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Clan Boss 6* help

Clan Boss 6* help

Nov 6, 2021, 15:1311/06/21

Clan Boss 6* help

Hello! Seer has been a game changer for me, and I'm now consistently clearing Dragon 20 and have managed to get some decent gear. I'm still struggling with CB though. I'm currently 3 keying Brutal, with Ninja, Vogoth, Kael, Duhr, and High Khatun as my lead. Duhr really isn't adding much, but neither are any of my other 6*s. Is there anyone from my roster I could bring up that would dramatically help me with CB? I'm lacking an attack down champ, but don't have great options for that. If I don't have anyone at the moment, I may just 6* Armiger to help with Spider, or maybe a Bellower for Campaign. Thank you!


Nov 6, 2021, 15:5511/06/21

Maybe replace duhr with the rat scarbius. He is actually pretty good for CB, brings weaken and leach to your team.

Nov 6, 2021, 18:1011/06/21

i'd go with lightsworn. he brings both atk down and def up to your team so he'll go a long way toward increasing your survivability and he's strong in most areas of the game.

you'd also probably be better off replacing high khatun before duhr. her a2 is the only ability of hers that's useful for clanboss and she's not rank 6, so you're not getting warmaster daage either. use vogoth as your lead; his aura is pretty useful and putting him there will make cb target him with his a1, getting extra healing.

Nov 6, 2021, 20:4211/06/21

i'd go with lightsworn. he brings both atk down and def up to your team so he'll go a long way toward increasing your survivability and he's strong in most areas of the game.

you'd also probably be better off replacing high khatun before duhr. her a2 is the only ability of hers that's useful for clanboss and she's not rank 6, so you're not getting warmaster daage either. use vogoth as your lead; his aura is pretty useful and putting him there will make cb target him with his a1, getting extra healing.

Thank you, I appreciate the advice! Do you think Lightsworn would be a better option than Oathbound? Oathbound wouldn't bring increase defense, but his decrease attack is aoe. Just wondering if he would be a better option overall if they would perform similary in CB. Thanks again! 

Nov 7, 2021, 07:0611/07/21

Thank you, I appreciate the advice! Do you think Lightsworn would be a better option than Oathbound? Oathbound wouldn't bring increase defense, but his decrease attack is aoe. Just wondering if he would be a better option overall if they would perform similary in CB. Thanks again! 

probably not. oathbound's aoe decrease attack is great, but his other abilities tend to be more situational, while lightsworn is more consistantly beneficial.. he's also definitely better for cb since in addition to his defense buff, his a1 means he can use giant slayer and he's void affinity so there's no chance of missing a debuff due to a weak hit.

Nov 7, 2021, 08:0511/07/21

You have Demytha and Heiress,  so you are halfway to a unkillable team, just check out Deadwoodjedi website

Nov 7, 2021, 09:5011/07/21

You have Demytha and Heiress,  so you are halfway to a unkillable team, just check out Deadwoodjedi website

It's allways worth checking Deadwoodjedi's page, but the champs needed for an unkillable team are not here yet. He has neither Seeker nor Deacon Armstrong nor a second unkillable champ. Halfway to an unkillable team is no unkillable team.