB screen, the loading one where you select your champs. :)

much appreciated, here are the screenies of the build and the cb screen

EDIT: for the UNM trial run I think I had brago as lead which is bad I think 








frozen banshee




Nov 7, 2021, 12:5611/07/21

So who is your stun target supposed to be, Ninja? He does have the highest HP and the lowest def, but his def is still way too high for a stun target. 

Also, might as well put FB in the lead so at least you have a working aura - and with your accuracy numbers being on the low side for UNM, you could use the extra accuracy since otherwise you'll have more resists than you'd like. 

Nov 7, 2021, 20:0311/07/21

Against  Void  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Aox

Boss  is  Neutral  when  Void  Affinity  +  Everyone health  is  fairly  close

The  Leader (Aox) should  get  the  Stun  Hit

Against  Force  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Frozen  Banshee

Boss  is  Strong  against  Magic  when  Force  Affinity

You  have  2  Magic  heroes  on  your  team  FB  +  Ninja

FB  Health  is  lower  vs.  Ninja  Health

FB  should  get  the  Stun  Hit

Against  Magic  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Iron  Brago

Boss  is  Strong  against  Spirit  when  Magic  Affinity  +  Iron  Brago  is  only  Spirit  on  team

Iron  Brago  should  get  Stun  Hit

Against  Spirit  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Skullcrusher

Boss  is  Strong  against  Force  when  Spirit  Affinity.

You  have  2  Force  heroes  on  your  team  Skullcrusher  +  Aox

Aox  is  leader  +  has  lower  health  vs.  Skullcrusher 

Under  normal  situation's  Aox  would  get  hit  with  Stun.

The  problem is  the  Clan  Boss  is  redirecting  his  hit  to  Skullcrusher due  to  Buff  Expiration.

Iron  Brago  places  Increase  Def  on  team  for  3  turns.

Everyone  on  the  team  keeps  it  for  3  turns  except  Skullcrusher.

It  is  because Skullcrusher moves  last  on  the  team.


Based  on  your  Hero  Stats  +  Clan  Boss  Behavior I  observed for  3  years,  I  think  some  of  your  problems can  be  fixed,  but  not  all  of  the  fixes  will  be  the  way  you  want.

To  Avoid  Skullcrusher from  being  the  Stun  Target  when  Spirit  Affinity:

You  would  need  to  make  Skullcrusher faster  vs.  Iron  Brago


You  would  need  to  make  Iron  Brago  slower  vs.  Skullcrusher 


You  would  need  to  delay  Iron  Brago  Increase  Def  Buff  by  1  or  2  turns.

To  Avoid  Iron  Brago  from  being  the  Stun  Target  when  Magic  Affinity:

You  would  have  to  add  another  Spirit  Hero  to  the  Team  with  lower  Health


You  would  have  to  completely remove  Iron  Brago  from  the  team

Lastly,  Frozen  Banshee  isn't an  ideal  Stun  Target.

FB  can  do  more  damage vs.  whole  team.

You  don't want  her  losing  any  turns  due  to the  Stun.

You  would  want  Ninja  eating  the  Stuns  or another  Magic  Tank  which  you  can  swap in  place  of  Ninja.

Nov 7, 2021, 20:3311/07/21
Player J

Against  Void  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Aox

Boss  is  Neutral  when  Void  Affinity  +  Everyone health  is  fairly  close

The  Leader (Aox) should  get  the  Stun  Hit

Against  Force  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Frozen  Banshee

Boss  is  Strong  against  Magic  when  Force  Affinity

You  have  2  Magic  heroes  on  your  team  FB  +  Ninja

FB  Health  is  lower  vs.  Ninja  Health

FB  should  get  the  Stun  Hit

Against  Magic  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Iron  Brago

Boss  is  Strong  against  Spirit  when  Magic  Affinity  +  Iron  Brago  is  only  Spirit  on  team

Iron  Brago  should  get  Stun  Hit

Against  Spirit  Affinity  -  The  Boss  should  Target  Skullcrusher

Boss  is  Strong  against  Force  when  Spirit  Affinity.

You  have  2  Force  heroes  on  your  team  Skullcrusher  +  Aox

Aox  is  leader  +  has  lower  health  vs.  Skullcrusher 

Under  normal  situation's  Aox  would  get  hit  with  Stun.

The  problem is  the  Clan  Boss  is  redirecting  his  hit  to  Skullcrusher due  to  Buff  Expiration.

Iron  Brago  places  Increase  Def  on  team  for  3  turns.

Everyone  on  the  team  keeps  it  for  3  turns  except  Skullcrusher.

It  is  because Skullcrusher moves  last  on  the  team.


Based  on  your  Hero  Stats  +  Clan  Boss  Behavior I  observed for  3  years,  I  think  some  of  your  problems can  be  fixed,  but  not  all  of  the  fixes  will  be  the  way  you  want.

To  Avoid  Skullcrusher from  being  the  Stun  Target  when  Spirit  Affinity:

You  would  need  to  make  Skullcrusher faster  vs.  Iron  Brago


You  would  need  to  make  Iron  Brago  slower  vs.  Skullcrusher 


You  would  need  to  delay  Iron  Brago  Increase  Def  Buff  by  1  or  2  turns.

To  Avoid  Iron  Brago  from  being  the  Stun  Target  when  Magic  Affinity:

You  would  have  to  add  another  Spirit  Hero  to  the  Team  with  lower  Health


You  would  have  to  completely remove  Iron  Brago  from  the  team

Lastly,  Frozen  Banshee  isn't an  ideal  Stun  Target.

FB  can  do  more  damage vs.  whole  team.

You  don't want  her  losing  any  turns  due  to the  Stun.

You  would  want  Ninja  eating  the  Stuns  or another  Magic  Tank  which  you  can  swap in  place  of  Ninja.

I always do void affinity, I suppose I don't have to have brago in since tayrel i feel is more consistent with decrease attack

Nov 8, 2021, 13:1811/08/21

Tayrel definitely shouldn't be on your team if you have Brago. Brago + Rhazin takes care of almost all of your debuffs, and bring way more damage output.

Nov 8, 2021, 21:4511/08/21

Tayrel definitely shouldn't be on your team if you have Brago. Brago + Rhazin takes care of almost all of your debuffs, and bring way more damage output.

i havent fused rhazin sadly, what if i put aox instead of tayrel?

Nov 8, 2021, 22:1711/08/21

Your bigger problem is you're missing leech. I would go with Ninja, Frozen Banshee, Skullcrusher, Brago, and someone with leech.

Ninja - DEF down, damage

Frozen Banshee - poison, poison sensitivity

Skullcrusher - counter-attack, ally protect

Brago - DEF up, ATK down

[Someone] - Leech

Do you have Vogoth? He would fit perfectly, since he brings leech and also debuff extend, and can be your stun target. 

Nov 9, 2021, 00:0111/09/21

Your bigger problem is you're missing leech. I would go with Ninja, Frozen Banshee, Skullcrusher, Brago, and someone with leech.

Ninja - DEF down, damage

Frozen Banshee - poison, poison sensitivity

Skullcrusher - counter-attack, ally protect

Brago - DEF up, ATK down

[Someone] - Leech

Do you have Vogoth? He would fit perfectly, since he brings leech and also debuff extend, and can be your stun target. 

i have runekeeper dazdurk, but atm im running lifesteal on all the CB champs

Nov 9, 2021, 00:0911/09/21

Dazdurk's activation chance isn't enough to rely on, even with CA from skullcrusher. It's 1 attack at 50% chance with Sniper with a 2-turn duration, so if you activate it on turn 1, you have 5 attacks to re-proc it before it drops off on the next turn 1. The odds of not landing 5 times in a row are roughly 3%, which is small, but when it does happen, your run basically just ends.

The main reason to put a leech champ is that running lifesteal on all champs means you're probably using sub-standard gear, unless you were supremely lucky on your lifesteal drops. It's fine for now, but I would highly recommend working on another champ for that debuff.

In the interim, I would probably run a debuff extender. Do you have any? Here's the full list:

Also to note - tomorrow they're running a guaranteed pull for Vizier, who is probably the best debuff extender in the game. If you have the shards, you might want to consider getting him - he would fit quite well on that team.

Nov 9, 2021, 00:2611/09/21
Nov 9, 2021, 00:29(edited)

yeah thats what I thought Dazdurk isn't good enough so should I get vizier I replace tayrel with vizier?

I have ghrush which is an option for leech but he isn't lvled yet

just checked the list I have a septimus but he is not build for CB he is build purely to nuke spider dungeon so he has no accuracy

Nov 9, 2021, 13:3511/09/21

Septi is quite good for CB, but if you're using him elsewhere, I wouldn't repurpose him. As for Vizier - like I said, he's very good, but whether you should try to get him on the event is a decision only you can make.

Ghrush is very good for leech - 75% activation rate, 80% with sniper, which is all but guaranteed to be active. You'd want to disable his A2 and A3 to make sure the leech sticks. I'd put him in your pit and level him, and once you get him to 60, you can test. The nice part about him is he's DEF based, so his damage should scale much better than other leech champs.

Nov 10, 2021, 04:2911/10/21

Septi is quite good for CB, but if you're using him elsewhere, I wouldn't repurpose him. As for Vizier - like I said, he's very good, but whether you should try to get him on the event is a decision only you can make.

Ghrush is very good for leech - 75% activation rate, 80% with sniper, which is all but guaranteed to be active. You'd want to disable his A2 and A3 to make sure the leech sticks. I'd put him in your pit and level him, and once you get him to 60, you can test. The nice part about him is he's DEF based, so his damage should scale much better than other leech champs.

thanks for the advice, i noticed in the UNM run iron brago does not have full protection of skull crusher's allied protection skill it always runs out first compared to the other champs is that because he is going last? how do I counter this to make sure skullcrusher's allied protection protects iron brago perfectly

Nov 10, 2021, 13:0611/10/21

Basically - use the speed tuner to make sure that Skullcrusher is last, if you want him to be last :) Fully booked, Brago has a 3-turn DEF up A2, which is very useful, since it means you can have him be in any position and still keep the DEF up on all your champs for both of the first two attacks.

Nov 13, 2021, 00:3611/13/21

Basically - use the speed tuner to make sure that Skullcrusher is last, if you want him to be last :) Fully booked, Brago has a 3-turn DEF up A2, which is very useful, since it means you can have him be in any position and still keep the DEF up on all your champs for both of the first two attacks.

i was doing this but the defense up buff was making the clan boss stun skullcrusher because skullcrusher is last that was the only reason i made brago quicker