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Re skinning Raid

Re skinning Raid

Nov 6, 2021, 21:5411/06/21

Re skinning Raid

Guys,we are playing this game for a long time,some of us 3 years,some of us 2 years and so on....Same music,same maps skins all the time...maybe its time to refresh most of locations  view?

Nov 6, 2021, 23:2511/06/21

I'm on my first year in this game. The only change I remember seeing was around Christmas I think where the starter champions were skating around the forge or something like that?

I think things like that should happen around holidays and what not. Raid has a great art department so I don't think they would have any trouble making some cool looking things.

Nov 7, 2021, 00:4611/07/21

 I don't think we need to reskin the whole game but a lot of the older champions look washed out and low def compared to the newer champions. Shadowkin faction looks way better than the High Elves for instance. It's usually not a good idea to alter established classic characters in a franchise but a lot of times in games the models were originally created at high levels of detail and can be improved with better rendering. Other than that I'd like to see stuff like new dungeons and even a second campaign so I'd vote for new content instead of reskinning existing content.

OracleCommunity Manager
Nov 8, 2021, 13:4411/08/21

Hey, Edd! Thank you for the suggestion! I think it is lovely one, we might consider implementing it at some moment in the future. 

Nov 8, 2021, 15:0411/08/21

One of the things Edd pointed out would be really great: more (and other) music.

I allready turned off the Raid music months ago and listen to something else while playing. It's allways the same music during the fights, it's a pain to hear the same stuff over and over again. It's really one of the worst parts on the whole game. One track for the main screen and one for the battles, 2 tracks at all? Really?

20 year old games did better than Raid, 

not to mention modern games, wich have their soundtrack played as concert by an orchestra at the opera.  

Come on, Plarium, the way you handle the music in Raid would be below average even in a 1980's video game.